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谋 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 谋
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 谋
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Meaning of

Pinyin móu
to plan / seek / scheme
谋 móu [动] 1. 计划,计策,主意:计谋。出谋划策。 (Plan, strategy, idea: scheme. Propose plans.) 2. 设法寻求:求谋。图谋。谋面。谋篇。谋生。谋幸福。 (Attempt to seek: seek advice. Plot. Plan meeting. Plan composition. Make a living. Pursue happiness.) 3. 商议:商议。谋划。不谋而合。 (Confer: discuss. Plan. Coincide without prior consultation.) 4. 姓。 (Surname.) 谋 móu [名] 1. 策略,计谋:战术;计划。 (Strategy, scheme: tactics; plan.) 2. 通“媒”。媒介。 (Also means "media". Medium.) [动] 本义: 考虑; 谋划 (Original meaning: consider; plan.) 造字法: 形声。从言,某声。 (Character formation: phonetic and semantic components, derived from speech.) 1. 同本义(侧重于商议出办法或盘算出主意)。 (Same original meaning, emphasizing deliberation to arrive at solutions or ideas.) 引: 1. 《说文》:虑难曰谋。 (Shuowen: To consider difficulties is called "mou.") 2. 《书·洪范》:聪作谋。 (Shu: Intelligence is the source of planning.) 3. 《左传·襄公四年》:咨难为谋。 (Zuo Zhuan: Consulting difficulties for planning.) 4. 《诗·小雅·苍伯》:谁适与谋。 (Classic of Poetry: Who shall we plan with?) 5. 《春秋·说题辞》:在事为诗,未发为谋。 (Spring and Autumn Annals: In planning matters, poetry is unexpressed.) 6. 《论衡·超奇》:心思为谋。 (Lunheng: Thoughts become plans.) 7. 《左传·僖公三十三年》:谋及子孙,可谓死君乎。 (Zuo Zhuan: If planning concerns descendants, can it be said the ruler is dead?) 8. 《左传·庄公十年》:未能远谋。 (Zuo Zhuan: Was unable to plan for the long term.) 9. 肉食者谋之。 (Meat-eaters scheme against it.) 10. 《列子·汤问》:聚室而谋。 (Liezi: Gather in rooms to plan.) 11. 明· 刘基《郁离子·千里马篇》:谋诸漆工。 (Ming: Liu Ji, Yu Li Zi: Plans concerning lacquer workers.) 例: 如:谋谟殚神(筹谋划策,竭尽全力);不谋而合;合谋(共同策划);谋及庶人(与百姓共商国事);思谋(方言。思索;考虑);谋始(于开始时慎重考虑);谋章(考虑文章的篇章结构) (Examples: Planning exhaustively; coinciding without consultation; conspiring together; consulting commoners about state affairs; thinking deeply; planning carefully at the beginning; considering the structure of the article.) 2. 计议; 商议。 (Deliberate; discuss.) 引: 1. 《广雅》:谋,议也。 (Guangya: Planning denotes discussion.) 2. 《列子·汤问》:聚室而谋。 (Liezi: Gather in rooms for discussion.) 例: 如:谋迹(议其行事);谋阙(商议补救缺失);谋合(合伙同谋) (Examples: Discussing actions; discussing remedies for deficiencies; collaborating in planning.) 3. 图谋; 营求。 (Ploy; plot.) 引: 1. 《论语·卫灵公》:君子谋道不谋食。 (Lunyu: A gentleman strives for principles, not mere sustenance.) 2. 诸葛亮《出师表》:亦宜自谋。 (Zhuge Liang: It is advisable to plan for oneself.) 3. 《资治通鉴·唐纪》:谋袭蔡州。 (Zizhi Tongjian: Plotting an attack on Caizhou.) 例: 如:谋论(谋划揣摩);谋断(谋划决断);谋为不轨(图谋不轨);谋首(主谋者);谋犹(计谋。也作谋猷);谋干(谋求; 钻营);谋虚逐妄(谋求追逐虚幻不实的东西);谋道(探求事理和道义等) (Examples: Planning theories; strategizing resolutions; plotting misdeeds; chief planner; strategizing schemes; scheming; seeking the pursuit of illusory goals; investigating principles and morals.) 4. 咨询。 (Consulting.) 引: 1. 《诗·小雅》:载驰载驱,周爰咨谋。 (Classic of Poetry: Speedy travels require consultation.) 2. 《国语·鲁语》:咨事为谋。 (Guo Yu: Inquiries pertain to plans.) 例: 如:谋筮(问卜);谋询(咨询);谋龟(问卜) (Examples: Consulting divination; seeking advice; asking about divination.) 名 1. 策略,计谋。 (Strategic plans, tactics.) 引: 1. 《韩非子·存韩》:辩说属辞,饰非诈谋。 (Han Feizi: Argumentation with elegant phrases disguises deception and schemes.) 2. 《论语》:小不忍则乱大谋。 (Lunyu: Small failings disrupt grand strategies.) 3. 《礼记·缁衣》:无以小谋败大作。注:“小臣之谋也。” (Li Ji: Small schemes can disrupt grand undertakings. Note: This refers to minor officials' planning.) 4. 明· 张溥《五人墓碑记》:非常之谋难于猝发。 (Ming: Zhang Pu: Extraordinary strategies are hard to be quickly conceived.) 例: 如:谋不逮下(谋略不及下等水平);谋定后动(计划稳妥之后再采取行动);计谋(战争中欺蒙并智胜敌人的策略); 足智多谋; 有勇无谋。 (Examples: Strategies fall short; act only after plans are solid; tactics to deceive enemies in war; full of wisdom and plans; brave but no strategy.) 2. 通“媒”。媒介。 (Also means “media”. Medium.) 引: 1. 《管子》:君臣之会,六者谓之谋。 (Guanzi: The meeting of ruler and subjects is referred to as the six strategies.)
cān móu zhǎng
chief of staff
cān móu
staff officer / to give advice
zǒng cān móu zhǎng
(military) Chief of Staff
lìng móu gāo jiù
to get a better job somewhere else (idiom) / to seek alternative employment
tú móu
to conspire
móu huà
to scheme / to plot / conspiracy
zhì móu
resourceful / intelligent
zú zhì duō móu
resourceful / full of stratagems
móu shā
to murder / to assassinate / intentional homicide
móu qiú
to seek / to strive for
móu lüè
stratagem / strategy / resourcefulness
chū móu huà cè
to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory) / to give advice (idiom)
xù mòu
to premeditate / to plot
shēn móu yuǎn lǜ
lit. deep plans and distant thoughts / to plan far ahead (idiom)
yīn móu guǐ jì
crafty plots and machinations (idiom)
tú móu bù guǐ
hatch a sinister plot
yīn móu
plot / conspiracy

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Pinyin mou2
Four Corner
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