Learn to write the Chinese character "堙" by watching the stroke order animation of "堙".
Stroke by Stroke: 堙 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '堙' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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1. 堵塞。
[En.] Block up.
2. 堆成的土山。
[En.] Mound made of earth.
3. 古同“湮”,埋没。
[En.] Bury in oblivion.
1. 堵塞:~窒。~郁(闷塞,气郁结不畅)。
[En.] Block up: obstruct, become stifled.
2. 堆成的土山:距~(古代攻城时,积土为山,然后登堙观察城里敌情)。
[En.] Mound: during ancient sieges, earth was piled to create a mound for observing enemy activities.
3. 古同“湮”,埋没。
[En.] Bury in oblivion.
【本义】: 堵塞
[En.] The original meaning: block up.
【造字法】: 形声。从土,垔( yīn )声。《说文》本作“垔”,从土,西声。
[En.] Character formation: Phono-semantic; composed of “earth” and the sound “yīn”. In the Shuowen, it was originally written as “垔”, with the component for “earth” and a western sound.
1. 同本义 ([En.] block up).
1. 《说文》:垔,塞也。 字俗作堙,作陻。
[En.] "Shuowen": "垔 means to block; the common writing is 堙, which also has the form 陻."
2. 《左传·襄公二十五年》:井堙木刊。
[En.] "Zuo Zhuan": The well is blocked with wooden boards.
3. 《国语·周语》:堕高堙庳。
[En.] "Guoyu": Falling from a height to the blocked ground.
4. 《国语》:夷灶堙井。
[En.] "Guoyu": The fire pits block the wells.
又如: 堙圮(堵塞毁坏); 堙窒(堵塞); 堙绝(堵塞断绝); 堙塞(堵塞)
[En.] Such as: 堙圮 (block and destroy); 堙窒 (block); 堙绝 (block and sever); 堙塞 (block).
2. 泯灭; 埋没 ([En.] bury in oblivion).
1. 《国语·周语下》:绝后无主堙替隶圉。 韦昭注:“堙,没也。”
[En.] "Guoyu": If there is no lord, it will be buried and forgotten. Wei Zhao noted, "堙 means to vanish."
2. 宋· 王安石《东方朔》:金玉本光莹,浮沙岂能堙。
[En.] Song dynasty, Wang Anshi: Gold and jade shine brightly; how can floating sand bury them?
又如: 堙灭(埋没); 堙昧(埋没不显)
[En.] Such as: 堙灭 (bury); 堙昧 (buried and not visible).
3. 废置,败落 ([En.] waste).
1. 《韩非子·八说》:不若堙穴伏。
[En.] "Han Feizi": It is better to lie in a blocked pit.
2. 《史记·司马相如列传》:堙灭而不称者,不可胜数也。
[En.] "Records of the Grand Historian": Those that have perished and remain unmentioned are countless.
又如: 堙陵(废置,败落)
[En.] Such as: 堙陵 (waste; decline).
为攻城而堆的土山 ([En.] mound).
1. 《尉缭子》:地狭而人众者,则筑大堙以临之。
[En.] "Wei Liaozi": In a place where the land is narrow and the people are many, a large mound should be built to confront them.
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