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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

电 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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电 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 电
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 电
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Meaning of

Pinyin diàn
electric / electricity / electrical
电 diàn 名词 1. 物理学现象,可通过化学的或物理的方法获得的一种能,用以使灯发光、机械转动等。 (A phenomenon in physics, a form of energy that can be obtained through chemical or physical methods, used to make lights shine, machinery rotate, etc.) 2. 阴雨天,空中云层放电时发出的光。 (Light emitted during the discharge of clouds in rainy weather.) 3. 指电报。 (Refers to a telegram.) 4. 指打电报。 (Refers to sending a telegram.) 5. 遭受电流打击。 (To be struck by electric current.) 6. 比喻迅速。 (Metaphor for swiftness.) 7. 比喻光亮。 (Metaphor for brightness.) 8. 明察,请人明察的敬辞。 (Polite request for someone to observe clearly.) 动词 电击 (get an electric shock)。如: 电了我一下 (Electrocute (get an electric shock). For example: I was shocked.)
diàn shì tái
television station / CL:個|个[ge4]
diàn tái
transmitter-receiver / broadcasting station / radio station / CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1]
diàn qì
(electrical) appliance / device
diàn zi méi tǐ
electronic media
diàn zǐ
electronic / electron (particle physics)
diàn chǎng
electric power plant
diàn yǐng tīng
theater / cinema
diàn yā
shè diàn
radio wave (astronomy)
dài diàn
to electrify / to charge / electrification / live (as in "live wire")
diàn hú
electric arc
cǎi diàn
color TV
diàn yǐng
movie / film / CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4],場|场[chang3]
diàn yǐng yuàn
cinema / movie theater / CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4]
diàn yǐng jié
film festival / CL:屆|届[jie4]
diàn shì jù
TV play / soap opera / CL:部[bu4]
diàn lì
electrical power / electricity
hán diàn
correspondence / letter and telegram
wèi wèn diàn
diàn shàn
electric fan
diàn fēng shàn
electric fan / CL:架[jia4],臺|台[tai2]
dǎ diàn huà
to make a telephone call
diàn bào
telegram / cable / telegraph / CL:封[feng1],份[fen4]
fēng chí diàn chè
fast as lightning
线 wú xiàn diàn
diàn zǐ xiǎn wēi jìng
electron microscope
diàn yūn
corona / aureole
线 diàn xiàn gān
electric pole / telephone pole / lamppost / CL:根[gen1]
diàn zǐ shù
beam of electrons
diàn jí
diàn shū
hé diàn zhàn
nuclear power plant
hé diàn
nuclear power
diàn tī
elevator / escalator / CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]
diàn bàng
(coll.) flashlight / (Tw) stun baton / hair iron
diàn chí
battery / CL:節|节[jie2],組|组[zu3]
chōng diàn
to recharge batteries / fig. to rest and recuperate
guāng diàn
diàn xìn
diàn jiě cáo
electrolyzer / electrobath / electrolytic cell / electrolytic bath / electrolysis bath
diàn rè tǎn
electric blanket
xù diàn chí
accumulator / battery
gān diàn chí
dry cell / dry battery / dry accumulator
diàn dēng pào
light bulb / (slang) unwanted third guest
diàn cí bō
electromagnetic wave
diàn bō
electric wave / alternating current
diàn yǒng
diàn liú
electric current
diàn shèn xī
electroosmosis / electrodialysis
diàn fàn bāo
rice cooker
diàn yùn dǒu
electric iron
diàn yuán
electric power source
diàn dēng
electric light / CL:盞|盏[zhan3]
diàn zào
electric cooker / electric range / electric cooking stove / electric cooking range
diàn lú
electric stove / hot plate
gōng diàn
to supply electricity
diàn kǎo xiāng
electric oven
diàn hàn
electric welding
diàn hàn gōng
electric welder
méi diàn
coal power
diàn huà
telephone / CL:部[bu4] / phone call / CL:通[tong1] / phone number
diàn shì
television / TV / CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4]
diàn nǎo
computer / CL:臺|台[tai2]
fā diàn
to generate electricity / to send a telegram
shuǐ diàn
hydroelectric power / plumbing and electricity
shuǐ diàn zhàn
hydroelectric power plant
jī diàn
machinery and power-generating equipment / electromechanical
shǎn diàn
lightning / CL:道[dao4]
diàn mǎ
shǒu diàn tǒng
flashlight / electric hand torch
diàn cí
diàn cí chǎng
electromagnetic fields
diàn cí xué
diàn cí gǎn yìng
electromagnetic induction
diàn cí fú shè
electromagnetic radiation / electromagneticradiation
diàn lí
ion / ionized (e.g. gas)
diàn lí céng
diàn huà tíng
telephone booth
diàn jiè zhì
dielectric / dielectric medium / dielectric fluid
diàn zi chèng
electronic scale / electronic balance
huǒ diàn zhàn
thermal power station
diàn zhàn
a power station / an electricity generating plant
diàn tǒng
diàn zi qiān míng
electronic signature / e-signature
diàn bīng xiāng
refrigerator / CL:個|个[ge4]
簿 diàn huà bù
telephone directory
jì diàn qì
relay (electronics)
diàn lǎn
(electric) cable
diàn lǎn chǎng
cable works
线 diàn lǎn xiàn
cable / cable conductor
hào diàn
power consumption
hào diàn liàng
power consumption
bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo
laptop / notebook (computer) / CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]
zhì diàn
to phone / to telegram
píng guǒ diàn nǎo gōng sī
Apple Computer
diàn hè
electric charge
fù diàn hè
negative charge
zhèng diàn hè
positive charge
diǎn diàn hè
point charge
diàn shì jī
television set / CL:臺|台[tai2]

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Pinyin dian4
Four Corner
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