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甲 stroke order animation

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甲 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 甲
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 甲
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiǎ
"A" (in a sequence of examples involving "A", "B", "C", etc.) / 1st heavenly stem / 1st in order / armor
甲 [jiǎ] 名词 (Noun) 1. 天干的第一位,用于作顺序第一的代称: The first position among the Ten Celestial Stems, used as a reference for the first in order. 2. 居于首位的,超过所有其它的: In the foremost position, surpassing all others. 3. 古代科举考试成绩名次的分类: A classification of scores in the ancient imperial examination system. 4. 古代军人打仗穿的护身衣服,用皮革或金属叶片制成: Armor worn by soldiers in ancient times, made of leather or metal plates. 5. 现代用金属做成有保护功能的装备: Modern protective equipment made of metal. 6. 某些动物身上有保护功能的硬壳: The hard shell of certain animals that provides protection. 7. 手指或脚趾上的角质硬壳: The keratinized hard shell on fingers or toes (nail). 8. 旧时户口编制单位: An administrative unit for household registration in the past. 9. 植物果实的外壳: The outer shell of plant fruits. 10. 古同“胛”,肩胛: An ancient term referring to "scapula". 引文 (References) 1. 《说文》:甲,东方之孟阳气萌动。从木,戴孚甲之象。 ("Shuōwén"): Jî, the beginning of spring in the east; the image of a sprouting seed from a plant. 2. 《六书故》:甲象草木戴种而出之形。 ("Liu Shu Gu"): Jî resembles the shape of plants sprouting from seeds. 3. 《易·解》:雷雨作而百果草木皆甲坼(chè)。 ("Yì": When thunder and rain come, all fruits and plants burst open.) 例句 (Examples) - 又如:莩甲;甲坼(甲宅。外壳裂开。指草木种子裂开硬壳发出芽头): For example, it can refer to shells or the cracking of a seed shell. 动词 (Verb) 1. 居第一;冠于: To occupy the first place; to be crowned. 2. 把甲衣穿在身上: To put on armor. 形容词 (Adjective) 第一的,上等的 (first): Refers to the highest or best quality. 例句 (Examples) - 如:甲第(上等的府第;指豪富之家): For instance, "classy residence" reflects the luxurious aspect of homes. 动物名 (Animal name) 指甲鱼。脊椎动物亚门爬蟲綱龜鱉目。外形像龜,背甲呈灰黑色,有軟皮: Refers to the soft-shelled turtle, a member of the class Reptilia, resembling a turtle with a dark gray or black shell and soft skin. 背甲圓形,邊緣柔軟,肉供食用,甲殼可入藥: Its shell is round with soft edges, its meat is edible, and the shell can be used in medicine.
jiǎ qiào
carapace / crust / outer shell / also pr. [jia3 ke2]
jiǎ qiào dòng wù
jiǎ qiào chóng
jiǎ wǔ
thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014
jiǎ yín
51st year A3 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1974 or 2034
Mǎ liù jiǎ Hǎi xiá
the Strait of Malacca or Melaka
jiǎ xū
eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1994 or 2054
pī jiǎ
to don armor
zhuāng jiǎ bīng
jiǎ zhuàng páng xiàn
jiǎ bǎn
deck (of a boat etc)
zhuāng jiǎ
vehicle armor
jiǎ zhuàng xiàn
thyroid gland
jiǎ yú
turtle / terrapin / Taiwan pr. [jia4 yu2]
zhuāng jiǎ chē
armored car / CL:輛|辆[liang4]
zhuāng jiǎ shī
armored division
zhǐ jia
tiě jiǎ
mail plating / armor / armor plating
sān jiǎ
3rd rank of candidates who passed the imperial examination
kǎi jiǎ
kuī jiǎ
armor / body armor and helmet
jiǎ jí
first rate / top class / excellent
jiǎ gǔ
tortoise shell and animal bones used in divination / oracle bone inscriptions (an early form of Chinese script)
穿 chuān jiǎ dàn
armour-piercing projectile / armour-piercing bullet / armour piercer
Yì Jiǎ
Serie A, the top division of the Italian football league system
jiǎ kàng
hyperthyroidism / abbr. for 甲狀腺功能亢進|甲状腺功能亢进[jia3 zhuang4 xian4 gong1 neng2 kang4 jin4]
穿 chuān shān jiǎ
pangolin (Manis pentadactylata) / scaly ant-eater
jiǎ zhuàng xiàn zhǒng
goiter (enlargement of thyroid gland)
jiǎ zhòu
diū kuī qì jiǎ
throw away one's shield and armour / flee helter-skelter / run like sheep
diū kuī xiè jiǎ
throw away everything when fleeing
běn jiǎ
jiǎ chóng
zhǐ jiǎ
yáng tí jiǎ
mountain ebony
jiǎ chén
41st year A5 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1964 or 2024
nián yú huā jiǎ
Over sixtieth birthday
jiǎ xiān
biē jiǎ
turtle shell
lín jiǎ
scale / plate of armor
guī jiǎ

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Pinyin jia3
Four Corner
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