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绅 stroke order animation

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绅 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 绅
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 绅
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Meaning of

Pinyin shēn
member of gentry
绅 (shēn) 1. In ancient times, the large belt worn by scholars and officials; extended meaning refers to a person bound by the belt. - Translation: The large belt worn by scholars in ancient times; extended to refer to a person who is bound by the belt. 2. Formerly referred to a person of power or status in a locality. - Translation: Formerly referred to influential and high-status individuals in local areas. 3. (Noun) Original meaning: The large belt worn outside by scholars and officials. - 【造字法】: Phono-semantic compound; composed of "糸" (mì) indicating silk or thread and "申" (shēn), providing the sound. - Translation: The original meaning refers to a large belt worn outside by scholars and officials. - (Girdle) 同本义 - Translation: Same original meaning ([En.] girdle). - 引例: 1. 《说文》: 绅,大带也。 - Translation: "Shēn" means a large belt. 2. 《广雅》: 绅,带也。 - Translation: In "Guangya", "shēn" refers to a belt. 3. 《礼记·玉藻》: 绅长制士三尺,有司二尺有五寸。 - Translation: The length of the shēn for scholars is three feet, while the official's is two feet and five inches. 4. 《白虎通》: 衣裳所以必有绅带者,示敬谨自约整也。 - Translation: Clothing requires the shēn to show respect, self-discipline, and neatness. 5. 《礼记·内则》: 端哔绅。 - Translation: "Duan Bi shēn", meaning the large belt is for self-discipline. 6. 明· 刘基《卖柑者言》: 峨大冠、拖长绅者,昂昂乎庙堂之器也。 - Translation: "Wearing a tall crown and drag a long shēn, one appears dignified in court." - 示例: - 例如: 绅笏 (large belt and tablet), 绅带 (the large belt worn by scholars in ancient times), 绅緌 (the draping end of the belt), 绅冕 (the belt and crown referring to scholars). 4. (Noun) Formerly referred to individuals in positions of power or status or their class. - (Gentleman; gentry) 旧指地方上有地位权势的人物或他们所属的阶级 - Translation: Refers to individuals with status and power in localities or their social class. - 引例: 1. 文天祥《指南录·后序》: 缙绅、大夫、士萃于左丞相府,莫知计所出。 - Translation: "Jin shen, court officials, and scholars gathered at the office of the left chancellor, where no one knew the origin of their plans." 2. 《儒林外史》: 两家绅衿共一百四五十人,一同到祠堂口迎接当事。 - Translation: "There were about one hundred and fifty gentlemen from two families who went to the ancestral hall to welcome the parties involved." - 示例: - 例如: 官绅 (official gentry), 土豪劣绅 (local tyrants and corrupt gentry), 乡绅 (local dignitaries), 绅宦 (general term for officials), 绅民 (gentlemen and the public), 绅商 (gentry and merchants), 绅董 (gentlemen and literati), 绅衿 (local gentlemen and students). 5. (Verb) To bind the belt on, to wear the large belt. - (Bind) 束上带子,佩大带 - Translation: To bind with a belt, to wear a large belt. - 引例: 1. 《韩非子·外储》: 绅之束之。 - Translation: "To tie up with the shēn." - 示例: - 例如: 绅束 (to restrain).
tǔ háo liè shēn
local bosses, shady gentry (idiom); dominant local mafia
shēn shì
shì shēn
guān shēn
Official gentry
xiāng shēn
a scholar or government official living in one's village / a village gentleman / squire
háo shēn
local despot
fù shēn
Rich gentry
liè shēn
evil gentry / wicked landlord

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Input Method for
Pinyin shen1
Four Corner
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