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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

墜 stroke order animation

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墜 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 墜
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 墜
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhuì
墜 zhuì 1. 落,掉下。 (fall; drop) 2. 往下沉。 (sink down) 3. 系掛在器物上垂着的東西。 (an object hanging from something) 1. 落,掉下:~馬。呱呱~地。 (fall; drop: e.g., fall from a horse; fall with a plop) 2. 往下沉:下~。 (sink down: e.g., sink below) 3. 系掛在器物上垂着的東西:扇~兒。~子。 (an object hanging from something: e.g., fan tassel; a type of folk art in Henan and Shandong) 墜 zhuì (verb) 【本义】: 落下,掉下 (Original meaning: fall; drop) 【造字法】: 形聲。从土,隊聲。墜落到地上,故从土。 (Constructed as: pictophonetic. Contains "土" (earth), meaning to fall to the ground.) 1. 同本义 (same as the original meaning) 2. 喪失; 敗壞 (lose; ruin) 3. 毀壞 (destroy) 4. 垂掛; 因分量重而下垂 (hang down; weigh down) 墜 zhuì (noun) 吊在下面的裝飾性的東西 (a hanging object) 墜 zhuì (verb) 【本义】: 落下,掉下 (Original meaning: fall; drop) 1. 【引】 (quote) a. 『說文』:隊,從高隕也。俗字作墜。 (In "Shuowen," it states: to fall from a height, commonly written as "墜.") b. 『爾雅』:墜,落也。 (In "Erya": to drop.) c. 『廣雅』:墜,墮也。 (In "Guangya": to fall down.) d. 『公羊傳·文公三年』:死而墜也。 (From "Gongyang Zhuan": to die and fall.) e. 『楚辭·離騷』:朝飲木籣之墜露兮。 (From "Chuci": in the morning, drinking dew from wood.) f. 『楚辭·九歌·國殤』:矢交墜兮士爭先。 (From "Chuci": arrows fall as the soldiers vie for the lead.) g. 『呂氏春秋·察今』:自舟中墜於水。 (From "Lüshi Chunqiu": to fall into water from a boat.) 2. 【例】 (example) 例: 又如: 劍之所從墜。 (e.g., wherever the sword falls from.) 3. 【引】 (quote) a. 清·侯方域《壯悔堂文集》:抗墜疾徐。(墜,聲音低沉。) (From "Zhuanghui Tang Wenzhong": to sound low and deep.) b. 《列子·天瑞》:杞國有人,憂天地崩墜。 (From "Liezi": there are people in Qi worried about heaven and earth collapsing.) c. 《漢書·枚乘傳》:墜入深淵難以復出。 (From "Han Shu": to fall into an abyss, hard to return.) 4. 【例】 (example) 例: 又如: 墜睫(落淚); 墜樓(從樓上掉落下地); 墜淚(墜睫;掉淚); 墜紅(落花) (e.g., falling eyelashes (tears); falling from a building; falling tears; falling petals.) 2. 喪失; 敗壞 (lose; ruin) 1. 【引】 (quote) a. 『書·酒誥』:今惟殷墜厥命。 (In "Book of Documents": now, only Yin has lost its mandate.) b. 『國語』:自先王莫墜其國,當君而亡之,君之過也。 (In "Guoyu": if the earlier kings did not lose their states, it was due to the ruler’s fault.) 2. 【例】 (example) 例: 又如: 墜亡(喪失); 墜失(失去); 墜言(失言); 墜履(不輕易遺棄舊物或故物失而復得之典) (e.g., losing; loss; slip of tongue; accidental loss but recovery.) 3. 毀壞 (destroy) 1. 【引】 (quote) a. 『文心雕龍·史傳』:昔者夫子閔王道之缺,傷斯文之墜。 (From "Wenxin Diaolong": ancient philosophers lamented the loss of culture.) 2. 【例】 (example) 例: 又如: 墜典(已廢亡的典章制度); 墜湮(湮沒亡失); 墜緒(墜遺。行將斷絕的皇統) (e.g., the lost system of laws; deep loss; inheritance nearing extinction.) 4. 垂掛; 因分量重而下垂 (hang down; weigh down.) 1. 【例】 (example) 例: 如: 墜岸(陡岸,險岸); 墜腳(置於末尾; 吊在下面) (e.g., steep banks; hanging down.) 墜 zhuì (noun) 吊在下面的裝飾性的東西 (a hanging object) 1. 【例】 (example) 例: 如: 墜葉(耳墜); 扇墜兒; 耳墜; 香墜 (e.g., earring; fan tassels; ear drops; fragrance pendant.)

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Pinyin zhui4
Four Corner
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