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城 stroke order animation

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城 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 城
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 城
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Meaning of

Pinyin chéng
城 [chéng] 名 【本义】: 城墙 1. City wall: A high wall used for defense around a city. Generally, it is divided into two parts; the inner part is called "城" (chéng) and the outer part is called "郭" (guō). When used alone, the term "城" often includes both 城 and 郭, but when 城 and 郭 are paired, it specifically refers to 城. 2. Ancient capital cities, feudal states, and territories of nobles were all centered around cities with walls, which can also be called 城 (city). 3. City: (city) 4. Country: (country) 动 1. To build a wall: (build a wall) 2. To defend a city: (defend a city) 引 1. "说文": 城,所以盛民也。 (The purpose of a city is to accommodate the people.) 2. "礼记·礼运": 城郭沟池以为固。 (Walled cities and moats strengthen defenses.) 3. "史记·田单列传": 使老弱女子乘城。 (Let the elderly and women stay in the city.) 4. "公羊传·定公十二年": 百雉而城。 (One hundred towers and then the city walls.) 5. "谷梁传·隐公七年": 城为保民为之也。 (Cities are made to protect the people.) 6. "墨子·七患": 城者,可以自守也。 (A city can defend itself.) 7. 唐· 李白《送友人》: 青山横北郭,白水绕东城。(Green mountains lie across the north city wall, white waters surround the east city.) 例 1. 如: 城内; 城外; 万里长城; 城守(据城守御); 城曲(城墙角落的地方); 城铺(城上巡查的岗位); 城堵(城墙) 2. 如: 城大(一城的长官。即城主); 城主(一城之主); 城辇(帝王所居的都市。也泛指京城); 城禁(城市的警戒防卫) 3. 如: 东城,西城; 城雕(城市雕塑) 4. 如: 土国城漕。 (National boundary by the city of Caocao.) 动 1. To build a wall: (build a wall) 引: "左传·昭公二十三年": 今吴是惧而城于 郢。 (Now Wu fears and builds a city in Ying.) 例: 如: 城郭国(古时谓西域筑城定居的国家); 城干(筑城时埋置土中的木柱) 2. To defend a city: (defend a city) 引: 唐· 孙樵《书何易于》: 县距刺史治所四十里,城嘉陵江南。 (The county is 40 li from the magistrate's residence, with the city south of the Jialing River.) 例: 如: 城寨(防守用的围墙或栅栏); 城操(备边;备边士卒)
míng chéng
famous city
Chéng xiāng
Chengxiang district of Putian city 莆田市[Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian
xiàn chéng
county seat / county town
gǔ chéng
ancient city
西 Mò xī gē chéng
Mexico City, capital of Mexico
shāng chéng
shopping center / department store
chéng yuán
city wall
chéng shì
city / town / CL:座[zuo4]
wéi chéng
siege / besieged city
chéng zhǐ
Dá bǎn chéng
Dabancheng district of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang
chéng duǒ
chéng bāng
a city state (Greek polis)
Huáng chéng
Imperial City, inner part of Beijing, with the Forbidden City at its center
chéng lóu
city gate tower
tiān ān mén chéng lóu
Tiananmen Gatetower / The Tian'anmen Rostrum
chéng zhèn
town / cities and towns
chéng lǐ
in town / inside the city
chéng mén
city gate
chéng wài
outside of a city
chéng zhōng
in the city
chéng qiáng
city wall
chéng qū
city district / urban area
Cháng chéng
the Great Wall
chéng bǎo
castle / rook (chess piece)
Tǎ chéng
Tarbaghatay or Tacheng city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang
píng rǎng chéng
Pyongyang City
fū rén chéng
Lady City
yú lè chéng
entertainment center
shǒu chéng
Defend the city
Wǎn chéng
Wancheng district of Nanyang city 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan
wǎn píng chéng
Wanping City
Yí chéng
Yicheng county level city in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei
Yí chéng shì
Yicheng county level city in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei
chéng zhài
walled city
bā dá lǐng cháng chéng
Badaling Great Wall
mù tián yù cháng chéng
mutianyu section of the great wall
Yīng chéng
Yingcheng district of Xiaogan city 孝感市[Xiao4 gan3 shi4], Hubei
chéng huáng miào
town god's temple
Gōng chéng
Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi
gōng chéng lüě dì
Fèng chéng
Fengcheng Manzu autonomous county in Liaoning
chéng nèi
inside the city
gù chéng
old city
lún dūn chéng
City of London
Xīn chéng
Xincheng or Hsincheng township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 Xian4], east Taiwan
Zhè chéng
Zhecheng county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan
jiù chéng
old city
Luán chéng
Luancheng county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei
Jìn chéng
Jincheng prefecture-level city in Shanxi 山西
Màn chéng
Manchester, England / Manchester City football club
háng chéng
Zhī chéng
Zicheng town in Yidu county 宜都[Yi2 du1], Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei
Liǔ chéng
Liucheng county in Liuzhou 柳州[Liu3 zhou1], Guangxi
Luán chéng xiàn
Luancheng county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei
Tóng chéng
Tongcheng county level city in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1 qing4], Anhui
huá qiáo chéng
Overseas Chinese Town
shēn zhèn huá qiáo chéng
Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town
Bīng chéng
Penang (state in Malaysia)
Fán chéng
Fangcheng district of Xiangfan city 襄樊市[Xiang1 fan2 shi4], Hubei
Fán chéng qū
Fangcheng district of Xiangfan city 襄樊市[Xiang1 fan2 shi4], Hubei
chéng chí
shěn yáng chéng
Shenyang City
luò yáng chéng
Luoyang City
Lù chéng
Lucheng county level city in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi
Fú chéng
Fucheng district of Mianyang city 綿陽市|绵阳市[Mian2 yang2 shi4], north Sichuan
Wèi chéng
Weicheng District in Xianyang City 咸陽市|咸阳市[Xian2 yang2 Shi4], Shaanxi
Chéng chéng
Chengcheng County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi
wèng chéng
enceinte of a city gate / barbican entrance to a city
Shī chéng
Lion city, nickname for Singapore 新加坡[Xin1 jia1 po1]
chéng zhuān
city wall brick
Yǔ chéng
Yucheng county level city in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong
jīng chéng
capital of a country
běi jīng chéng
beijing city
nán jīng chéng
Nanjing City
chéng xiāng
city and countryside
zhù chéng
niǔ yuē chéng
New York City
rào chéng
around the city
绿 lǜ chéng
luó chéng
a second wall built around a city wall
Yáng chéng
Yangcheng, a nickname for 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1]
Yì chéng
Yicheng county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi
Liáo chéng
Liaocheng prefecture-level city in Shandong
Liáo chéng shì
Liaocheng prefecture-level city in Shandong
Xiāng chéng
Xiangcheng district of Zhangzhou city 漳州市[Zhang1 zhou1 shi4], Fujian
Ruì chéng xiàn
Ruicheng county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi
Luó chéng Mù lǎo zú Zì zhì xiàn
Luocheng Mulao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi
Ruì chéng
Ruicheng county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi
Gǎo chéng
Gaocheng county level city in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei
Róng chéng
nickname for Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1]
Jì chéng
old name for Beijing 北京[Bei3 jing1]
jì zhōu chéng
Jizhou City
Yú chéng xiàn
Yucheng county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan
Xiāng chéng
Xiangcheng county in Xuchang city 許昌市|许昌市[Xu3 chang1 shi4], Henan / Xiangcheng district of Xiangfan city 襄樊市[Xiang1 fan2 shi4], Hubei
Xiāng chéng qū
Xiangcheng district of Xiangfan city 襄樊市[Xiang1 fan2 shi4], Hubei
Xiāng chéng xiàn
Xiangcheng county in Xuchang city 許昌市|许昌市[Xu3 chang1 shi4], Henan
lián chéng jué
Liancheng Jue
Zhū chéng shì
Zhucheng county level city in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 fang1], Shandong
Gǔ chéng xiàn
Gucheng county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei

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Pinyin cheng2
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