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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

迴 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

迴 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 迴
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 迴
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Meaning of

Pinyin huí
迴 1. 翻轉;旋轉。 Turn over; rotate. 2. 返回;掉轉。 Return; turn back. 3. 運轉;循環。 Operate; circulate. 4. 環繞;圍繞。唐李白。 Surround; encircle. (From Tang poet Li Bai) 5. 曲折,迂回。 Meandering; indirect. 6. 迂回難行。 Difficult to navigate; winding. 7. 回避,避讓。 Avoid; evade. 8. 量詞。指動作的次數。唐孟郊。 Measure word. Refers to the number of times an action occurs. (From Tang poet Meng Jiao) 1. 翻轉;旋轉。《爾雅•釋天》:“迴風為飄。” Turn over; rotate. "The returning wind is called the floating." (From Erya: Shitian) 2. 返回;掉轉。《楚辭•離騷》:“迴朕車以復路兮,及行迷之未遠。” Return; turn back. "I turn my chariot to return home, while the path is yet untraveled." (From Chuci: Lisao) 3. 運轉;循環。《吕氏春秋•季冬》:“日窮于次,月窮于紀,星迴于天。” Operate; circulate. "The sun follows its course, the moon abides by its cycles, the stars revolve in the sky." (From Lushi Chunqiu: Jidong) 4. 環繞;圍繞。唐李白《金陵三首》之二:“地擁金陵勢,城迴江水流。” Surround; encircle. "The land embraces Jinling’s slopes, and the city encircles the river's flow." (From Li Bai's "Three Poems on Jinling") 5. 曲折,迂回。《廣韻•隊韻》:“迴,曲也。” Meandering; indirect. "Returning means to curve." (From Guangyun: Dui rhyme) 6. 迂回難行。《淮南子•氾論》:“夫五行之山,固塞險阻之地也。使我德能覆之,則天下納其貢職者迴也。” Difficult to navigate; winding. "The mountains of the five elements block treacherous paths. If my virtue can cover them, those who contribute will find it arduous." (From Huainanzi: Fan Lun) 7. 回避,避讓。《玉篇•走部》:“迴,迴避也。” Avoid; evade. "To return means to evade." (From Yupan: Zou Bu) 8. 量詞。指動作的次數。唐孟郊《怨别》:“一别一迴老,志士白髮早。在富易為容,居貧難自好。” Measure word. Refers to the number of times an action occurs. "Each farewell and return ages me; the ambitious grow white-haired early." (From Meng Jiao's "Grievance of Parting") 动词 掉转。  【组词】:「回首」、「回过身来」。唐.白居易〈长恨歌〉:「君王掩面救不得,回看血泪相和流。」 Verb. Turn around. 【Examples】:"Look back", "Turn around". "The emperor cannot save you as he hides his face, but looks back at the mixing of blood and tears." (From Bai Juyi's "Song of Everlasting Regret") 动词 返、归。  【组词】:「回国」、「回家」、「一去不回」。唐.王翰〈凉州词〉二首之一:「醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?」 Verb. Return; go back. 【Examples】:"Return to country", "Return home", "Gone and never returned." "Do not laugh at the one drunkenly lying on the battlefield; how many from ancient battles return?" (From Wang Han's "Song of Liangzhou")

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Pinyin hui2
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