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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

徇 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

徇 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 徇
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 徇
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Meaning of

Pinyin xùn
buried with dead / die for a cause, follow / quick
徇 xùn 1. To comply or give in. 2. Same as "殉" (to sacrifice or perish). 3. To publicly announce or expose to the public. 徇 xùn 1. To comply or give in: 徇私 (to act unlawfully for personal reasons). 徇情 (to be partial). 2. Same as "殉". 3. To publicly announce or expose to the public. 徇 xùn [Adjective] Base meaning: Swift, agile. Character formation: Phonetic and semantic; it contains 彳( chì), which is related to walking, and the sound element 旬. 徇 xùn [Verb] 1. To perambulate ([En.] perambulate). 2. To publicly expose ([En.] publicly expose). 3. To put before the public ([En.] publicly expose; put before the public). 4. To comply with; to give in to ([En.] comply with; give in to). 5. To sacrifice ([En.] sacrifice). 6. To show ([En.] show). 7. To seek ([En.] seek). 1. To perambulate. - Example: 王乃徇师而誓 ([En.] The king then perambulated the troops and took an oath). - Example: 将兵徇蕲以东 ([En.] The troops marched eastward to Qichu). - Example: 徇铺 (to patrol the streets). - Example: 徇察 (to inspect). 2. To publicly expose. - Example: 杀颠颉以徇于师 ([En.] Executed the traitor to expose to the troops). - Example: 以徇三军 ([En.] To display to the three armies). - Example: 徇诸市 ([En.] To show in the markets). - Example: 徇首 (to display the head publicly). - Example: 徇罚 (to execute publicly). 3. To publicly announce. - Example: 遂斩队长二人以徇 ([En.] Thus executed two captains to set an example). - Example: 徇众 (to expose to the crowd). 4. To comply or give in. - Example: 知县又徇了顾佥事人情 ([En.] The county magistrate again yielded to the personal feelings of the assistant). - Example: 徇世 (to conform to worldly customs). - Example: 徇庇 (to cover up for personal reasons). - Example: 徇物 (to yield to worldly affairs). - Example: 徇俗 (to follow the fads). 5. To sacrifice. - Example: 陛下舍万乘之躯,而徇小义,古人所不取也 ([En.] Your Majesty sacrifices a vast empire for a trivial principle, which the ancients would not have accepted). - Example: 徇名 (to sacrifice oneself for fame). - Example: 徇利 (to risk one's life for profit). - Example: 徇命 (sacrificing life on command). 6. To show or flaunt. - Example: 徇蹲鸱之沃 ([En.] To flaunt the bounty of the land). - Example: 徇陈 (to display one's lineup). - Example: 徇铎 (to ring the bell to alert the crowd). 7. To seek or strive for. - Example: 今不恤士卒而徇其私,非社稷之臣 ([En.] If one does not care for the soldiers while pursuing personal interests, they are not servants of the state). - Example: 徇情枉法 (to violate law for personal gain). - Example: 徇私偏向 (to favor personal interests). * (Quoted from Traditional Chinese dictionary explanations) [Verb] 1. To make something happen. Example: 徇耳目内通而外于心知 ([En.] To connect the inner senses to the outer knowledge). 2. To seek or strive for. Example: 徇私 (to act unlawfully for personal interests).
xùn sī wǔ bì
to abuse one's position for personal gain (idiom)
xùn sī
act wrongly out of personal considerations / practice favouritism
xùn qíng
to act out of personal considerations / to show partiality
bù xún sī qíng
No favoritism
xùn sī wǎng fǎ
to bend the law in order to favor one's relatives or associates (idiom)

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Input Method for
Pinyin xun4
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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