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Animated Stroke Order of

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耗 stroke order animation

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耗 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 耗
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 耗
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Meaning of

Pinyin hào、 máo、 mào
mouse / new / to waste / to spend / to consume / to squander
耗 [hào] 1. Reduction, consumption. 减损,消费。 2. Delay. 拖延。 3. News, information. 音信,消息。 1. Reduction, consumption: 耗损 (reduction); 耗费 (consumption); 耗资 (expenditure); 消耗 (consumption). 减损,消费:~损。~费。~资。消~。 2. Delay: 耗时间 (waste time). 拖延:~时间。 3. News, information: 噩耗 (death news); 凶耗 (bad news). 音信,消息:噩~(人死的消息)。凶~。 耗 [hào] 【Noun】 【Basic meaning】: A type of rice. 【Etymology】: Phonetic-semantic; derived from 耒 (lěi), with phonetic indication. 1. News; information ([En.] news). 消息;音信 ([En.] news) 【Example】 李商隐《即日》:赤岭久无耗,鸿门犹合围。 2. In dialect, refers to mice as “耗子” (hǎo zi), abbreviated to “耗” ([En.] mouse). 方言称老鼠为“耗子”。也简称“耗” ([En.] mouse)。 【Example】 如: 耗耗 (dialect; mouse); 耗爆 (sound of a mouse stealing food). 3. In ancient times, when officials collected taxes, additional charges for consumption damages were called “耗” ([En.] loss). 旧时官府征收钱粮时,以损耗为名,在正额外例有附加部分,称“耗” ([En.] loss). 耗 [hào] 【Verb】 1. To borrow the meaning of “consume.” Loss; consume ([En.] consume; cost). 假借为“消”。亏损;消耗 ([En.] consume; cost) 【Example】 又如: 耗荡 (consume and damage); 耗米 (transport grain with added loss); 耗失 (reduction, loss); 耗力 (expend effort). 2. Loss; to suffer a loss; expend ([En.] expend). 损失,受损失;耗费 ([En.] expend). 【Example】 又如: 耗敝 (consume and damage); 耗蠹 (waste and damage); 耗燥 (dried up). 3. In dialect: to delay ([En.] dawdle; waste time). 〈方〉∶拖延 ([En.] dawdle; waste time)。 【Example】 如: 别耗着了; 耗时间; 耗误 (delay); 耗磨 (to waste time). 4. To root out ([En.] root out; uproot). 铲除 ([En.] root out; uproot)。 【Example】 如: 耗稻 (to weed out weeds in rice fields). 耗 [hào] 【Adjective】 1. Bad harvest ([En.] of bad harvest). 歉收 ([En.] of bad harvest). 【Example】 《礼记·王制》:五谷皆入,然后制国用。用地小大,视年之丰耗。 2. Poor soil ([En.] poor). 土壤瘠薄 ([En.] poor). 【Example】 又如: 耗土 (thin soil). 3. Hollow ([En.] hollow). 空虚 ([En.] hollow). 【Example】 《玉篇》:耗,虚也。 4. Withered and fallen ([En.] withered and fallen). 零落 ([En.] withered and fallen). 【Example】 《淮南子》:秋行夏令,华;行春令,荣;行冬令,耗。
è hào
news of sb's death / grievous news
hào jìn
to exhaust / to use up / to deplete / to drain
sǔn hào
wear and tear
hào sǔn
to waste
xiāo hào
to use up / to consume
hào jié
exhaust / use up
hào fèi
to waste / to spend / to consume / to squander
hào zī
to spend / expenditure / to cost
gōng hào
electric consumption / power wastage
néng hào
energy consumption
hào zi
(dialect) mouse / rat
hào shí
time-consuming / to take a period of (x amount of time)
hào sàn
to dissipate / to squander
hào yòng
hào diàn
power consumption
hào cái
consumables / to consume raw materials
xiāo hào liàng
rate of consumption
nèi hào
internal friction / internal dissipation of energy (in mechanics) / fig. waste or discord within an organization
yóu hào
fuel consumption
hào diàn liàng
power consumption

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Pinyin hao4
Four Corner
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