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明 stroke order animation

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明 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 明
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Meaning of

Pinyin míng
clear / bright / to understand / next / the Ming dynasty
明 míng 1. 亮,与“暗”相对。 Bright, opposite of "dark". 2. 清楚。 Clear. 3. 懂得,了解。 Understand; comprehend. 4. 公开,不隐蔽。 Open; not concealed. 5. 能够看清事物。 Able to see things clearly. 6. 睿智。 Wise. 7. 视觉,眼力。 Vision; sight. 8. 神灵,泛指祭神供神之物。 Deity; refers to offerings for gods. 9. 次(专指日或年)。 Next (specifically refers to day or year). 10. 中国朝代名。 Name of a Chinese dynasty. 11. 姓。 Surname. --- 明 míng 1. 亮,与“暗”相对:~亮。~媚。~净。~鉴(➊明镜;➋指可为借鉴的明显的前例;➌明察)。~灭。~眸。~艳。~星。~珠暗投(喻怀才不遇或好人失足参加坏团伙,亦泛指珍贵的东西得不到赏识)。 Bright, opposite of "dark": ~ bright. ~ charming. ~ clean. ~ mirror (1: mirror; 2: refers to obvious precedents for borrowing; 3: discern). ~ extinguish. ~ eye. ~ beautiful. ~ star. ~ lost precious gems (metaphor for talented individuals missing opportunities or good people joining bad groups; also refers generally to precious things not being appreciated). 2. 清楚:~白。~显。~晰。~了。~确。~朗。 Clear: ~ clear. ~ apparent. ~ distinct. ~ understood. ~ certain. ~ bright. 3. 懂得,了解:~哲保身。不~事理。深~大义。 Understand: ~ wise to protect oneself. Not ~ understanding of reason. Deeply ~ great principles. 4. 公开,不隐蔽:~说。~讲。~处。 Open, not concealed: ~ say. ~ speak. ~ place. 5. 能够看清事物:~察秋毫。耳聪目~。眼~手快。 Able to see things clearly: ~ observe minute details. Ears sharp, vision ~. Eyes ~, hands quick. 6. 睿智:英~。贤~。~君。 Wise: talented ~. Virtuous ~. ~ ruler. 7. 视觉,眼力:失~。 Vision; sight: lose ~. 8. 神灵,泛指祭神供神之物:~器(殉葬用的器物,亦作“冥器”)。 Deity; refers to offerings for gods: ~ vessel (items used in funerary context, also known as "mingqi"). 9. 次(专指日或年):~日。~年。 Next (specifically refers to day or year): ~ day. ~ year. 10. 中国朝代名:~代。 Name of a Chinese dynasty: ~ dynasty. 11. 姓。 Surname. --- 明 míng (形) 【本义】:明亮,清晰明亮 (Adjective) [Original meaning]: Bright; clear and bright. 【造字法】:会意。甲骨文以“日、月”发光表示明亮。小篆从月囧(jiǒng),从月,取月之光;从囧,取窗牖之明亮。 [Character Formation]: Pictographic. Oracle bone script uses "sun, moon" to represent brightness. Small seal script derives from the moon's light. 1. 同本义。与“昏暗”相对 [En.: brilliant; light; bright] 2. 明白,清楚 [En.: plain; explicit] 3. 圣明,明察,明智 [En.: perceived; sage] 4. 明显,明确 [En.: clear; obvious] 5. 明艳,鲜明 [En.: bright and beautiful]. 如:明服(鲜艳的服饰);明姿(明艳的姿态);明绚(明丽绚烂) For example: bright clothing (vibrant attire); beautiful appearance; bright and glamorous. 6. 明慧,聪明 [En.: clever]. 7. 心地光明 [En.: purehearted]. 8. 严明 [En.: strict and impartial]. 9. 清明,修明 [En.: sober and calm]. 10. 高明 [En.: brilliant; wise]. 11. 强盛,旺盛 [En.: powerful and prosperous]. 12. 洁净(祭供品) [En.: pure]. 13. 次于今天或今年的 [En.: immediately following in time]. 14. 明快,爽直 [En.: frank; candid]. --- 明 míng (动) 1. 照亮 [En.: light]. 2. 点燃,点亮 [En.: fire; light]. 3. 懂得,了解 [En.: understand]. 4. 阐明,表明 [En.: make known; expound]. 5. 明确 [En.: pinpoint]. 6. 分辨,区分 [En.: distinguish]. 7. 通“盛”。受 [En.: ladle; fill]. 8. 通“盟”。结盟 [En.: become allies; form an alliance]. --- 明 míng (名) 1. 松明 [En.: pine torches]. 2. 白昼,白天 [En.: day]. 3. 人世,阳世 [En.: man’s world]. 4. 眼睛,视力 [En.: sight]. 5. 神,神灵 [En.: God]. 6. 明朝 [En.: Ming Dynasty]。1368—1644年. 朱元璋所建。先定都南京,永乐年间迁都北京 Ming Dynasty (1368—1644), founded by Zhu Yuanzhang, initially located in Nanjing, later moved to Beijing during the Yongle era. 7. 通“名”。声名、名誉 [En.: fame; reputation; renown]. 8. 通“名”。名分,地位身分 [En.: social status of a person]. 9. 姓. [Surname]. --- 明 míng (副) 公开 (【英】:overt; open). --- 【例】 如:明正(公开处置);明升暗降(表面上升官,暗中却被削去了权力);明伙(公然结伙). For example: ~ justice (publicly administered); ~ promotion, covert demotion (appear to be promoted while power secretly reduced); ~ alliance (open associations).
Míng shǐ
History of the Ming Dynasty, twenty fourth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Zhang Tingyu 張廷玉|张廷玉[Zhang1 Ting2 yu4] in 1739 during the Qing Dynasty, 332 scrolls
liǔ àn huā míng yòu yī cūn
There is a way out (for somebody). / Every cloud has a silver lining.
fā míng
to invent / an invention / CL:個|个[ge4]
lìng qǐng gāo míng
please find sb better qualified than me (idiom)
Yuán míng yuán
Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace, destroyed by the British and French army in 1860
shèng míng
enlightened sage / brilliant master (flattering words applied to ruler)
shēng míng
to state / to declare / statement / declaration / CL:項|项[xiang4],份[fen4]
míng tiān
míng méi zhèng qǔ
to be officially wed
míng mèi
bright and beautiful
Chóng míng Dǎo
Chongming Island
Chóng míng
Chongming island county, Shanghai
qí zhì xiān míng
to show one's colors / to have a clear-cut stand (idiom)
Míng mò Qīng chū
late Ming and early Qing / around the middle of the 17th century
hū míng hū àn
cōng míng zhì huì
very intelligent
ài zēng fēn míng
to make a clear difference between what one likes and what one hates / to have well-defined likes and dislikes
cōng ming cái zhì
intelligence and wisdom
jiǎn míng è yào
brief and to the point (idiom) / succinct
tiǎo míng
to illuminate / to open up (a topic)
tàn míng
to ascertain / to verify
Kūn míng
Kunming prefecture-level city and capital of Yunnan province in southwest China
míng bai
clear / obvious / unequivocal / to understand / to realize
míng jìng
bright and clean / luminous
míng bǎi zhe
evident / clear / undoubted
kuān chǎng míng liàng
bright and spacious / large and bright
wén míng
civilized / civilization / culture / CL:個|个[ge4]
jīng shén wén míng
spiritual culture
míng rì
Kūn míng shì
Kunming, prefecture-level city and capital of Yunnan province in southwest China
Kūn míng Hú
Kunming Lake
kūn míng zhì yào
Kunming Pharmaceutical
kūn míng rén
Kunming people
míng què
clear-cut / definite / explicit / to clarify / to specify / to make definite
zhèng míng
proof / certificate / identification / testimonial / CL:個|个[ge4] / to prove / to testify / to confirm the truth of
shuō míng
to explain / to illustrate / to indicate / to show / to prove / explanation / directions / caption / CL:個|个[ge4]
míng xiǎn
clear / distinct / obvious
biǎo míng
to make clear / to make known / to state clearly / to indicate / known
cōng ming
intelligent / clever / bright / smart / acute (of sight and hearing)
Míng Qīng
the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties
míng zhāo
tomorrow morning / the following morning
xiān míng
bright / clear-cut / distinct
tòu míng
transparent / open (non-secretive)
míng míng
obviously / plainly / undoubtedly / definitely
chǎn míng
to elucidate / to explain clearly / to expound
míng huǎng huǎng
shining / bright
huì míng
míng chén
Ming Chen
míng xī
clear / well-defined / limpid
Míng mò
late Ming / first half of the 17th century
lǐ jiàn míng
Li Jianming
dù yù míng
Du Yuming(人名)
biāo míng
to mark / to indicate
míng xiū zhàn dào
Mingxiu Plank Road
léng jiǎo fēn míng
guāng míng
light / radiance / (fig.) bright (prospects etc) / openhearted
怀 Huái é míng zhōu
Wyoming, US state
zhù míng
to clearly indicate
Jīng Wèi fēn míng
as rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly (idiom) / to be entirely different
jiǎn jié míng liǎo
succinct and clear / brevity
chéng míng
míng chè
clear / limpid
cōng ming líng lì
clever and quick-witted
Míng dài
the Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
zhào míng
lighting / illumination
shēn míng
to declare / to aver / to state formally
míng fán
guāng míng lěi luò
open and candid (idiom); straightforward and upright
lín jiǎo míng
Lin Jiaoming
齿 míng móu hào chǐ
to have bright eyes and white teeth
míng móu
clear and shining eyes / bright eyes
cōng míng ruì zhì
intellectual virtues
míng zhī
to be fully aware of / to know perfectly well
míng fán shí
alunite / calafatite / alumstone
míng mǎ
non-secret code (such as Morse code, Chinese telegraph code, ASCII etc) / plaintext (cryptography) / (of prices) clearly marked
bǐng míng
explain to a superior / clarify a matter to a superior
míng liàng
bright / shining / glittering / to become clear
jiǎn míng
simple and clear / concise
Dá ěr hǎn Mào míng ān lián hé qí
Darhan Muming'an united banner in Baotou 包頭|包头[Bao1 tou2], Inner Mongolia
shǎng fá fēn míng
put the shoe on the right foot / put the saddle on the right horse
cōng míng rén
cōng míng yī shì
zì zuò cōng míng
to think oneself clever (idiom)
cōng míng fǎn bèi cōng míng wù
a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity (idiom); cleverness may overreach itself / too smart for one's own good
ěr cōng mù míng
sharp ears and keen eyes (idiom) / keen and alert / perceptive
jī guān suàn jìn tài cōng míng
The agency is too smart
xīn zhī dù míng
to be well aware
míng lì
bright and beautiful / (of a landscape) gorgeous / (of a color) vibrant
xiáng míng
full and clear / complete and explicit
wén míng lǐ mào
civility / decorum / good manners
xián míng
wise and capable / sagacious
míng qiāng yì duǒ
Easy to hide
biàn míng
to clarify / to distinguish / to elucidate
míng biàn
to discern / to distinguish clearly
míng biàn shì fēi
to distinguish right and wrong (idiom)
tòu míng dù
transparency / (policy of) openness
bàn tòu míng
translucent / semitransparent
míng jìng
mirror (as a metaphor for sth beautiful, bright and flat -- such as a lake -- or sth that provides clarity and insight)

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