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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

运 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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运 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 运
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 运
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Meaning of

Pinyin yùn
to move / to transport / to use / to apply / fortune / luck / fate
运 yùn [动] 【本义】: 运行;运转;转动 1. 同本义 [En.] revolve 2. 搬运;运输 [En.] transport 3. 运用 [En.] use; utilize; wield 4. 挥动 [En.] wield 5. 运筹 [En.] devise strategies 6. 行驶 [En.] go; ply; travel 7. 玩弄,拨弄 [En.] play with 运 yùn [名] 1. 运气,命运 [En.] luck 2. 地之南北距离曰运 [En.] north-south distance 3. 春秋莒邑 [En.] Yun town (now situated fifty miles northeast of Yishui County in Shandong Province) 4. 日月周围的光圈 [En.] halo 5. 姓 运 yùn [形] 1. 远 [En.] distant 2. 纵,竖 [En.] vertical 3. 浑浊 [En.] muddy 4. 眩晕。通“晕” [En.] dizziness
qǐ méng yùn dòng
the enlightenment
yùn dòng yuán
athlete / CL:名[ming2],個|个[ge4]
mìng yùn
fate / destiny / CL:個|个[ge4]
yùn yíng shāng
operator (of a power station, transport network etc) / carrier (telecommunications etc)
è yùn
variant of 厄運|厄运[e4 yun4]
Ào yùn
abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会 / Olympic Games / the Olympics
Ào yùn huì
abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会 / Olympic Games / the Olympics
è yùn
bad luck / misfortune / adversity
yún sù yùn dòng
uniform motion
kè yùn
passenger transportation / (Tw) intercity bus
yùn chóu wéi wò
lit. to devise battle plan in a tent (idiom) / fig. planning strategies
xìng yùn
fortunate / lucky / fortune / luck
tián jìng yùn dòng
track and field sports
yùn dòng
to move / to exercise / sports / exercise / motion / movement / campaign / CL:場|场[chang3]
bān yùn
freight / transport / portage / to transport / to carry
chéng yùn
to provide transport / to accept the Mandate of Heaven / to acknowledge one's calling to be emperor
yùn dǐ
ship to / arrive
yā yùn
to escort (goods or funds) / to convey under guard
Bā ná mǎ Yùn hé
Panama Canal
bān yùn gōng
bān yùn chē
van / carrier
zhěng fēng yùn dòng
Rectification campaign / political purge / cf Mao's 1942-44 campaign at Yanan, and his 1950 and 1957 anti-rightist purges
gòu zào yùn dòng
tectonic movement / movement of earth's crust
jī xiè yùn dòng
mechanical motion / mechanical movement
chǔ yùn
storage and transportation / received for shipment
yùn qi
luck (good or bad)
shuǐ yùn
waterborne transport
yùn hé
cáo yùn
(old) to transport by water / to ship grain as tax
zhè dōng yùn hé
East Zhejiang Canal
Sū yī shì Yùn hé
Suez Canal
yùn yòng
to use / to put to use
pèng pèng yùn qì
take a chance / on the off chance
pèng yùn qi
to try one's luck / to leave sth to chance
jìn yùn
embargo / export ban (e.g. on weapons)
jiù wáng yùn dòng
national salvation movement
Yà yùn huì
Asian Games
yùn yí
migration (geology)
kōng yùn
air transport
yùn chóu
to plan / operations / logistics
yùn chóu xué
operations research (OR)
yùn suàn
to perform calculations / (mathematical) operation
yùn zài huǒ jiàn
carrier rocket
qún zhòng yùn dòng
mass movement
mìng yùn duō chuǎn
suffer many mishaps in one's life
háng yùn
shipping / transport
yùn yíng
to be in operation / to do business / (of train, bus etc) to be in service / operation / service
yùn xíng
to move along one's course (of celestial bodies etc) / (fig.) to function / to be in operation / (of a train service etc) to operate / to run / (of a computer) to run
yùn dòng shān
sports shirt / sweatshirt / CL:件[jian4]
jiǎn xié yùn dòng
simple harmonic motion (in mechanics) / motion of a simple pendulum
fàn yùn
to transport (for sale) / to traffic (in sth)
zhù yùn
storage and transportation
yùn shū
transport / haulage / transit / CL:個|个[ge4]
yùn zhuǎn
to work / to operate / to revolve / to turn around
zhuǎn yùn
to forward goods / to ship / to distribute / transshipment / a lucky break / change of fortune (for the better)
yùn zài
to carry / to convey / delivery / supply
kè yùn chē liàng
passenger service vehicle
yùn shū jī
airfreighter / conveyor / carrier / transport plane / transport aircraft
yùn shū liàng
volume of freight
线 yùn shū xiàn
artery / transit
jiāo tōng yùn shū yè
transportation industry
yùn zuò
to operate / operations / workings / activities (usu. of an organization) / thread (computing)
yùn sòng
to transport / to carry
tuó yùn
to transport on pack animal / to carry (a load on one's back)
bó yùn
transport by lighter / lighter
鸿 hóng yùn
variant of 紅運|红运[hong2 yun4]

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Input Method for
Pinyin yun4
Four Corner
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