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鸣 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鸣
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鸣
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Meaning of

Pinyin míng
to cry (of birds)
鸣 míng 〈动〉 【本义】: 鸟叫 (Original meaning: to chirp) 1. 鸟兽或昆虫叫。 (1. The calls of birds, beasts, or insects.) - 示例: 啭鸣 (to chirp), 唱鸣 (to sing), 鸟鸣 (bird song). 2. 发出声音,使发出声音。 (2. To make a sound or cause to make a sound.) - 示例: 鸣响 (to ring out), 孤掌难鸣 (one hand cannot clap). 3. 声明,发表意见、情感。 (3. To declare, express opinions or feelings.) - 示例: 鸣谢 (to express gratitude), 鸣冤 (to seek justice), 百家争鸣 (a hundred schools of thought contend). 4. 闻名,著称。 (4. To be well-known or celebrated.) - 例子: “以文鸣江东” (to be known for literary skills in Jiangdong). 同本义 ([En.] chirp) 引: 1. 《说文》: 鸣,鸟声也。 (From "Shuo Wen": Ming means the sound of birds.) 2. 《管辂别传》: 鸟兽之音曰鸣。 (From "Guan Lu Bie Zhuan": The sounds of birds and beasts are called Ming.) 3. 《易·中孚》: 鸣鹤在阴。 (From "I Ching: Zhongfu": The crane calls in the shade.) 4. 《诗·大雅·卷阿》: 凤皇鸣矣。 (From "The Book of Songs: Daye: Juan A": The phoenix calls.) 5. 《诗·鸡鸣》: 鸡既鸣矣,朝既盈矣。 (From "The Book of Songs: Chicken Call": The rooster has already crowed, morning has arrived.) 6. 陶渊明《归园田居》: 狗吠深巷中,鸡呜桑树巅。 (From Tao Yuanming: In the deep alley, dogs bark; at the top of the mulberry tree, chickens crow.) 示例: 鸣管 (the sound-producing device of birds); 鸣凤 (the calling of the phoenix); 鸣雁 (the call of the wild goose). 泛指发声 ([En.] sound) 引: 1. 《易·说卦传》: 震为鸣。 (From "I Ching: Shuo Gua Zhuan": Trembling is called 'ming'.) 2. 《诗·小雅·车攻》: 萧萧马鸣。 (From "The Book of Songs: Xiaoya: Che Gong": The horses call softly.) 3. 《南子·贾经》: 鸣玉者,佩玉也。 (From "Nan Zi: Jia Jing": The sound of jade refers to wearing jade.) 4. 唐· 柳宗元《三戒》: 驴一鸣。 (Tang Dynasty: Liu Zongyuan: The donkey brays.) 5. 宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》: 虽大风不能鸣也。 (Song Dynasty: Su Shi: Even strong winds cannot make it sound.) 示例: 鸣石 (stones that make sound when struck); 鸣玉 (ancient jade ornaments that make sound when moving); 鸣琴 (the sound of a zither); 鸣鞭 (the sound of a whip); 鸣銮 (the sound of bells on a vehicle, indicating the procession of nobility). 震惊 ([En.] astonish) 引: 1. 唐· 王维《老将行》: 愿得燕弓射天将,耻令 越甲鸣吾君。 (Tang Dynasty: Wang Wei: I wish to shoot the heavens with a swallow bow, proud the Yue armor sounds for my lord.) 申告 ([En.] redress) 引: 1. 重者鸣官究治。——明· 祁彪佳诗 (Those severely wronged are reported to the officials for redress.) 言说;称说 ([En.] say) 引: 1. 《庄子》: 天选子之形,子以坚白鸣! (From "Zhuangzi": Heaven chooses your form; you proclaim it in firmness and brightness!) 闻名,著称 ([En.] be well-known) 引: 1. 清· 侯方域《壮悔堂文集》: 以其技鸣。 (Qing Dynasty: Hou Fangyu: He is known for his skills.) 2. 以技鸣者。 (Those known for their skills.) 示例: 以文鸣江东 (to be known for literary talent in Jiangdong). 〈形〉 假借为“明”。光明,明亮 ([En.] bright) 引: 1. 李康《运命论》: 里社鸣而圣人出。 (From Li Kang: In the community, bright people emerge.)
āi míng
(of animals, the wind etc) to make a mournful sound / whine / moan / wail
míng zhuàn
jī míng quǎn fèi
Crowing and barking
míng jiào
to emit a sound / (of birds, insects etc) to chirp, hoot etc / (of a siren, steam whistle etc) to sound
míng shào
xiāo míng yīn
wheeze / wheezing rale
tí míng
crow / cry of birds or animals
sī míng
to whinny (of a horse) / to neigh
zòu míng qǔ
gū zhǎng nán míng
It's hard to clap with only one hand. / It takes two to tango / It's difficult to achieve anything without support.
míng qín
míng dí
to hoot / to whistle
ěr míng
wā míng
hōng míng
boom (sound of explosion) / rumble
hōng míng shēng
roar / bellow / boom
míng dī
Ming Di
niǎo míng
birdsong / warbling
jī míng
gòng míng
resonance (physics) / sympathetic response to sth
míng qiāng
to fire warning shots
míng shēng
song / stridulation
bǎi jiā zhēng míng
a hundred schools of thought contend (idiom); refers to the classical philosophic schools of the Warring States period 475-221 BC
zì míng zhōng
chiming clock
míng xiǎng
ring / sound / peal / hoot / resound
bēi míng
utter sad calls / lament
míng jīn
to beat a gong / to sound the retreat
zhēng míng
to contend
zhōng míng dǐng shí
extravagant lifestyle

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Pinyin ming2
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