Learn to write the Chinese character "垄" by watching the stroke order animation of "垄".
Stroke by Stroke: 垄 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '垄' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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垄 (lǒng)
1. 田地分界高起的埂子。
[En.] A mound that marks the boundary in the field.
2. 农作物的行(háng),或行与行间的空地。
[En.] The rows of crops or the space between the rows.
3. 像垄的东西。
[En.] Something resembling a ridge.
4. 坟冢。
[En.] A grave or tomb.
本义: 坟
[En.] Original meaning: tomb.
造字法: 形声。从土,龙声。
[En.] Character formation: Ideophonetic. From 土 (earth) + the sound 龙 (dragon).
1. 同本义 ([En.] mound)
引: 《战国策·齐策》:生王之头,曾不若死士之垄也。
[En.] Quotation: "The head of the king of life is not as good as the mound of the dead warriors."
例: 又如:垄墓(坟墓)
[En.] Example: For instance, 垄墓 (grave).
2. 土埂 ([En.] ridge)
3. 田埂
引: 《史记·陈涉世家》:辍耕之垄上。
[En.] Quotation: "On the ridge where he stopped plowing."
例: 又如:垄次(田间);垄亩之臣(辞官归耕田野的臣子);垄亩(阡陌田野)
[En.] Example: For instance, 垄次 (between fields); 垄亩之臣 (a minister who resigns to farm the fields); 垄亩 (the fields).
4. 成行种植农作物的土埂
[En.] The ridge used for planting crops in rows.
5. 像垄的东西。
[En.] Something resembling a ridge.
例: 如:瓦垄;垄灶(土灶,就地砌起的灶)
[En.] Example: For instance, 瓦垄 (tile ridge); 垄灶 (earthen stove built on site).
6. 高丘,高地 ([En.] high hill)
引: 《楚辞·东方朔·七谏沉江》:封比干之丘垄。 注:“小曰丘,大曰垄。垄,一作陇。”
[En.] Quotation: "A mound for Feng Bi Gan." Note: "A small one is called a hill, a large one is called a ridge. Ridge can also be denoted as 陇."
例: 又如:垄岗沙(沙漠中广泛分布的一种沙丘,也称“沙垄”或“纵向沙丘”)
[En.] Example: For instance, 垄岗沙 (a type of dune found in deserts, also called "sand ridge" or "longitudinal dune").
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