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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

福 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

福 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 福
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 福
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Meaning of

Pinyin fú、 fù
good fortune
福: [fú] 名: 1. 一切顺利,幸运,与“祸”相对。 (Everything goes smoothly, good fortune, opposite of "disaster".) 2. 旧时妇女行礼的姿势。 (The posture of women bowing in ancient times.) 3. 祭神的酒肉。 (The food and wine for sacrifices to gods.) 4. 保祐。 (To bless and protect.) 5. 姓。 (A surname.) 古称富贵寿考等齐备为福。与“祸”相对 (Traditionally, having wealth, longevity, and other blessings is considered good fortune, opposite of "disaster".) 祭祀用的酒肉 (Used for sacrificial offerings.) 用于书信中,表示良好祝愿 (Used in letters to convey good wishes.) 动: 1. 赐福,保佑。 (To bless and protect.) 2. 亦作“拂”。行礼。上身稍微前倾,双手重叠在偏右方向上下移动。 (Also written as "拂". To salute, slightly leaning forward with hands stacked and moving up and down.) 3. 通“副”( fù)。相称,符合。 (Used interchangeably with "副" (fù), meaning to match or fit.)
xìng fú
happiness / happy / blessed
寿 fú shòu
happiness and longevity
Jiā lì fú ní yà
Jiā lì fú ní yà zhōu
qǐ yīn huò fú bì qū zhī
How to avoid misfortune
Fú zhōu
Fuzhou prefecture-level city and capital of Fujian province in east China / formerly known as Foochow or Fuchow
Fú jiàn
Fujian province (Fukien) in east China, abbr. 福 or 閩|闽, capital Fuzhou 福州 / Fujian province (Fukien) in Taiwan
fú lì
material benefit / benefit in kind / (social) welfare
fú xī huò suǒ fú
Good fortune and misfortune
Fú gāng
Fukuoka, city in Kyushyu, Japan
yān zhī fēi fú
Yan Zhi Fei Fu
huò fú
disaster and happiness
Fú jiàn shěng
Fujian province (Fukien) in east China, abbr. 閩|闽, capital Fuzhou 福州 / Fujian province (Fukien) in Taiwan
Fú zhōu shì
Fuzhou prefecture-level city and capital of Fujian province in east China / formerly known as Foochow or Fuchow
Fú tè
Ford (name) / Ford, US car make
fú lā duō
zào fú
to benefit (e.g. the people)
fú qi
good fortune / a blessing
fú yīn
good news / glad tidings / gospel
fú tián
field for growing happiness / domain for practices leading to enlightenment (Buddhism)
xiǎng fú
to live comfortably / happy and prosperous life
yǒu fú tóng xiǎng
share each other's fortunes / share prosperity with ...
xiǎng qīng fú
living in ease and comfort
yàn fú
luck with women
cì fú
to bless
yī bǎo yǎn fú
to feast one's eyes on (idiom)

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Input Method for
Pinyin fu2
Four Corner
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