Learn to write the Chinese character "绋" by watching the stroke order animation of "绋".
Stroke by Stroke: 绋 Writing Order
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绋 fú
1. 古代出殡时拉棺材用的大绳。
(Ancient big rope used to pull the coffin during funerals.)
2. 绳索。
3. 古同“绂”,系印的丝带。
(Ancient term same as "绂", a ribbon that ties seals or jade pendants.)
4. 通“韨”。蔽膝。
(Same as "韨". Knee hide.)
5. 通“绂”。系印章或佩玉的丝带。也代指官印。
(Same as "绂". A silk ribbon used for tying seals or jade pendants; also refers to a government seal.)
Additional Meanings:
1. 乱丝
(Jumbled mass of silks or hemps.)
2. 大绳
(Big rope.)
3. 特指下葬时引柩入穴的绳索
(Specifically refers to the cord guiding the hearse during burial.)
4. 通“韨”。蔽膝
(Same as "韨". Knee hide.)
5. 通“绂”。系印章或佩玉的丝带。也代指官印
(Same as "绂". Silk ribbon for tying seals or jade; also refers to official seals.)
引例 (Illustrative Examples):
1. 《说文》:绋,乱丝也。从系,弗声。
(Shuowen: "绋" is a jumbled mass of silks, related to tying, and sounds like "弗".)
2. 《诗·小雅·采菽》:绋纚维之。
(Book of Songs: "绋" binds the fibers.)
3. 《白虎通》:绋者,所牵持棺者也。
(Baihu Tong: "绋" refers to the rope used to hold the coffin.)
4. 《左传·昭公三十年》:先君有所助执绋矣。
(Zuo Zhuan: The late ruler was assisted in holding the "绋".)
5. 《礼记·曲礼上》:助葬必执绋。
(Liji: To assist in burial, one must hold the "绋".)
6. 《汉书·丙吉传》:吉疾病,上将使人加绋而封之。
(Han Shu: When Ji was ill, the general had someone add a "绋" to seal it.)
例 (Examples):
印绋 (Ribbon on the seal); 释绋 (Unbind the ribbon).
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