Learn to write the Chinese character "德" by watching the stroke order animation of "德".
Stroke by Stroke: 德 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '德' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '德' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '德' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '德'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
德 (dé)
1. 人们共同生活及行为的准则和规范,品行,品质。
Virtue; moral character; standards and norms for people's shared life and behavior.
2. 心意,信念。
Heart; mind; intention; belief.
3. 恩惠。
Kindness; favor; grace.
4. 姓。
A surname.
1. 人们共同生活及行为的准则和规范,品行,品质:美德。品德。公德。德行。道德。德性。德育(以一定的社会要求,进行思想的、政治的和道德的教育)。德才兼备。度德量力。德高望重。
Standards and norms for people's shared life and behavior, moral character, quality: virtue. Moral character. Public virtue. Moral conduct. Ethics. Moral integrity. Moral education (to conduct ideological, political, and moral education in accordance with certain social requirements). Integration of virtue and talent. Measure deeds by ability. High moral standards and reputation.
2. 心意,信念:一心一德。
Intention, belief: united in heart and mind.
3. 恩惠:德施。德泽(德化和恩惠)。德惠。感恩戴德。
Kindness: bestowing grace. Grace and favor (virtue and kindness). Graciousness. Gratefulness and appreciation.
4. 姓。
A surname.
惪 (dé)
1. 同本义 ([En.] ascend)
Same original meaning (to ascend).
2. 感激 ([En.] be grateful)
3. 通“得”。取得,获得 ([En.] get)
Commonly used to mean "to get" or "to acquire".
道德,品行 ([En.] virtue; moral character; integrity)
Ethical conduct; moral character.
恩惠;恩德 ([En.] kindness; favor)
Mercy; goodwill.
仁爱;善行 ([En.] kindheartedness)
Compassion; good deeds.
心意 ([En.] heart; mind)
福 ([En.] happy)
Blessing; happiness.
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