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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

执 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

执 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 执
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 执
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhí
execute (a plan) / grasp
执 (zhí) 1. 拿着。 [En.] Hold. 2. 掌握。 [En.] Control. 3. 捕捉,逮捕。 [En.] Arrest. 4. 坚持。 [En.] Stick to. 5. 实行。 [En.] Carry out. 6. 凭单。 [En.] Receipt. 7. 朋友。 [En.] The best friend; the most intimate friend. 8. 姓。 [En.] Surname. 1. 拿着:~刃。~鞭。~笔。 [En.] Hold: e.g. hold a blade, hold a whip, hold a pen. 2. 掌握:~政。~教。 [En.] Take charge of: e.g. take charge of politics, take charge of education. 3. 捕捉,逮捕:战败被~。 [En.] Arrest: e.g. captured after defeat. 4. 坚持:固~。~意。 [En.] Stick to: e.g. firmly stick to, insist on a belief. 5. 实行:~行。 [En.] Carry out: e.g. implement. 6. 凭单:回~。 [En.] Receipt: e.g. rely on a receipt. 7. 朋友:~友(志同道合的朋友,简称“执”)。 [En.] The best friend: e.g. close friends with like-mindedness, abbreviated as "zhi." 8. 姓。 [En.] Surname. 执 (zhí) [Verb] - 【本义】: 拘捕;捉拿 [En.] The primary meaning: Arrest; detain. - 【造字法】: 右边是人,手被铐住。 [En.] Character formation: the right part represents a person with their hands restrained. 1. 同本义 ([En.] arrest) 引: 1 《说文》:执,捕罪人也。 [En.] "To arrest a criminal" (from 'Shuowen Jiezi'). 2. 拿;持 ([En.] hold) 引: 1 《易·遯》:执之用黄牛之革。 [En.] "Use yellow cowhide to hold it." 3. 操持;执行 ([En.] go in for; carry out) 引: 1 《汉书·叔孙通传》:御史执法,举不如仪者。 [En.] "The censor enforces the law." 4. 主持;掌管 ([En.] take charge of) 引: 1 《左传·襄公三十一年》:郑人游于乡校,以论执政。 [En.] "The Zheng people discussed governance." 5. 掌握;控制 ([En.] control) 引: 1 《史记·魏公子列传》:公子执辔愈恭。 [En.] "The prince held the reins with great respect." 6. 固执;坚持 ([En.] stick to) 引: 1 《荀子·儒效》:乐乐兮其执道不殆也。 [En.] "They are joyful because they stick to the right path." 7. 取得 ([En.] achieve; acquire) 引: 1 马中锡《中山狼传》:是皆不足以执信也。 [En.] "These are all insufficient to gain trust." 8. 判断 ([En.] ascertain; judge; decide) 引: 1 《礼记·乐记》:请诵其所闻,而吾子自执也。 [En.] "Please recite what you have heard, and you decide." 9. 堵塞 ([En.] block) 引: 1 《左传·僖公二十八年》:子玉使伯棼请战,曰:“非敢必有功也,愿以间执谗慝之口。” [En.] "To block the malicious mouths in a plea for battle." 10. 结下,结成 ([En.] incur; forge; become) 引: 1 《国语·越语上》:寡人不知其力之不足也,而又与大国执仇。 [En.] "I don’t realize my weakness, yet I make an enemy of a great nation." 11. 对待 ([En.] treat with) 引: 1 《荀子》:貌执之士者百有余人。 [En.] "There are more than a hundred men of distinction." 执 (zhí) [Pronoun] 1. 至交,好友 ([En.] the best friend; the most intimate friend) 引: 1 杜甫《赠卫八处士》:怡然敬父执,问我来何方。 [En.] "Calmly revering his father, he asked where I came from." 2. 凭单 ([En.] receipt). 例: 如: 执凭文帖(有官府印信的公文);执结(具结证明);执证(凭证);回执;收执 [En.] For example: official documents with government seals; receipt. 3. 姓。 [En.] Surname. 执 (zhí) [Preposition] Equivalent to "用" or "凭" ([En.] with) 引: 1 《云笈七签》:执古可以御今,证今可以知古。 [En.] "Using the past to contend with the present, and the present to know the past."
gù zhí
obstinate / stubborn
zhí hú
Hold the pot
zhí qín
to be on duty (of a security guard etc)
zhí zhèng fǔ
Directoire Executif
zhí xíng
to implement / to carry out / to execute / to run
zhí mí bù wù
to obstinately persist in going about things the wrong way (idiom)
zhí zhǎng
to wield (power etc)
zhí fǎ
to enforce a law / law enforcement
zhí zhèng
to hold power / in office
zhí xíng guān
bailiff / executive officer
zhí jiào
to teach / to be a teacher / to train / to coach
zhí fǎ quán
law enforcement power
zhí yì
to be determined to / to insist on
zhí zhuó
to be strongly attached to / to be dedicated / to cling to
zhí dǎo
to direct (a film, play etc)
zhí zhèng zhě
zhí shì
to perform one's job / attendant / job / duties / (respectful appellation for the addressee) you / your Excellency / (Church) deacon
zhí zhuó
obsession / persistence / rigid / inflexible / punctilious
zhí zhèng guān
consul (of the Roman Republic) / magistrate (chief administrator)
yíng yè zhí zhào
business license / trading certificate
zhí niù
stubborn / willful / pigheaded / Taiwan pr. [zhi2 ao4]
jū zhí
rigid / inflexible
zhí zhèng dǎng
ruling party / the party in power
bǐng gōng zhí fǎ
enforcing the law impartially
zhàng yì zhí yán
to speak out for justice (idiom); to take a stand on a matter of principle
zhēng zhí
to dispute / to disagree / to argue opinionatedly / to wrangle
pī jiān zhí ruì
well armed with armour and weapons / be fully prepared for battle
zhí biān

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Pinyin zhi2
Four Corner
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