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瓮 stroke order animation

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瓮 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 瓮
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 瓮
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Meaning of

Pinyin wèng
earthen jar / urn
瓮 [wèng] 1. 一种盛水或酒等的陶器。 (An earthenware container for holding water or wine.) 2. 姓。 (A surname.) 一. 一种盛水或酒等的陶器:水~。酒~。菜~。~城(围绕在城门外的小城)。~牖(以破瓮作窗户,以草绳系户枢。形容家里穷)。 (1. A type of earthenware vessel for holding water or wine: water jar, wine jar, vegetable jar; surrounding city (a small city outside the city gate); jar window (a window made with a broken jar, tied with grass rope, referring to a poor household).) 二. 姓。 (2. A surname.) 【本义】:陶制盛器,小口大腹 (Basic definition: A ceramic container with a small opening and a large belly.) 【造字法】:形声。从瓦,公声。 (Character formation: Phonetic component, from tiles, with "gong" sound.) 同本义 ([En.] urn; earthen jar) (Same basic meaning: urn; earthen jar.) 根据说明的词义: 1. 同本义 ([En.] urn; earthen jar) (1. Same basic meaning: urn; earthen jar.) 引证: - 《说文》:罋,汲缾也。 (“Shuōwén Jiězì”: Wèng is a vessel for drawing water.) - 《广雅·释器》:瓮,瓶也。 (“Guǎngyǎ”: Wèng is a jar.) - 罋,瓶也。 (Wèng is a jar.) 2. 按,“瓶”是汲水器,不是今天的所谓瓶 (By the way, "bottle" refers to a water drawing vessel, not what we call a bottle today.) 引证: - 《庄子·天地》:抱甕而出灌。释文:“甕,字亦作瓮。” (From "Zhuangzi": Holding a jar to pour out. Note: "Wèng" is also written as "瓮".) 例: - 又如: 瓮水(一瓮所装的水); 瓮问(瓮下); 瓮牖(以破瓮为窗,指贫寒之家); 瓮头春(酒瓮的口); 瓮天蠡海(自瓮窥天,以瓢测海。喻识见知浅) (For example: jar water (water contained in one jar); jar inquiry (beneath the jar); jar window (using a broken jar as a window, referring to a poor household); jar mouth spring (the mouth of a wine jar); jar sky and sea (peering at the sky from a jar, measuring the sea with a ladle, a metaphor for limited perspective.) 3. 汲水罐 (3. Water-drawing jar.) 引证: - 《易·井》:井谷射鲋,瓮敝漏。 (From "Yijing": In the well valley shooting fish, the jar leaks.) 4. 盛酒浆的坛 (4. A jar for storing wine or liquor.) 引证: - 《礼记》:宋襄公葬其夫人,醯醢百瓮。 (From "Liji": Duke Xiang of Song buried his wife with a hundred jars of vinegar and sauce.) 5. 大水缸 (5. A large water jar.) 引证: - 晋·葛洪《抱朴子》:四渎之浊,不方瓮水之清。 (From "Baopuzi": The turbid water of the four rivers is not as clear as water from a jar.) 6. 借指酒 ([En.] wine) (6. Also refers to wine.) 例: - 如:瓮醅(酒); 瓮精(对嗜酒者的讥称。犹“酒鬼”); 瓮头(瓮头清。初熟酒。一说,酒名); 瓮头香(好酒) (For example: jar brew (wine); jar essence (a derogatory term for a wine lover; like "drunkard"); jar head (clear wine from the jar, newly fermented wine; also a wine name); jar head fragrance (good wine).) 动词用法: 装于瓮中 ([En.] put into jar) (Put into a jar.) 引证: - 清·张岱《陶庵梦忆》:好事者信之,没日至,或取以酿酒,或开禊泉茶馆,或瓮而卖及馈送有司。 (From "Taoan Mengyi": Some good people believe, on certain days, either to brew wine, or to open a tea house, or to jar and sell and gift to officials.) 鼻不畅通 ([En.] snuffle) (A stuffy nose.) 例: - 如:瓮鼻(鼻腔不畅,发声多带鼻音) (For example: jar nose (nasal passages are blocked, voice has a nasal tone).) 使声音变沉 ([En.] become dull) (To make the sound dull.) 引证: - 《随园诗话》引春台《塞外》:野水吞人面,青山瓮马声。 (From "Suiyuan Poetry Talks": Wild water swallows man's face, green mountains dull the horse's sound.)
wèng zhōng zhuō biē
to catch a turtle in a jar (idiom); to set oneself an easy target / a turkey shoot
wèng chéng
enceinte of a city gate / barbican entrance to a city
wèng zhōng zhī biē
lit. like a turtle in a jar / to be trapped (idiom)
wèng shēng wèng qì
to speak in a low muffled voice (idiom)
qǐng jūn rù wèng
lit. please Sir, get into the boiling pot (idiom) / fig. to give sb a taste of his own medicine
shuǐ wèng
water jar

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Input Method for
Pinyin weng4
Four Corner
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