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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

留 stroke order animation

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Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

留 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 留
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 留
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Meaning of

Pinyin liú
leave (message) / to retain / to stay / to remain / to keep / to preserve
留 liú (verb) 1. 停止在某一个地方:停留, 留学, 留任, 留级, 留步, 留守。 [En.] Stay in a certain place: stay, study abroad, retain a position, stay at a level, stop, guard. 2. 注意力放在上面:留心, 留神, 留意。 [En.] Focus on something: be careful, pay attention, take notice. 3. 不忍舍弃,不忍离去:留连, 留恋。 [En.] Unable to give up or leave: linger, be sentimental. 4. 不使离开:留客, 留宿, 挽留, 拘留。 [En.] Prevent someone from leaving: keep a guest, provide lodging, detain, arrest. 5. 接受:收留。 [En.] Accept: take in. 6. 保存:保留, 留存, 留别, 留念, 留后路。 [En.] Preserve: keep, retain, leave behind, commemorate, leave a way out. 7. 滞留; 拖延; 搁置:留中, 留事, 留连, 留时。 [En.] Remain; delay; suspend: keep in the palace and not be dispatched; pending business; procrastinate; delay time. 8. 留心:留心方便, 留目, 留盼。 [En.] Be careful: pay attention to opportunities; watch closely; keep an eye on. 9. 驻军:留田, 留屯。 [En.] Stationed troops: cultivate the land, garrisoning troops. 10. 通“流”。水流动:留动而生物。 [En.] Flow: flowing water brings life. 11. 通“镏”。杀。 [En.] To kill: to slay. 12. 姓。 [En.] Surname. 形 (adjective) 1. 长久:留年, 留瘦。 [En.] Long-lasting: longevity, emaciated due to prolonged illness. 2. 尽,全:留日。 [En.] Entire: whole day; all day long.
liú zài
stay in
gōu liú
to stay / to stop over / to break one's journey
liú shǒu
to stay behind to take care of things
宿 liú sù
to put up a guest / to stay overnight
Tún liú
Tunliu county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi
Gǒng liú
Gongliu county or Toqquztara nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang
mí liú
seriously ill and about to die
mí liú zhī jì
on one's deathbed / at the point of death
liú liàn
reluctant to leave / to hate to have to go / to recall fondly
jū liú
to detain (a prisoner) / to keep sb in custody
wèi liú
urge sb. to stay on
jié liú
hold back / retain for one's own use
kòu liú
to detain / to arrest / to hold / to confiscate
jū liú suǒ
detention center / prison
wǎn liú
to urge to stay / to detain
tíng liú
to stay somewhere temporarily / to stop over
bǎo liú
to retain / to continue to have / to preserve / to maintain / to reserve / reservations / to hold back (approval or acceptance)
cán liú
to remain / left over / surplus / remnant
háo bù liú qíng
to show no quarter / ruthless / relentless
liú ní wāng dǎo
Reunion / Reunion Island
Liú ní wāng
Réunion (island in Indian Ocean, a French overseas department)
zhū liú
retention (medicine)
zhì liú
to detain / retention
jī quǎn bù liú
not a chicken or dog left / Even chickens and dogs are not spared -- utter extermination. / Even fowls and dogs are not spared -- ruthless mass slaughter. / cruelty on the part of the marauders / No living thing, not a fowl, or a dog remained.
liú xué
to study abroad
liú gěi
to set aside for
yí liú
to leave behind / to hand down
liú yì
to be mindful / to pay attention to / to take note of
liú xià lái
stay behind
liú xīn
to be careful / to pay attention to
bù liú
do not keep
liú xué shēng
student studying abroad / (foreign) exchange student / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
dòu liú
to stay at / to stop over
liú yǒu
to remain in existence / to retain
liú zhù
to ask sb to stay / to keep sb for the night / to await (classical)
liú qíng
to relent (to spare sb's feelings) / to show mercy or forgiveness / to forbear / lenient
liú shén
to take care / to be careful
jī liú
delay / detain
簿 liú yán bù
visitor's book / CL:本[ben3]
jī liú
to stay / to detain
jiǔ liú
to stay for a long time
liú xià
to leave behind / to stay behind / to remain / to keep / not to let (sb) go
liú zhù
to keep stationed (of troops) / to remain as a garrison
zhù liú
to stay / to remain / to linger / (computing) to reside / resident (program etc)

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Input Method for
Pinyin liu2
Four Corner
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