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之 stroke order animation

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之 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 之
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 之
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhī
(literary equivalent of 的) / (subor. part.) / him / her / it
之 [zhī] 1. Part of speech: particle, indicating possession or associative relationship. 助词,表示领有、连属关系。 2. Part of speech: particle, indicating modification relationship. 助词,表示修饰关系。 3. Part of speech: used between subject and predicate to form a sentence component. 用在主谓结构之间,使成为句子成分。 4. Pronoun, substitutes for a person or thing. 代词,代替人或事物。 5. Pronoun, this, that. 代词,这,那。 6. Virtually used, having no reference. 虚用,无所指。 7. To go to; arrive at. 往,到。 --- 之 [zhī] 1. To grow; the original meaning: to emerge, produce, or grow. 同本义 ([En.] grow) 2. To go to; to walk towards a certain direction. 往,朝某方向走,到…去 ([En.] go to; leave) --- 之 [zhī] 1. Demonstrative pronoun referring to a person or thing, equivalent to "this" or "that." 指示人或事物,相当于“这个”“那个” ([En.] this; that) 2. Pronoun referring to a person or thing's name, equivalent to he, she, it, they, them. 指代人或事物的名称,相当于他、她、它、他们 ([En.] he; her; it; they; them) 3. Demonstrative pronoun equivalent to "its," "his," "other." 指示代词,相当于“其”、“他的”、“其他的” ([En.] its; his; other) --- 之 [zhī] 1. Indicates possession equivalent to "of." 的 ([En.] of) 2. Used between attributive and headword to indicate a possessive relationship or general modification relationship. 用在定语和中心词之间,表示领属关系或一般的修饰关系。 3. Used between subject and predicate to negate the independence of the sentence. 用于主谓结构之间,取消句子的独立性。 4. Used between a real word and a preposition. 用于实词与介词之间。 --- 之 [zhī] Shape resembling the letter "S," known as "zigzag." 具有字母S的形状的,“之”字形 (【英】:zigzag)。 For example: the winding river Zi Jiang (江流曲折如“之”字者); zigzag path (曲折如“之”字形的路).
bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì
as easy as blowing off dust / effortless / with ease
chī zhī yǐ bí
to snort disdainfully / to scoff at / to turn up one's nose
zhǐ chǐ zhī jiān
within a foot of / between a foot of eight and a foot of ten inches / very close by
zhào zhī jí lái
come as soon as called / at a moment's notice
chā zhī háo lí
The difference
shèn zhī yòu shèn
make assurance doubly sure / be double cautious / be scrupulous / treat sth. with extreme prudence
tiān rǎng zhī bié
lit. as different as sky and earth (idiom) / fig. night and day difference / opposite extremes / a world of difference / a far cry from
táo zhī yāo yāo
to escape without trace (idiom); to make one's getaway (from the scene of a crime) / to show a clean pair of heels
táo zhī yāo yāo
The peach trees are in full blossom.
rú zhī nài hé
What can be done about it? / What can we do about it? / What shall I do? / How can it be managed?
wú wàng zhī zāi
an accident / an undeserved catastrophe / unexpected calamities
què zhī bù gōng
to refuse would be impolite
pǐ fū zhī yǒng
foolhardiness / courage without discipline / brute courage
wú chǐ zhī yóu
be utterly contemptible / most shameless of all / brazen in the extreme
qǐ yīn huò fú bì qū zhī
How to avoid misfortune
yī xí zhī dì
(acknowledged) place / a role to play / niche
cè yǐn zhī xīn
zhōng yōng zhī dào
doctrine of the mean / moderation in all things
jīng gōng zhī niǎo
lit. a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow (idiom) / fig. sb who frightens easily, due to past experiences
mí liú zhī jì
on one's deathbed / at the point of death
xián wài zhī yīn
overtone (music) / (fig.) connotation / implied meaning
qiáng nǔ zhī mò
lit. an arrow at the end of its flight (idiom) / fig. spent force
yǐ bǐ zhī dào
The way of the other
zhī hòu
afterwards / following / later / after
qǐng kè zhī jiān
In an instant
yán zhī záo záo
say with certainty / speak on good grounds / say with definite evidence
yáng gāng zhī qì
hòu gù zhī yōu
fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of action) / worries about the future consequences / often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything"
dāng wù zhī jí
top priority job / matter of vital importance
chí zhī yǐ héng
to pursue unremittingly (idiom); to persevere
hèn zhī rù gǔ
to hate sb to the bone (idiom)
jiù mìng zhī ēn
zhī yù zhī ēn
lit. the kindness of recognizing sb's worth and employing him (idiom) / patronage / protection
huǐ zhī wǎn yǐ
It is now too late to repent. / Repentance is too late. / be too late to regret / It's no use regretting now. / repent too late
bù huò zhī nián
the age of 40s
dāng zhī wú kuì
fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom); entirely worthy (of a title, honor etc)
shòu zhī yǒu kuì
receive it with shame / I am not worthy of it. / I don't deserve it. / It is shameful to accept ....
gǎn kǎi xì zhī
jǐ jiǎo zhī shì
double-pronged attack / divide forces to contain or assemble forces to attack the enemy in fighting battles
jù zhī mén wài
to lock one's door and refuse to see sb
jù rén yú qiān lǐ zhī wài
unapproachable / keep sb. a thousand li away / keep at arm's length / keep a good distance from sb. / put sb. beyond the pale
wèi zhī yī zhèn
Cheer for
xùn léi bù jí yǎn ěr zhī shì
Thunder is too fast to cover your ears
bù bái zhī yuān
unrighted wrong / unredressed injustice
míng míng zhī zhōng
in the unseen world of spirits / mysteriously and inexorably
jiān ér yǒu zhī
to have both (at the same time)
wú miǎn zhī wáng
an uncrowned king a journalist
cāo zhī guò jí
to act with undue haste (idiom); eager and impatient / overhasty
jìng ér yuǎn zhī
to show respect from a distance (idiom) / to remain at a respectful distance
chì zhī wèi
jì lái zhī
Already come
lái zhī bù yì
hard-won / hard-earned
sī mǎ zhāo zhī xīn
Heart of Sima Zhao
xiǎo zhī yǐ lǐ
Dawn of reason
pǔ tiān zhī xià
all over the world
chuí mù zhī nián
old age
dòng liáng zhī cái
Pillar of material
dòng liáng zhī cái
a man of tremendous promise / the pillars of society / the mainstay of a cause
mèng zhī duì
dream team
bù xiáng zhī zhào
bad omen
chí yú zhī yāng
Pond Fish
jiǔ quán zhī xià
after death / dwelling place of the dead
fàn fàn zhī jiāo
nodding acquaintance / slight familiarity
tiān yuān zhī bié
a complete contrast / totally different
liū zhī dà jí
to steal away / to beat it
yì měi zhī cí
flattering words / inflated praise
lòu wǎng zhī yú
a fish that escaped the net (idiom) / (fig.) sb or sth that slips through the net
qiǎo fù nán wéi wú mǐ zhī chuī
The cleverest housewife cannot cook without rice (idiom); You won't get anywhere without equipment.
wú mǐ zhī chuī
lacking the necessary materials one cannot accomplish one's intentions
rán méi zhī jí
lit. the fire burns one's eyebrows (idiom); fig. desperate situation / extreme emergency
liáo yuán zhī shì
The Power of Liaoyuan
chū shēng zhī dú
newborn calf
quǎn mǎ zhī láo
serve like a dog or a horse / be of service at sb.'s disposal / render one's services / render the services of a dog or a horse
sàng jiā zhī quǎn
stray dog (idiom)
wèng zhōng zhī biē
lit. like a turtle in a jar / to be trapped (idiom)
zhī zhī shén shǎo
know little about / ill-informed
xuǎn jiè zhī jí
only a skin complaint / a negligible ill / a small calamity / some slight ailment
bù zhì zhī zhèng
incurable disease
rén jiē yǒu zhī
Everyone has it
fàng zhī sì hǎi ér jiē zhǔn
applicable anywhere (idiom)
bù mián zhī yè
sleepless night / white night / wakeful night
zhuǎn shùn zhī jiān
in a wink / in the twinkle of an eye / in a flash
zhòng shǐ zhī dì
lit. target of a multitude of arrows (idiom); the butt of public criticism / attacked on all sides
Zǔ chōng zhī
Zu Chongzhi (429-500), astronomer and mathematician
shā shēn zhī huò
hòu qǐ zhī xiù
an up-and-coming youngster / new talent / a brilliant younger generation
fǎn zhī yì rán
vice versa
fù zhī yī jù
to put to the torch (idiom) / to commit to the flames / to burn sth down deliberately
kě chéng zhī jī
an opportunity that can be exploited to sb.'s advantage / an opportunity that can be made use of by another to one's disadvantage / readily exploitable loopholes
jiǔ wǔ zhī zūn
the royal prerogative (position) / the imperial throne / the position of an emperor
zhī hū zhě yě
lit. 之[zhi1], 乎[hu1], 者[zhe3] and 也[ye3] (four grammatical particles of Classical Chinese) (idiom); fig. archaic expressions
Ān Shǐ zhī Luàn
An-Shi Rebellion (755-763) of 安祿山|安禄山[An1 Lu4 shan1] and 史思明[Shi3 Si1 ming2], a catastrophic setback for Tang dynasty
bīng jiā bì zhēng zhī dì
xiāng hù zhī jiān
between each other / each other
wú jī zhī tán
complete nonsense (idiom)
yòng zhī bù jié
be inexhaustible / be in endless supply / will be never used up
zāo kāng zhī qī
wife who has shared her husband's hard lot
jì zhī
Following it
shéng zhī yǐ fǎ
to punish according to the law / to bring to justice
huǎn bīng zhī jì
delaying tactics / stalling / measures to stave off an attack / stratagem to win a respite

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Pinyin zhi1
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