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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

恋 stroke order animation

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恋 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 恋
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 恋
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Meaning of

Pinyin liàn
feel attached to / long for / love
恋 liàn 1. 想念不忘,不忍舍弃,不想分开。 [En.] Feel attached to; be reluctant to part. 2. 恋爱。 [En.] Love. 3. 姓。 [En.] Surname. --- 恋 liàn 1. 想念不忘,不忍舍弃,不想分开:留恋。眷恋。恋恋不舍。 [En.] Miss and stay attached; reluctant to let go; unwilling to part. 2. 恋爱:初恋。失恋。婚恋。恋人。 [En.] Love: first love; lost love; romantic relationship; lover. 3. 姓。 [En.] Surname. --- 恋 liàn 动 (verb) 【本义】: 留恋,依依不舍 [En.] The original meaning: To feel attached; to be reluctant to part. 【造字法】: 形声。 [En.] Phonetic-ideographic compound. 1. 同本义 ([En.] feel attached to; be reluctant to part) 2. 思念,怀念 ([En.] miss someone) 引例: 1. 《说文》:孌,慕也。字亦作恋。 [En.] From "Shuowen": "孌" means to long for. It can also be written as "恋." 2. 《易·小畜·子夏传》:有孚恋如思也。 [En.] From "Yijing": Having faith means longing and thinking. 3. 晋·陶潜《归田园居五首》:羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。 [En.] From "Return to the Fields" by Tao Qian: A caged bird longs for its old forest, and the fish in the pool yearn for the familiar depths. 例: 如: 贪恋(十分留恋); 眷恋(深切地留念); 依恋(留恋); 恋土(依恋乡土,慕恋故里); 恋主(依恋主人,不忍离去)。 [En.] For example: To be greedy in longing (deeply attached); to be affectionate (deeply remembering); to cling (longing); to love one's homeland; to be attached to one's master (reluctant to leave). --- 恋 liàn 名 (noun) 男女相爱 (【英】:love)。 [En.] Male and female love (love). 例: 如: 恋诗(表达爱情的诗); 恋歌。 [En.] For example: Love poems (poems that express love); love songs.
liàn ài
(romantic) love / CL:個|个[ge4],場|场[chang3] / in love / to have an affair
liú liàn
reluctant to leave / to hate to have to go / to recall fondly
liàn rén
lover / sweetheart
mí liàn
to be infatuated with / to indulge in
tóng xìng liàn
homosexuality / gay person / gay love
tán liàn ài
to court / to go steady / to be dating
liàn qíng
romantic love
shī liàn
to lose one's love / to break up (in a romantic relationship) / to feel jilted
rè liàn
to fall head over heels in love / to be passionately in love
juàn liàn
to miss / to long for / to remember with longing / yearning
liàn liàn bù shě
reluctant to part
chū liàn
first love
liàn zhàn
to zealously continue fighting
wú xīn liàn zhàn
have no desire to continue fighting / have no heart for further fighting
tān liàn
to cling to / to be reluctant to give up (sth) / to have a fondness for (an indulgence etc)
hūn wài liàn
see 婚外情[hun1 wai4 qing2]
tóng xìng liàn ài
uranism / urningism / uranianism
zì liàn
àn liàn
to be secretly in love with
yī liàn
to be fondly attached to / to not wish to part with / to cling to
chī liàn

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Pinyin lian4
Four Corner
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