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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

徹 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

徹 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 徹
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 徹
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Meaning of

Pinyin chè
pervade / penetrate / pass through / thorough / penetrating
徹 chè 1. 通,透。 (English: Communicate, penetrate.) 例: 貫~。透~。~底。~骨。~悟。響~。 (Examples: Pass through... Penetrate... Thorough... Penetrating to the bone... Understand deeply... Resound thoroughly...) 2. 治,開發。 (English: Cultivate, develop.) 例: “~田為糧”。 (Example: "Reclaim the fields for grain.") 3. 毀壞。 (English: Destroy.) 例: “~我牆屋”。 (Example: "Destroy my wall and house.") 徹 chè 動 (Verb) 【本义】: 撤除,撤去 (Original meaning: Remove, take away.) 【造字法】: 形聲。从彳( chì),甲骨文,从「鬲」(炊具)從「丑」(舉手),表示吃罷飯用手撤去炊具的意思。《說文》給古文增加了音符「彳」,變成了形聲字。 (Word formation: Phonetic character. From 彳 (chì), oracle bone script, from "drum" (cooking utensil) and from "ugly" (raising hand), indicating the action of removing cookware after eating.) 1. 同本義 (English: Remove) 引: 1. 《詩·小雅·楚茨》:廢徹不遲。 2. 《禮記·燕禮》:司宮徹之士。 3. 《禮記·士冠禮》:徹筮席。 4. 《禮記·曲禮》:大夫無故不徹縣。 5. 《左傳·宣公十二年》:且雖諸侯相見,軍衛不徹,警也。 6. 《論語·八佾上》:三家者以《雍》徹。 7. 《淮南子·原道》:解車休馬,罷酒徹樂。 例: 又如:徹案(撤去食案);徹坐(撤去座位);徹兵(撤軍) (Examples: Also as: Remove dining table; Remove seating; Recall military.) 2. 拆毀;拆下 (English: Dismantle) 引: 1. 《詩·小雅·十月之交》:徹我牆屋。 2. 《楚辭·天問》:伯昌號衰,秉鞭作牧,何令徹彼岐社,命有殷國? 例: 又如:徹屋(拆除房屋) (Examples: Also as: Dismantle house.) 3. 通達;明白 (English: Understand) 引: 1. 《列子·湯問》:汝心之固,固不可徹,曾不若孀妻弱子。 例: 又如:徹鑑(明鑑;洞察) (Examples: Also as: Clear insight.) 4. 墾治 (English: Reclaim) 引: 1. 《詩·大雅·公劉》:徹田爲糧。 例: 又如:徹田(墾治田地) (Examples: Also as: Reclaiming fields.) 5. 穿透 (English: Penetrate, pierce) 引: 1. 唐·柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭記》:日光下徹,影布石上。 例: 又如:徹札(穿透鎧甲) (Examples: Also as: Penetrate armor.) 6. 結束,完結 (English: Finish; complete) 引: 1. 杜甫《茅屋爲秋風所破歌》:自經喪亂少睡眠,長夜沾溼何由徹。 例: 又如:徹命(達其使命);徹卷(畢卷;讀章全卷) (Examples: Also as: Complete mission; Read through completely.) 徹 chè 形 (Adjective) 通,達 (English: Thorough; penetrating; clear) 引: 1. 《說文》:徹,通也。 2. 《國語·晉語六》:果無不徹。 3. 《國語·楚語上》:攝而不徹。 4. 《國語·吳語》:陳士卒百人以爲徹行百行。 5. 《國語·周語上》:其何事不徹? 6. 《國語·魯語上》:焚煙徹於上。 7. 《國語·楚語下》:其聰能聽徹之。 (Examples: Its intelligence can hear clearly.) 例: 又如: 透徹(詳盡而深入);洞徹(透徹地瞭解);通徹(通曉;貫通);徹夜(通宵,整夜);徹內徹外(從裏到外;完完全全);徹朗(清明。指心地清淨光明) (Examples: Also as: Thoroughly detailed; Understanding comprehensively; Clear understanding; Through the night; Completely thorough; Clear and bright mind.)

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