Learn to write the Chinese character "遲" by watching the stroke order animation of "遲".
Stroke by Stroke: 遲 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '遲' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '遲' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '遲' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '遲'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 慢,緩: To be slow, sluggish.
2. 晚: Late.
3. 姓: Surname.
1. 慢,緩: 走得很慢。 ([En.] walk slowly; slow)
2. 遲鈍; 反應慢,不靈敏: Slow; obtuse. ([En.] slow; obtuse)
3. 遲疑; 猶豫: Hesitate to. ([En.] hesitate to)
4. 晚: Late. ([En.] late)
5. 早: Early. ([En.] early)
6. 長久: Long. ([En.] long)
1. 《說文》: 遲,徐行也。 ([En.] Chi means to walk slowly.)
2. 《廣雅》: 遲,緩也。 ([En.] Chi also means slow.)
3. 《詩·小雅·楚茨》: 廢徹不遲。 ([En.] The act of not delaying.)
4. 《詩·邶風·穀風》: 行道遲遲。 ([En.] Walking is slow.)
5. 《易·歸妹》: 遲歸有待。 ([En.] Returning slowly is to be awaited.)
6. 《荀子·宥坐》: 陵遲故也。 ([En.] It means to lag behind.)
7. 《玉臺新詠·古詩爲焦仲卿妻作》: 三日斷五匹,大人故嫌遲。 ([En.] Delay is disliked by elders.)
又如:遲徐(緩慢);遲滯(緩慢阻滯): Such as to be slow and sluggish.
1. 魏源《默觚下》: 料事同而遲速不同。 ([En.] To predict in common yet act slow or fast.)
2. 《漢書·杜周傳》: 周少言重遲。 注:「謂性非敏速也。」 ([En.] It means to lack sensitivity and speed.)
1. 唐· 白居易《琵琶行(並序)》: 尋聲暗問彈者誰,琵琶聲停欲語遲。 ([En.] Asking about the pipa player, the sound paused as if to speak slowly.)
2. 《廣雅》: 遲,晚也。 ([En.] Chi means late.)
3. 《詩·商頌·長髮》: 湯降不遲。 ([En.] The soup does not wait.)
又如:他來遲了;遲疾(太晚,耽擱太久): Such as he came late; Delay is too long.
如:遲旦(黎明,清晨);遲明(黎明,清晨): Such as dawn or the morning.
1. 《詩·商頌·長髮》: 昭假遲遲。 ([En.] The table is long.)
2. 又如:遲久(長久): Such as long-lasting.
动词 等待、期望: To wait or hope.
《后汉书.卷三.肃宗孝章帝纪》: 「朕思迟直士,侧席异闻。」 ([En.] I ponder the delay of honest and virtuous men.)
南朝宋.谢灵运〈南楼中望所迟客诗〉: 「登楼为谁思?临江迟来客。」 ([En.] Who am I waiting for as I climb the tower? The guest is late.)
动词 一直到、等到: To wait until.
《汉书.卷九七.外戚传上.高祖吕皇后传》: 「迟帝还,赵王死。」 ([En.] The late emperor returned, Zhao Wang died.)
《三国志.卷一七.魏书.张合传》: 「迟将军到,亮得无已得陈仓乎!」 ([En.] General Chi arrived; none could stop him from reaching Chen Cang.)
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