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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

命 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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命 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 命
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 命
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Meaning of

Pinyin mìng
life / fate
命 [mìng] 1. 动植物的生活能力。 Life ability of animals and plants. 2. 迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等。 Superstition that considers wealth, lifespan, etc., to be predetermined at birth. 3. 上级对下级的指示。 Instructions from superiors to subordinates. 4. 给予(名称等)。 To give (names, etc.). 5. 指派,使用。 To appoint, to use. --- 命 [mìng] 1. 命令;政令;教令。 Order; political command; teaching order. 2. 命运,天命。 Destiny; fate. 3. 性命,寿命。 Life; lifetime. 4. 生活,生存。 Life; existence. 5. 帝王按等级官职赐给臣下的东西。 Things bestowed by the emperor according to ranks and positions. 6. 通“名”。声誉。 Synonymous with "name". Reputation; fame. --- 命 [mìng] (as an action) 1. 同本义。 Same as the fundamental meaning (order). 2. 取名;命名。 To name; to nominate. 3. 动,用。 To use. 4. 通“盟”。在神前誓约,结盟。 To form an alliance; to pledge before deities. --- 命 [mìng] (as a noun) 1. 命令;政令;教令。 Orders; political commands; teaching orders. 2. 命运,天命。 Destiny; fate. 3. 性命,寿命。 Life; lifetime. 4. 生活,生存。 Life; existence. 5. 帝王按等级官职赐给臣下的东西。 Items bestowed by the emperor based on rank and position. 6. 通“名”。声誉。 Synonymous with "name". Reputation; fame.
yī mìng wū hū
to die (idiom) / to breathe one's last / to give up the ghost
xìng mìng
shēng mìng
life (as the characteristic of living beings) / living being / creature / CL:個|个[ge4],條|条[tiao2]
mìng tí
proposition (logic, math.) / to assign an essay topic
mìng yùn
fate / destiny / CL:個|个[ge4]
寿 shòu mìng
life span / life expectancy / lifetime (of a machine)
mìng zhòng
to hit (a target)
pīn mìng
to do one's utmost / with all one's might / at all costs / (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it
zhì mìng
fatal / mortal / deadly / to sacrifice one's life
fèng mìng
to receive orders / to follow orders / to act under orders
táo mìng
to escape / to flee / to run for one's life
jiù mìng
to save sb's life / (interj.) Help! / Save me!
pàn mìng
see 拼命[pin1 ming4]
shēng mìng lì
yào mìng
to cause sb's death / very / extremely / frightening / annoying
mìng míng
to give a name to / to dub / to christen / to designate / named after / naming
shòu mìng
ordained or appointed to a post / to benefit from counsel
mìng zài dàn xī
to be at death's door (idiom)
zhōng yāng gé mìng gēn jù dì
Central Revolutionary Base
pí yú bēn mìng
lit. tired of constantly running for one's life (idiom); terribly busy / up to one's ears in work
gé mìng
revolution / revolutionary (politics) / CL:次[ci4]
宿 sù mìng
predestination / karma
宿 sù mìng lùn
fatalism / fatalistic
jiù mìng zhī ēn
wéi mìng shì cóng
always do as one is told / be absolutely obedient / receive absolutely one's instruction
zhèng mìng
struggle to save one's life
zì mìng bù fán
to think too much of oneself / self-important / arrogant
yǔn mìng
to die / to perish
bì mìng
to meet violent death / to get killed
cháng mìng
to pay with one's life
cuī mìng
to press sb to death / fig. to pressurize sb continually
fǔ shǒu tīng mìng
submissively / submissively to hear and obey / be at sb.'s beck and call
bì mìng
to die (in an accident etc) / to have one's life cut short
méi mìng
to lose one's life / to die / recklessly / desperately
使 shǐ mìng
mission (diplomatic or other) / set task
rèn mìng
to appoint / (job) appointment / CL:紙|纸[zhi3]
hěn mìng
exerting all one's strength
wán mìng
risk one's life needlessly
è yù wǎn gé mìng gēn jù dì
Hubei, Henan and Anhui Revolutionary Base
duǎn mìng
to die young / short-lived
jiù mìng dào cǎo
(one's) last straw to clutch at / one's last hope
mìng yùn duō chuǎn
suffer many mishaps in one's life
mìng mài
sàng mìng
to lose one's life
mìng sàng
mìng lìng
order / command / CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]
cǎo jiān rén mìng
human life as grass (idiom); to kill people like scything grass / a politician acting with total disregard for the life of his countrymen
gǒu quán xìng mìng
Gou Quan Xing Ming
gào mìng
imperial mandate / royal orders
fèng mìng wéi jǐn
By order
使 bù rǔ shǐ mìng
have succeeded in carrying out an assignment
pīn mìng sān láng
brave man, willing to risk his life
gé mìng jūn
Revolutionary Army(《海贼王》中反政府组织) / Revolutionary Army(小说) / the revolutionary army
gé mìng zhě
gé mìng xìng
gé mìng huà

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Input Method for
Pinyin ming4
Four Corner
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