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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

號 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

號 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 號
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 號
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Meaning of

Pinyin hào、 háo
roar / cry, day of a month / (suffix used after) name of a ship / (ordinal) number
號 Definition: hào 1. 名稱: name; title. Example: 國號 (national name); 年號 (year title); 字號 (style name). 2. 舊指名和字以外的別號: an alias beyond one's personal name and style. Example: 李白字太白,號青蓮居士 (Li Bai's style is Taibai, his alias is "The Scholar of the Blue Lotus"). 3. 記號,標誌: mark; sign. Example: 信號 (signal); 暗號 (secret code). 4. 排定的次序或等級: scheduled order or rank. Example: 編號 (arrangement number); 代碼 (code). 5. 揚言,宣稱: to claim; to assert. Example: 號稱 (to claim); 項羽兵四十萬,號百萬 (Xiang Yu claimed to have 400,000 troops, but asserted to be a million). 6. 指某種人員: specific personnel. Example: 病號 (patient number); 傷號 (injured personnel). 7. 標上記號: to mark. Example: 標號房子 (to label a house); 把這件東西號上 (to mark this item). 8. 號令,命令: order; command. Example: 發號施令 (to issue orders); 號召 (to rally). 9. 軍隊或樂隊裏所用的西式喇叭: Western-style trumpet used in military or bands. Example: 吹號 (to sound the bugle); 號兵 (bugler). 10. 量詞,用於人數: measure word used for individuals. Example: 昨天去了幾十號人 (dozens of people came yesterday). Definition: hào (verb) 1. 揚言有 ([En.] claim to be): to boast; to claim. Example: 項羽兵四十萬,號百萬 (Xiang Yu boasted that he had a million troops). 2. 命令,發令 ([En.] order): to command; to issue orders. Example: 發槍之號 (to issue the order to fire). 3. 召喚;呼喚 ([En.] call): to summon. Example: 號召 (to call out; to rally). 4. 宣稱,稱號 ([En.] declare; name): to state a name or title. Example: 號之曰有巢氏 (declaring as the concealer of the nest). Definition: hào (noun) 1. 名位;名稱;稱謂 ([En.] name; title; designation). Example: 號位 (title and rank); 國號 (national name). 2. 記號;標幟 ([En.] mark): a sign; insignia. Example: 號記 (mark or symbol). 3. 別號。名、字以外的稱謂 ([En.] alias): a name aside from one's personal and style names. Example: 號曰醉翁 (to declare oneself as the Drunken Old Man). 4. 用以識別敵我的口令、暗號 ([En.] command word; signal; password): a term used for identification purposes. Example: 號哨 (signal whistle). 5. 指編列的次序或等第。亦指編列次序的事物 ([En.] number): referring to order or sequence. Example: 號件 (numbered documents). 6. 猶種,類。多爲貶義 ([En.] sort): type or kind, often used derogatorily. Example: 那號人 (that sort of person). 7. 管樂器號角、號筒、軍號等的簡稱 ([En.] horn): abbreviations for brass instruments or bugles. Example: 號筒 (bugle). 8. 用號吹出的表示一定意義的聲音 ([En.] bugle calls): sounds indicating a specific meaning. Example: 起牀號 (wake-up call). 9. 商店的代稱 ([En.] shop): an alias for a store. Example: 找了一家匯票號 (looking for a remittance shop). Definition: hào (measure word) 1. 表示人數的單位: a unit indicating the number of people. Example: 一百多號人 (over a hundred people). 2. 表示次序,常放在數目字之後: indicates order, commonly placed after a number. Example: 三十五號文件 (Document No. 35). 3. 表示一個月裏的日子: indicates days in a month. Example: 八月五號 (August 5th). 4. 另見 háo: see also hào. Definition: hào (verb) 1. 拖長聲音大聲呼叫: to call out loudly with a prolonged sound. Example: 呼號 (to loudly call). 2. 大聲哭: to cry out loudly. Example: 哀號 (to mourn loudly). 3. 動物引聲長鳴,大風發出巨響 ([En.] roar): to make a loud noise like an animal or the wind. Example: 北風怒號 (the north wind roars). These definitions offer a comprehensive overview of the various meanings of the character「號」in Chinese.

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Pinyin hao4
Four Corner
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