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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

鹰 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

鹰 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鹰
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鹰
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Meaning of

Pinyin yīng
eagle / falcon / hawk
鹰 [yīng] 名 【本义】: Various birds of the eagle family. 【造字法】: Phono-semantic compound. From bird. 1. A family of birds, raptors, with hooked beaks and sharp talons, preying on small animals and other birds; hunters can tame them to assist in hunting. 2. Metaphor for pawns (cat's paw). 3. Describes someone as valiant and intrepid. 4. Describes someone as ferocious and violent. 5. Powerful; mighty. 引例: 1. Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi's "Release the Eagle": "Eagle wings are swift as the wind, eagle claws sharp as a awl." 例子: 1. 如: 鹰鸷 (raptors); 鹰人 (a person who tames eagles); 鹰师 (a person who trains eagles); 鹰架 (a frame made of bamboo or wood used for lifting heavy objects; also refers to a perch for eagles); 鹰拿燕雀 (metaphor for easy capture); 鹰觑鹘望 (describes a gaze as sharp as that of an eagle). 进一步引申: 1. 比喻爪牙 (cat's paw). 例: 如: 鹰儿爪 (pawns; accomplices); 鹰犬 (metaphor for a pawn that does evil under someone else's command). 2. 形容勇猛,激进 (of valour; intrepid). 例: 如: 鹰胜 (metaphor for a warrior); 鹰派 (international term referring to hawkish factions). 3. 形容凶狠,贪戾 (ferocious; violent). 例: 如: 鹰视狼顾 (describes one who looks as if to seize something); 鹰扬 (metaphor for showing great power); 鹰视 (the fierce gaze of an eagle wanting to seize food; metaphor for someone greedy); 鹰视狼步 (gazes like an eagle and walks like a wolf; describes a fierce demeanor); 鹰瞵鹗视 (gaze like an eagle; describes a powerful and fierce demeanor, watching for an opportunity to hunt). 4. 威武,雄健 (powerful; mighty). 例: 如: 鹰武 (powerful; metaphor for showcasing great talent); 鹰扬 (mighty; to flaunt power, like an eagle soaring).
Yīng tán
Yingtan prefecture level city in Jiangxi
Yīng tán shì
Yingtan prefecture level city in Jiangxi
yīng zhǎo
single / talons of a falcon, hawk, etc.
yīng quǎn
hawks and hounds / (fig.) running dogs / hired thugs
liè yīng
māo tóu yīng
tū yīng
condor / bald eagle
yīng sǔn
brutal or fierce people
yào yīng
sparrow hawk
yīng pài
hawk faction (opposite: 鸽派, doves) / fierce and combative party / war party / warmongers
xióng yīng
male eagle / tercel (male falcon used in falconry)
zhàn yīng
fighting eagle, an affectionate term for a fighter plane
yīng pài rén wù
yīng yáng
Ying Yang
yè yīng
nightjar (nocturnal bird in the family Caprimulgidae)
yīng shì

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Input Method for
Pinyin ying1
Four Corner
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