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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

弥 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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弥 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 弥
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 弥
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Meaning of

Pinyin mí、 mǐ
full / to fill, overflowing
弥 mí 1. Full; overflowing. (满,遍) Example: 弥满 (to be full). 弥月 (a full month; refers to the one-month age of a baby). 弥望 (to be filled with sight). 弥天 (the sky fully filled, describing something extremely vast). 2. To cover; to fill. (补,合) Example: 弥补 (to make up for). 弥缝 (to fill the seams). 弥封 (to cover). 3. Even more; additionally. (更加) Example: 弥坚 (even more solid). 欲盖弥彰 (the more one tries to cover up, the more evident it becomes). 4. The appearance of water being full. (水满的样子) Example: 弥漫 (to overflow). 5. Long; distant. (久,远) Example: 弥留 (a lingering illness). 弥亘 (stretching continuously). 6. A surname. (姓) 弥 (彌) mí 动 (verb) - Original meaning: To relax the bowstring. 1. To relax the bow. ([En.] relax bow) Reference: "弥,弛弓也。" from Shuowen. 2. To cover; to fill. ([En.] cover; fill) Reference: "弥缝其阙,而匡救其灾。" from Zuo Zhuan. Example: 如:弥补;弥缝. 3. To stop; to put down; synonymous with "弭". ([En.] stop; put down) Reference: "不弥人争。" from Guanzi. 弥 (彌) mí 形 (adjective) 1. Full; overflowing. ([En.] full; overflowing) Reference: "弥山跨谷,满也。" from Han Shu. 2. Broad. ([En.] broad) Reference: "弥纶天地之道。" from Yi. 3. Long; distant. ([En.] long; distant) Reference: "历世弥久。" from Han Shimen Song. 弥 (彌) mí 副 (adverb) - Even more; additionally. ([En.] more) Reference: "是以其曲弥高,其和弥寡。" from Song Yu's writing. 1. Synonymous with "弭", meaning to alleviate or eliminate. Example: 弥 would refer to pacifying or ceasing something.
mí bǔ
to complement / to make up for a deficiency
mí màn
to pervade / to fill the air / diffuse / everywhere present / about to inundate (water) / permeated by (smoke) / filled with (dust) / to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc)
xiāo yān mí màn
A cloud of smoke floated over (the battlefield).
mí sàn
to dissipate everywhere (of light, sound, gas etc)
Mí lè fó
Maitreya / the Bodhisattva that will be the next to come after Shakyamuni Buddha
mí màn xìng
diffusibility / diffusivity
mí hé
to cause a wound to close up and heal
mí liú
seriously ill and about to die
mí sa
(Catholic) Mass
mí féng
to cover up mistakes or crimes / to stitch up / to fix
yù gài mí zhāng
trying to hide it makes it more conspicuous (idiom); A cover up only makes matters worse.
mí zú zhēn guì
extremely precious / valuable
yān wù mí màn
be wreathed in mist / be permeated with thick fog and smoke / filled with smoke / full of smoke / The air was filled with smoke.
mí sā qū
mí liú zhī jì
on one's deathbed / at the point of death
mí tiān dà huò
Mí lè xiàn
Mile county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan
mí tiān dà huǎng
a pack of lies (idiom)
Ē mí tuó Fó
Amitabha Buddha / the Buddha of the Western paradise / may the lord Buddha preserve us! / merciful Buddha!

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Input Method for
Pinyin mi2
Four Corner
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