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郡 stroke order animation

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郡 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 郡
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 郡
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Meaning of

Pinyin jùn
canton / county / region
郡 [jùn] 名词 【本义】: 古代的行政区域 [Primary Meaning]: An ancient administrative region. 1. 古代行政区域,中国秦代以前比县小,从秦代起比县大。 [1. An ancient administrative district in China, smaller than a county before the Qin dynasty and larger than a county starting from the Qin dynasty.] 例: ~县。秦分天下为三十六~。 [Example: County. During the Qin dynasty, the country was divided into thirty-six 郡.] 【引】 引文: 1 《说文》:郡,周制,天子地方千里,分为百县,县有四郡,故春秋传曰,上大夫受县,下大夫受郡是也。至秦初置三十六郡,以监其县。朱骏声曰: 汉又增四十六郡,二十一国,凡郡国一百有三,古者县大郡小,秦以后郡大县小。 [Citation: From Shuowen Jiezi: 郡, established during the Zhou Dynasty; the emperor's area was a thousand miles, divided into hundreds of counties, each county had four 郡; hence, the Spring and Autumn Annals states that high officials received counties, while lower officials received 郡. By the beginning of the Qin, thirty-six 郡 were established to supervise the counties. Zhu Junsheng mentions: During the Han, forty-six 郡 were added, along with twenty-one states, totaling one hundred and three 郡 and states. In ancient times, counties were large and 郡 were small, but after the Qin, 郡 became larger than counties.] 2 晋·陶渊明《桃花源记》:及郡下。 [2. From Jin Dynasty's Tao Yuanming's "Tao Hua Yuan Ji": “upon reaching the 郡.”] 3 宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:谪守巴陵郡。 [3. From Song Dynasty's Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Lou Ji": “exiled to govern 巴陵 郡.”] 4 清·周容《芋老人传》:从郡城就童子试归。 [4. From Qing Dynasty's Zhou Rong's "Yu Lao Ren Zhuan": “returned from the 郡 city with the young scholar.”] 5 自郡城走数十里。 [5. Walked several dozen miles from the 郡 city.] 【例】 例词: 郡属 (郡守的属员), 郡廨 (郡府), 郡朝 (郡署的厅事。亦指郡守), 郡章 (郡太守的印玺), 郡倅 (郡佐。郡守的副职). [Examples: 郡属 (staff of the 郡 commander), 郡廨 (the 郡 office), 郡朝 (the administrative affairs of the 郡 office; also refers to the 郡 commander), 郡章 (seal of the 郡 governor), 郡倅 (assistant to the 郡 commander).] 2. 英国和爱尔兰的领土区划分之一,构成为行政、司法和政治目的而设立的主要单位,包括以前盎格鲁撒克逊的郡和其它从未成为郡的地区。 [2. One of the territorial divisions in the United Kingdom and Ireland, establishing a primary unit for administrative, judicial, and political purposes, including formerly Anglo-Saxon 郡 and other areas that were never designated as 郡.]
jùn zhǔ
princess / infanta
jùn xiàn zhì
the system of prefectures and counties
jùn wáng
jùn xiàn
shire county / province and county in ancient times
zhōu jùn
state and county / state and prefecture
jùn shǒu
senior provincial official in imperial China
广 guǎng yáng jùn
Guangyang County
dé bǐ jùn
nán jùn
South County
hé dōng jùn
Hadong County

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Pinyin jun4
Four Corner
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