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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

脑 stroke order animation

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脑 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 脑
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 脑
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Meaning of

Pinyin nǎo
脑 (nǎo) 1. The main part of the central nervous system in higher animals, located in the cranial cavity, responsible for sensation and movement. The human brain is also the organ of mental activities such as thought and memory. (高等动物神经系统的主要部分,在颅腔里,主管感觉和运动。人脑又是思想记忆等心理活动的器官。) 2. Head. (头。) 3. Objects that are shaped or colored like the brain. (形状或颜色像脑的东西。) 4. Refers to the essence extracted from an object. (指从物体中提炼出的精华部分。) Additional Meanings: 1. Same as the original meaning (substance of brain). (同本义。) 2. Objects resembling brain (sth. resembling brain). (形状或颜色像脑髓的东西。) 3. Head (head). (头部。) 4. Mental ability (mental; intellect). (脑力。) 5. Extract (extract). (从物体中提炼出的精华部分。) Examples: - 如: 豆腐脑儿 (Examples: tofu brain) - 脑气 (brain energy; also refers to intelligence) - 樟脑;薄荷脑 (camphor; mint extract)
dāi tóu dāi nǎo
jolter-head / idiotic
nǎo chuí tǐ
pituitary gland
nǎo ké
skull / (fig.) brain (mental capacity)
hòu nǎo sháo
back of the head
zhàng èr hé shàng mō bù zháo tóu nǎo
puzzled / be all at sea / be completely at a loss
pī tóu gài nǎo
Head over head
lèng tóu lèng nǎo
rash / impetuous / reckless
yáo tóu huàng nǎo
wag one's head / look pleased with oneself
mō bu zháo tóu nǎo
to be unable to make any sense of the matter / to be at a loss
tóu hūn nǎo zhàng
giddy / one's head spins
zhāng nǎo
camphor C10H16O
nǎo xuè shuān
cerebral thrombosis / cerebral infaction
nǎo shuān sè
cerebral embolism
shǎ tóu shǎ nǎo
a fool
jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī
to rack one's brains
nǎo jiāng
gān nǎo tú dì
to offer one's life in sacrifice
nǎo yì xuè
cerebral hemorrhage / stroke
nǎo yán
brain fever / encephalitis / meningitis
nǎo mó yán
hóu nǎo
monkey brain
nǎo guā
skull / brain / head / mind / mentality / ideas
diàn nǎo
computer / CL:臺|台[tai2]
tóu téng nǎo rè
headache and slight fever / slight illness
nǎo liú
brain tumor
nǎo zhǒng liú
brain tumor
nǎo tān
cerebral palsy
yǐ nǎo
meningitis B / epidemic encephalitis B / Japanese encephalitis / abbr. for 乙型脑炎
bèn tóu bèn nǎo
blockhead / stupid / muddleheaded / have a thick skull / with a wooden head
nǎo jīn
brains / mind / head / way of thinking
dòng nǎo jīn
to use one's brains / to think
shāng nǎo jīn
to be a real headache / to find sth a real headache / to beat one's brains
sǐ nǎo jīn
one-track mind / block-headed
niān tóu dā nǎo
Stubborn head
nǎo zhàng
lit. brain swelling / dizzy / light-headed / intoxicated
nǎo jǐ yè
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
nǎo dài
head / skull / brains / mental capability / CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]
tóu nǎo
brains / mind / skull / (fig.) gist (of a matter) / leader / boss
nǎo zi
brains / mind / CL:個|个[ge4]
dà nǎo
brain / cerebrum
shǒu nǎo
head (of state) / summit (meeting) / leader
nǎo hǎi
the mind / the brain
dà nǎo pí céng
cerebral cortex
nǎo mén
hòu nǎo
hindbrain / back of the head
rén nǎo
human brain
yī gǔ nǎo r
variant of 一股腦兒|一股脑儿[yi1 gu3 nao3 r5]
xiǎo nǎo
cerebellum (part of the brain)
bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo
laptop / notebook (computer) / CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]
zhāng nǎo wán
camphor balls / moth balls
xià qiū nǎo
hypothalamus (anatomy)
qiū nǎo
píng guǒ diàn nǎo gōng sī
Apple Computer
lú nǎo
nǎo lú
nǎo suǐ
brain tissue / gray matter / brain / medulla

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Input Method for
Pinyin nao3
Four Corner
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