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讯 stroke order animation

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讯 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 讯
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 讯
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Meaning of

Pinyin xùn
to question / to ask / to interrogate / rapid / speedy / fast / news / information
讯 xùn 1. 问,特指法庭中的审问。 [En.] Interrogate, specifically referring to questioning in court. 2. 消息,信息。 [En.] News; information. 3. 告,陈诉。 [En.] Inform; report. 4. 中国西周时对俘虏的称谓。 [En.] Term used for captives in the Western Zhou Dynasty of China. 5. 古同“迅”,迅速。 [En.] Ancients used similarly to "迅", meaning rapid. 动 1. 同本义 ([En.] interrogate) 2. 询问;请教 ([En.] question) 3. 责问,诘问 ([En.] call sb. to account; closely question) 4. 问候 ([En.] send one's respects to) 5. 施以讯杖 ([En.] beat; torture) 名 1. 消息;音信 ([En.] news; message) 2. 信 ([En.] letter) 3. 警报 ([En.] alarm) 引语 1. 《说文》:讯,问也。 按,字亦作询。汉宣帝名询。 [En.] "Shuowen": 讯 means questioning. It can also be written as 询. Emperor Xuan of Han was named 询. 2. 《诗·小雅·正月》:讯之占梦。 传:“问也。” [En.] "Poetry - Lesser雅 - January": 讯 as in questioning dreams. Interpretation: "to ask." 3. 《礼记·学记》:多其讯。 注:“或为訾,按,訾犹咨也。” [En.] "Book of Rites - Learning Record": Increase questions. Note: "can mean to consult." 4. 《左传·文公十二年》:执讯而与之书。 注:“通问之官。” [En.] "Zuo Zhuan - Year 12 of Duke Wen": Apprehend and write to him. Note: "the officer who questions." 5. 《公羊传·僖公十年》:君尝讯臣矣。 注:“上问下曰讯。” [En.] "Gongyang Zhuan - Year 10 of Duke Xi": The lord has questioned his subjects. Note: "the superior questioning the inferior is called 讯." 6. 《礼记·王制》:以讯首或告。 [En.] "Book of Rites - King's System": Use 讯 to inform or accuse. 7. 《汉书·张汤传》:讯鞫论报。 注:“考问也。” [En.] "History of the Han - Biography of Zhang Tang": Questioning and reporting. Note: "to inquire." 8. 《汉书·邹阳传》:卒从吏讯。 注:“谓鞠问也。” [En.] "History of the Han - Biography of Zou Yang": Soldiers followed officials to question. Note: "to interrogate." 9. 《国语·吴语》:乃讯申胥。 [En.] "Guoyu - Wu Language": Thus he questioned Shen Xu. 10. 清·张廷玉《明史》:昼夜搒讯。 [En.] Qing Dynasty - Zhang Tingyu, "History of the Ming": Day and night they conducted interrogations. 11. 清·方苞《狱中杂记》:木讯者三人。 [En.] Qing Dynasty - Fang Bao, "Miscellaneous Records in Prison": Three were questioned with wooden sticks. 例 1. 讯定(审问判决) [En.] Interrogation and judgment. 2. 讯治(审问,处罚) [En.] Interrogation and punishment. 3. 讯责(审问罪状而加谴责) [En.] Interrogation for crimes and consequent condemnation.
shěn xùn
inquest / trial / interrogation / to try / to interrogate
xùn xī
information / news / message / text message or SMS
yǎo wú yīn xùn
disappear without a trace / no news has been received for a long time
zī xùn
tōng xùn yuán
correspondent / reporter / messenger boy
diàn xùn
telecommunications / telecom
chuán xùn
to summon (a witness) / to subpoena
sǐ xùn
news of sb's death
yīn xùn
letters / mail / news / messages / correspondence
diàn xùn bào
wèn xùn
interrogation / greeting
shēng xùn
acoustic signal / audio signal
jiǎn xùn
newsletter / the news in brief / (Tw) SMS message
xùn wèn
to interrogate / to ask about
xùn hào
diàn xùn shè
xíng xùn bī gòng
extort confessions by torture / use torture to coerce a statement
shì xùn
video (Tw)
shāng xùn
Business news
tōng xùn yè
telecommunication industry / communication industry
稿 diàn xùn gǎo

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Pinyin xun4
Four Corner
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