Learn to write the Chinese character "剥" by watching the stroke order animation of "剥".
Stroke by Stroke: 剥 Writing Order
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剥 [bāo]
1. 去掉外面的皮或其他东西。
- To remove the outer skin or other substances.
- 例: 剥皮 (peel); 剥花生 (peel peanuts).
2. 同本义: 削; 剥离; 剥脱,即去掉物体表面上的东西。
- Same as the original meaning: to pare, strip off, or remove the outer layer of an object.
3. 割裂
- To divide or sever.
4. 脱落
- To fall off.
5. 强制除去
- To denude forcibly.
6. 盘剥; 掠夺
- To exploit or rob.
7. 罢免,革除
- To recall or dismiss.
8. 伤害
- To injure.
9. 衰微; 减少
- To decay or decrease.
10. 另见 bāo; pū
- See also bāo; pū.
- In the "Book of Songs": either peeling or cooking.
剥花生; 剥碗豆; 剥牛皮; 剥葱皮
- Examples: peeling peanuts; shelling peas; removing cowhide; peeling scallions.
本义: 削; 剥离; 剥脱,即去掉物体表面上的东西
- Original meaning: to peel, strip, or remove the surface of an object.
造字法: 会意。从刀,从录,录又兼作声符。“录”,《说文》:“刻割也。”
- Etymology: a compound character combining "knife" and "record," with "record" also serving as a phonetic component. In the "Shuowen Jiezi," it refers to cutting.
1. 《说文》:剥,裂也。
2. 《广雅》:剥,离也。
3. 《诗·小雅·楚茨》:或剥或亨。
4. 《荀子·强国》:然不剥脱,不砥厉,则不可以断绳。
- Note: "剥脱" refers to scraping off the roughness.
5. 《周礼·秋官》:冬日至,令剥阴木而水之。
- Note: "刊、剥" can be used interchangeably, both meaning to remove the surface skin.
6. 《清平乐·村居》(宋·辛弃疾): 溪头卧剥莲蓬。
- Lying by the creek, peeling lotus pods.
剥除 (to strip away); 剥割 (to cut off); 剥制 (to peel or remove the outer layer for processing); 剥皮 (to remove the skin).
- 割裂: To cut apart.
- 脱落: To fall off.
- 强制除去: To forcibly remove.
- 盘剥: To exploit or plunder.
- 伤害: To inflict injury.
- 衰微: To decline or diminish.
另见 bāo; pū
- See also bāo; pū.
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