Learn to write the Chinese character "攏" by watching the stroke order animation of "攏".
Stroke by Stroke: 攏 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '攏' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '攏' Step-by-Step
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Chinese Character '攏'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
攏 lǒng
1. 湊起,總合。
(To gather together or sum up.)
2. 靠近,船隻靠岸。
(To come alongside, as in when a boat docks.)
3. 使不鬆散或不離開。
(To keep from loosening or leaving.)
4. 梳,用梳子整理頭髮。
(To comb or arrange hair with a comb.)
5. 合上,聚集。
(To close or bring together.)
本义: 聚合,合攏
(Original meaning: to gather or coalesce.)
造字法: 形聲。从手,龍聲。
(Character formation method: phonetic-semantic; comprises the elements for "hand" and "dragon" sound.)
1. 同本义 (En: gather together)
引例: 郭璞《江賦》:攏萬川乎巴樑。
(Quote: Guo Pu's "River Ode": Gather the rivers at Ba Liang.)
2. 總計;合計 (En: sum up)
例: 攏一攏帳; 攏統(總共)
(Example: Sum up the accounts or total.)
3. 梳理;整理 (En: comb)
引例: 《紅樓夢》:(英: 湘雲)便在石蹬上重新勻了臉,攏了鬢,連忙起身,同着來至紅香圃中。
(Quote: In "Dream of the Red Chamber": (Translated:) She quickly tidied her hair on the stone steps and hurried to the fragrant garden.)
4. 傍靠 (En: come alongside)
引例: 《樂府詩集·丁仙芝·江南曲》:知郎舊時意,且請攏船頭。
(Quote: "Yuefu Poetry Collection": Knowing your old intentions, please dock the boat.)
例: 攏家(回家); 攏岸; 攏船(撐船靠岸); 攏邊(靠近旁邊)
(Examples: Come home; dock at the shore; pull the boat to shore; get closer to the side.)
5. 接近 (En: be near)
例: 攏帳(走近)
(Example: Approach the tent.)
6. 彈奏絃樂器的一種指法。用指在弦上上下按捺 (En: make a light tap on pipa string)
引例: 白居易《琵琶行》:輕攏慢捻抹復挑。
(Quote: Bai Juyi's "Pipa Song": Gently tapping and lightly pinching while playing.)
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