Learn to write the Chinese character "初" by watching the stroke order animation of "初".
Stroke by Stroke: 初 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '初' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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at first / (at the) beginning / first / junior / basic
初 [chū]
1. Beginning; the initial part.
- 开始时,开始的部分。:~始。正月~一。~旬。~稿。~等。~版。~试。~创。~绽。~叶(指某一历史时期的最初一段)。~夜(a.指进入夜晚不久的时候;b.指新婚第一夜)。
2. Original; the original situation.
- 原来的,原来的情况:~衷。和好如~。
3. Surname.
- 姓。
初 [chū] (Noun)
- Meaning: beginning; start.
- Etymology: The character is a pictogram combining the elements for "knife" and "clothing," symbolizing the initial process of cutting cloth to make clothes.
1. Same as the original meaning (at the beginning; in the early part).
- 同本义 ([En.] at the beginning; in the early part).
1. "说文": 初, 始也。裁者衣之始也。
2. "广雅": 初, 舒也。按,谓展帛以就裁。
3. "易·既济": 初吉终乱。
4. "易·书大传": 名曰初虑。
5. "诗·王风·兔爰": 我生之初。
6. "论衡·订鬼": 初疾畏惊,见鬼之来。
7. 陶渊明《桃花源记》: 初极狭,才通人。复行数十步,豁然开朗。
- 例如: 初岁 (the beginning of the year); 初枯 (plants begin to wither in autumn); 初头 (the beginning); 初化 (the start of change); 初末 (beginning and end).
2. The essence; nature.
- 本原 ([En.] nature).
1. 唐· 韩愈《符读书城南》: 欲知学之力,贤愚同一初。
3. Surname.
- 姓。
初 [chū] (Adjective)
1. Indicating the first in order.
- 表示次序居第一 ([En.] the first in order).
- 如: 初度 (birthday); 初鼓 (the first watch of the night); 初入芦苇 (metaphorically, the beginning of an official career); 初民 (the populace of ancient times).
2. Original; pertaining to the beginning.
- 本,本来的 ([En.] original).
- 如: 初愿; 初志; 初心 (original intention, the initial heart's desire).
初 [chū] (Adverb)
1. Former times; originally.
- 往昔; 当初 ([En.] in former times, in the past; before).
1. 《左传·隐公元年》: 初,郑武公娶于申。
2. 《资治通鉴·赤壁之战》: 初,鲁肃闻 刘表卒,言于 孙权。
2. Indicating time or frequency, equivalent to "just" or "only."
- 表示时间、频率,相当于“才”、“刚刚” ([En.] just; only).
1. 杜甫《闻官军收河南河北》: 剑外忽传收蓟北,初闻涕泪满衣裳。
2. 李渔《芙蕖》: 用叶者取叶初长足时。
- 例如: 初生 (just born); 初凉; 初寒.
3. Entire or complete; originally.
- 全; 本来就 ([En.] whole; all).
1. 《后汉书》: 受教三日,初不奉行。
初 [chū] (Prefix)
4. Added before numbers one to ten, indicating the order of the first ten days of the lunar month.
- 加在“一”至“十”的前面,表示农历一个月前十天的次序。
1. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》: 八月初一日,上召见袁世凯,特赏侍郎。
- 例如: 三月初一; 五月初五; 七月初十.
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