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虞 stroke order animation

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虞 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 虞
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 虞
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Meaning of

forewarned / peace / worry
虞 (yú) 1. 预料: to anticipate (e.g., 不~ - not anticipate) 2. 忧虑: to worry (e.g., 无冻馁之~ - no worry about freezing or starving) 3. 欺骗: to deceive (e.g., 尔~我诈 - you deceive me and I deceive you) 4. 中国周代诸侯国名,在今山西省平陆县东北: the name of a feudal state during the Zhou dynasty in what is now northeast Pinglu County, Shanxi Province. 5. 古同“娱”,安乐: ancient word meaning "to entertain," or "to have joy." 6. 古代掌管山泽的官: an ancient official in charge of mountains and lakes (e.g., ~人 - official in charge of mountains and lakes during the Spring and Autumn period). 7. 传说中的中国朝代名,舜所建: a legendary Chinese dynasty founded by Emperor Shun (Yu Dynasty). 8. 姓: a surname. Definition details of 虞 (yú): 1. [En.] beast’s name (same as the primary meaning) 2. [En.] official in charge of mountains, lakes, birds, and beasts. 3. [En.] refers to knowledge related to this field. 4. [En.] a type of ancient sacrifice for calming gods. 5. [En.] Yu Dynasty, the name of a dynasty; Emperor Shun is associated with this. 6. [En.] ancient state name (Yu state). 7. [En.] Shun was granted the title in Yu; its ruins are located in northeast Pinglu County, Shanxi. 8. [En.] after Yu, Shun's son Shang Jun was granted lands in Yu, corresponding to today's Yucheng County, Henan Province. 9. [En.] pleasure or joy. 10. [En.] Yu Mountain. 11. [En.] surname. Further meanings and usages of 虞 (yú): 1. 猜度;料想: to guess; expect; anticipate (e.g., 用戒不虞 - be cautious and not anticipate). 2. 忧虑;忧患: to worry about (e.g., 仍保无虞 - ensure no worries). 3. 准备,防范: to prepare, to be cautious (e.g., 以虞待不虞者 - prepare against the unprepared). 4. 企望;期待: to hope; expect (e.g., 虞心 - a heart of hope; a sense of luck). 5. 贻误;欺诈: to bungle; to cheat, (e.g., 我无尔诈,尔无我虞 - I do not deceive you, you do not deceive me). 6. 惊: to be scared (e.g., after realizing a mistake). 7. 通“娱”: denotes entertainment or amusement (e.g., 虞乐 - to entertain; 虞心 - a joyful heart).
Shàng yú
Shangyu county level city in Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Shao4 xing1], Zhejiang
shū yú
wú yú
not to be worried about / all taken care of
ěr yú wǒ zhà
lit. you hoodwink me and I cheat you (idiom); fig. mutual deception / each tries to outwit the other / dog eats dog and devil take the hindmost
shàng yú xiàn
Shangyu County
Yú chéng xiàn
Yucheng county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan

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Input Method for
Pinyin yu2
Four Corner
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