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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

遙 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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遙 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 遙
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 遙
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Meaning of

Pinyin yáo
distant / remote / far / far away
遙 [yáo] 形 1. 遠。 Far away. 2. 遠:~~遠。~~望。~~想。~~瞻。~~指。~~矚。~~相呼應。路~~知馬力。~~測。~~感。~~控。 Distance: distant, look far, think far, gaze afar, point at a distance, observe from afar, respond from afar, the road to understanding horse power is far; remote measurement; distant feeling; distant control. 引 1. 《廣雅》:遙,遠也。 "Guangya": "yao" means far away. 2. 《方言六》:遙,遠也。梁楚曰遙。 "Dialect Six": "yao" means far away, as per Liang Chu. 3. 《廣雅》:遙遙,遠也。 "Guangya": "yaoyao" means far away. 4. 《楚辭·招魂》:倚沼畦瀛兮遙望博。注:「遙,遠也。」 "Chuci·Zhaohun": Leaning on the lagoon, gazing far. Note: "yao" means far away. 5. 《徐霞客遊記·遊黃山記》:可登而路遙。 "Xu Xiake's Travel Notes: On the Journey to Yellow Mountain": it is climbable, but the road is far. 6. 《虞初新志·秋聲詩自序》:遙聞深巷中犬吠。 "Yu Chu's New Chronicles: Preface to Autumn Sound Poems": faintly heard barking from deep alleys. 7. 清·林覺民《與妻書》:遙聞汝哭聲。 Qing Dynasty, Lin Juemin's "Letter to my wife": I faintly hear your crying. 8. 清·邵長蘅《青門剩稿》:遙語應元。 Qing Dynasty, Shao Changheng's "Remaining Manuscripts of Qingmen": distant words respond to Yuan. 例 又如:遙天(遠天);遙祭(向着遠方而祭祀);遙領(間接治理,由遠處控制監督);遙遙華胄(指遠古時候的名門後裔);遙心(心向遠方);遙目(遠望);遙仰(對遠地的人表示敬仰)。 For example: distant sky; remote sacrificial officiation (sacrificing to the distance); distant governance (indirect governance, controlled remotely); distant noble descendants (referring to the ancestors from ancient times); distant heart (heart directed far away); distant gaze (looking far); distant admiration (admiring people from afar). 3. 時間長。 Long duration. 引 1. 何劭《雜詩》:勤思終遙夕。 He Shao's "Miscellaneous Poems": Hard work in thought lasts all long evening. 例 又如:遙夕(長夜);遙久(長久)。 For example: long evening; long time. 4. 通「姚」。妖豔;美好。 Functions as "Yao". Pretty and coquettish; fine. 例 如:遙冶(姚冶;豔麗);遙豔(妖豔)。 For example: pretty and coquettish; charming. 5. 通「搖」。 Functions as "Yao". Rocking; swaying. 例 如:遙曳(搖盪)。 For example: swaying. 動 飄蕩。 Drift; wave. 引 1. 《楚辭·大招》:魂魄歸徠,無遠遙只。(只:語氣詞,無實義) "Chuci·Dazhao": The soul returns, there is no far or near. (Here, "only" is a particle with no real meaning.) 例 又如:遙嫋(飄遙繚繞)。 For example: gracefully drifting.

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Pinyin yao2
Four Corner
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