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型 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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型 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 型
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 型
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Meaning of

Pinyin xíng
型 [xíng] 名 【本义】: 铸造器物的模子。用木做的叫模,用竹做的叫范,用泥做的叫型 [Basic Meaning]: A mold used for casting objects. Wood molds are called "mo," bamboo molds are called "fan," and clay molds are called "xing." 【造字法】: 形声。从土,刑声 [Character Formation]: Phono-semantic compound. It consists of "土" (earth) and "刑" (to punish). 同本义 ([En.] mold) 1. Same as the basic meaning: Mold 楷模 ([En.] model) 2. A model; a standard or example 类型;样式 ([En.] type). 3. Type; style 引 1. 《说文》:型,铸器之法也。字亦作侀 [From "Shuowen Jiezi"]: "Xing" is the method of casting utensils. The character is also written as "shen." 2. 《礼记·王制》:刑者,侀也。侀者,成也。水曰准,曰法;木曰模,竹曰范;士曰型。 [From "Liji Wangzhi"]: "Xing" refers to the method. "Shen" means to establish. Water is called "zhun," and "fa"; wood is called "mo," bamboo is called "fan"; with craftsmen, it's called "xing." 3. 《淮南子·修务》:夫纯钩、鱼肠之始下型。 [From "Huainanzi"]: In pure hooks, the first down is modeled. 4. 谢灵运《命学士讲书》:凝土亦能型。 [From Xie Lingyun's "Ming Xueshi Jiang Shu"]: Even solidified earth can be molded. 例 又如:纸型;剂型;砂型;造型;铸型;模型 [Examples]: Such as paper mold, dosage form, sand mold, modeling, casting mold, model. 典范 ([En.] model) 楷模 引 1. 《诗·大雅·荡》:虽无老成人,尚有典型。 [From "Shijing"]: Although there are no old adults, there are still ideals. 2. 清· 陈康祺《郎潜纪闻》:太夫人仁慈果决如此,其泽物型家,推类可想。 [From Chen Kangqi's "Lang Qian Jiwen"]: The kindness and decisiveness of the lady can influence others, leading to similar hopes. 例 又如:型坊(犹典范,楷模);型范(典范;法式) [Examples]: Such as model workshop (also means standard, model); template (standard; style). 类型;样式 ([En.] type). 例 如:轻型;重型;大、中、小型;新型;脸型;口型;流线型;血型 [Examples]: Such as light type, heavy type, large, medium, small types; new type; face shape; mouth shape; streamlined type; blood type.
xíng hào
model (particular version of a manufactured article) / type (product specification in terms of color, size etc)
jù xíng
sentence pattern (in grammar)
dà xíng
large / large-scale
lèi xíng
type / category / genre / form / style
mó xíng
model / mold / matrix / pattern
xīn xíng
new type / new kind
zào xíng
to model / to shape / appearance / style / design / form / pose
xiǎo xíng
small scale / small size
zhōng xíng
medium sized
zhuǎn xíng
transformation / to transform
dà zhōng xíng
large and medium-sized / large and medium-scaled
zhòng xíng
heavy / heavy duty / large caliber
qīng xíng
light (machinery, aircraft etc)
yuán xíng
model / prototype / archetype
chéng xíng
to become shaped / to become formed
xíng shì
type / pattern / version / style
wài xiàng xíng
export-oriented (economic model)
dìng xíng
to finalize (a design etc) / stereotype / permanent wave or perm (hairdressing)
tí xíng
question types
tǐ xíng
build / body type
yú lè xíng
zì xíng
font / typeface
jù xíng
giant / enormous
jù xíng jī
giant-scale computer / giant computer
wēi xíng
miniature / micro- / tiny
jì xíng
delivery mechanism of a medicine (e.g. pill, powder etc)
yì zhì xíng
a restrainable type
kāi tuò xíng
jǐn còu xíng
compact / compact type
gǎi jìn xíng
improved / second generation
jīng jì xíng
economy / economical
mí nǐ xíng
diǎn xíng
model / typical case / archetype / typical / representative
yǐ xíng gān yán
hepatitis B
yǐ xíng
type B / type II / beta-
yán jiū xíng
research-based / investigative type
zōng hé xíng
synthesizing type
bǐng xíng
type C / type III / gamma-
xíng pǔ
jiào dà xíng
chéng jiāo xíng
zhù xíng
cast / matrix / mould / calm / casting mould
chú xíng
jí suǐ xíng
Spinal cord

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Input Method for
Pinyin xing2
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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