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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

深 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

深 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 深
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 深
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Meaning of

Pinyin shēn
deep / profound
shēn hū xī
take a deep breath
shēn wěn
French kissing
shēn hòu
deep / profound
shēn shòu
to receive in no small measure
Shēn zhèn
Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economic zone close to Hong Kong
gēn shēn dì gù
deep-rooted (problem etc)
shēn zhèn tè qū
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
Shēn zhèn shì
Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economic zone close to Hong Kong
Shēn zhèn hé
Shenzhen or Shamchun river Guangdong, the border between Hong Kong new territories and PRC
Shēn kēng
Shenkeng township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
shēn chù
abyss / depths / deepest or most distant part
shēn yè
very late at night
shēn huà
to deepen / to intensify
zuì niè shēn zhòng
sinful / The sin is great. / be steeped in crime
shēn zhái dà yuàn
a compound of connecting courtyards, each surrounded by dwelling quarters / a mansion with many courtyards and very high walls / a mansion with spacious halls and extensive gardens / imposing dwellings and spacious courtyards / (living tucked away) inside the big mansion
shēn xiāo
yōu shēn
serene and hidden in depth or distance
shēn dù
depth / (of a speech etc) profundity / advanced stage of development
shēn kè
profound / deep / deep-going
shēn qiè
deeply felt / heartfelt / sincere / honest
shēn kǒng
Deep fear
shēn gǎn
to feel deeply
shēn wā
to dredge
shēn zhì
heartfelt and genuine
shēn rù
to penetrate deeply / thorough
lǔ zhì shēn
Lu Zhishen(人名)
gēng shēn
deep at night
zuì shēn
shēn zōng sè
dark brown
shēn zhèn huá qiáo chéng
Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town
shēn jiàn
Deep stream
shuǐ shēn
depth (of waterway) / sounding
shēn chén
deep / profound / (of a person) reserved / undemonstrative / (of a voice, sound etc) deep / low-pitched
shēn gōu
winrow / windrow / zanjon
shēn qiǎn
deep or shallow / depth (of the sea) / limits of decorum
shēn rù qiǎn chū
to explain a complicated subject matter in simple terms (idiom) / (of language) simple and easy to understand
shēn bù kě cè
deep and unmeasurable (idiom); unfathomable depths / incomprehensible / enigmatic and impossible to predict
jìn shēn
shēn yuǎn
far-reaching / profound and long-lasting
shēn shēn
deep / profound
jiā shēn
to deepen
zòng shēn
depth (from front to rear) / depth (into a territory) / span (of time) / (fig.) depth (of deployment, progress, development etc)
zī shēn
veteran (journalist etc) / senior / highly experienced
shēn shān
deep in the mountains
shēn yuān
yuān shēn
profound (knowledge) / erudite
rú lín shēn yuān
as if on the brink of a deep gulf / act with extreme caution / feel like standing upon the edge of an abyss
wàn zhàng shēn yuān
a bottomless chasm / an abyss of 100,000 feet
shēn zhàn
profound and thorough
shēn shuǐ zhà dàn
depth charge
shēn sī shú lǜ
mature reflection / after careful deliberations
shēn hén
shēn qiū
late autumn
shēn chóu dà hèn
deep hatred / blood feud / deadly feud
xuè hǎi shēn chóu
a blood feud / a huge debt of blood / deep-seated hatred caused by blood-debt / intense and deep-seated hatred
shēn jiū
to perform an in-depth investigation
shēn gēng
deep plowing / thorough penetration / thorough development (of a market segment etc)
jiān shēn
abstruse / complicated
gēn shēn yè mào
deep roots and vigorous foliage (idiom) / (fig.) well established and growing strongly
huì mò rú shēn
important matter that must be kept secret (idiom); don't breathe a word of it to anyone!
shēn lán sè
dark blue / navy blue / deep blue / mazarine / ultramarine / smalt
shēn lán
dark blue
shēn cáng
shēn móu yuǎn lǜ
lit. deep plans and distant thoughts / to plan far ahead (idiom)
shēn hè sè
puce / dark brown / sepia / chocolate / seal brown
shēn yǒu gǎn chù
with deep feelings
yòu dí shēn rù
lure the enemy in deep
shēn qíng hòu yì
deep friendship
shēn ān
familiar with / know
shēn gǔ
deep valley / ravine
shēn suì
deep (valley or night) / abstruse / hidden in depth
gōu shēn zhì yuǎn
probe into the profound truth / go deeply into and proceed far for abstruse subjects
shēn guī
lady's private room or bedroom / boudoir
shēn xiàn
to be deeply in (trouble, debt etc) / deep set (eyes)

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Input Method for
Pinyin shen1
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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