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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

刑 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

刑 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 刑
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 刑
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Meaning of

Pinyin xíng
刑 [xíng] 1. 对犯罪的处罚。 - Penalty for crimes. 2. 特指对犯人的体罚。 - Specifically refers to corporal punishment for offenders. 3. 刑罚 (如: 刑罚。刑法。刑律。刑事。执刑。服刑。) - Punishment (e.g., penalty, criminal law, criminal statutes, criminal matters, to enforce penalties, to serve a sentence.) 4. 特指对犯人的体罚 (如: 刑讯。受刑。刑具。) - Specifically refers to corporal punishment for offenders (e.g., torture, suffering punishment, instruments of torture.) 5. 动词意义: - 同本义 (如: kill; cut; dig) - Same as the original meaning (e.g., to kill, to cut, to dig). - 惩罚 (如: punish; torture) - To punish (e.g., to inflict torture). - 征讨 (如: go on a punitive expedition) - To make a punitive expedition. 6. 名词意义: - 刑罚 (如: penalty, punishment; torture; corporal punishment) - Penalty (e.g., punishment, torture, corporal punishment). - 通“形”。形容,形体 (如: appearance; body; form) - Refers to "form" (e.g., shape, body, figure). - 通“型”。法式,典范,榜样 (如: form; sample) - Refers to "type" (e.g., model, standard). - 星相术语 (如: term of astrology) - Astrological term (e.g., in astrology). - 刑具 (如: instrument of torture) - Instruments of torture. - 姓 - Surname. 引文: 1. 《易·蒙》:利用刑人。注:“兑折为刑。” - "Book of Changes": Utilize punishment for offenders. Note: "Exchange involves penalty." 2. 《吕氏春秋·顺说》:刑人之父子也。注:“杀也。” - "Records of the Luy's": The father and son of punishing individuals. Note: "To kill." 3. 《史记·项羽本纪》:刑人如恐不胜。 - "Records of the Grand Historian": To punish individuals as if fearing defeat. 例子: - 刑牛 (牛祭祀): To sacrifice an ox in ancient vows. - 刑牲: To kill livestock for sacrificial purposes or agreements. - 刑马: To kill horses as a blood oath in ancient alliances. 例子: - 死刑: Death penalty. - 徒刑: Imprisonment. - 刑均: To receive equal punishment. - 刑劫: Abuse of punishment. - 刑杖: Punishing rods or instruments.
yán xíng jùn fǎ
severe law / draconian law / inflexible administration of justice / severe penal codes
xíng shì
criminal / penal
sǐ xíng
death penalty
xíng fá
sentence / penalty / punishment
pàn xíng
to sentence (to prison etc)
xíng xíng
to carry out a (death) sentence / execution
xíng fǎ
criminal law
xíng chǎng
execution ground / gallows / scaffold
shòu xíng
beaten / tortured / executed
huǎn xíng
suspended sentence / probation
yǒu qī tú xíng
limited term of imprisonment (i.e. anything less than life imprisonment)
jiǎo xíng jià
gibbet / hanging post
xíng shì sù sòng fǎ
criminal procedure
kù xíng
cruelty / torture
gōng xíng
castration (archaic punishment)
tú xíng
prison sentence
fú xíng
to serve a prison sentence
xíng qī
prison term
wú qī tú xíng
life imprisonment
xíng zhēn
criminal investigation
Xíng bù
Ministry of Justice (in imperial China)
jiǎo xíng
to execute by hanging
yán xíng
strict law / cruel punishment / to carry out cruel law rigorously
xíng xùn bī gòng
extort confessions by torture / use torture to coerce a statement

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Input Method for
Pinyin xing2
Four Corner
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