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词 stroke order animation

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 词
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 词
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Meaning of

works / phrases / classical Chinese poem / word / diction
词 cí 名词 1. 语言里最小的可以独立运用的单位。 [En.] The smallest unit that can be used independently in language. 2. 言辞,话语,泛指写诗作文。 [En.] Words, speech, a general term for writing poetry or essays. 3. 中国一种诗体(起于南朝,形成于唐代,盛行于宋代。本可入乐歌唱,后乐谱失传,只按词牌格律创作)。 [En.] A type of Chinese poetry (originating in the Southern Dynasties, developed in the Tang Dynasty, flourishing in the Song Dynasty. Originally set to music for singing, but later the musical score was lost and it was created based on fixed patterns). 4. 同本义 ([En.] one's words; what one says) 5. 诗文中的词语 ([En.] sentences in speeches, poems, writings or operas; speech; statement) 6. 状纸;诉讼 ([En.] lawsuit) 7. 文体名,诗歌的一种 ([En.] ci—classical poetry conforming to a definite pattern). [En.] A form of verse developed from five-character and seven-character poetry or folk ballads, originating in the Tang Dynasty and flourishing in the Song Dynasty. Originally a type of poetry sung to music, the length of lines changes with the melody, hence also called long and short verses. There are two types: short verses and slow verses, generally divided into two stanzas. 词 cí 动词 1. 说,告诉 [En.] To tell.
cí jù
words and sentences
chàng cí
libretto / words of a ballad / the libretto of a ballad-singer
tián cí
to compose a poem (to a given tune)
kuā dà qí cí
to exaggerate
dān cí
word / CL:個|个[ge4]
kāi mù cí
opening speech (at a conference)
dào cí
memorial speech / eulogy
kāng kǎi chén cí
speak in excitement / be righteously indignant while speaking / present one's views vehemently
zhèn zhèn yǒu cí
to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to argue with the courage of one's convictions
wǎn cí
an elegy / elegiac words
cuò cí
wording / way of expressing something / turn of phrase / diction
cí diǎn
dictionary (of Chinese compound words) / also written 辭典|辞典[ci2 dian3] / CL:部[bu4],本[ben3]
cí tiáo
dictionary entry / lexical item / term
gē cí
song lyric / lyrics
cí huì
vocabulary / list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes) / word
yì měi zhī cí
flattering words / inflated praise
chén cí làn diào
cliché / commonplace / truism / stereotype
shǎn shuò qí cí
to speak evasively (idiom); beating about the bush
dǎo cí
litany (text of a prayer)
jiè cí
cí zhuì
prefix or suffix of a compound word / affix (linguistics)
tóng yì cí
cí zǎo
rhetoric / flowery language
bāo yì cí
commendatory term
shì cí
oath / pledge
cí sòng
lawsuit / legal case
shī cí
míng cí
tí cí
inscription / dedication
cí yǔ
word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases) / term (e.g. technical term) / expression
cí ér
zhòng kǒu yī cí
all of one voice / unanimous
dòng cí
tái cí
an actor's lines / dialogue / Taiwanese word
cí rén
writer of 詞|词[ci2] (a kind of Classical Chinese poem) / person of literary talent
yán cí
variant of 言辭|言辞[yan2 ci2]
xíng róng cí
cí qǔ
words and music of a song
wèi cí
predicate (in logic and grammar)
biǎn yì cí
derogatory term
qiǎn cí zào jù
wording and phrasing / choice of words and building of sentence
qiǎn cí yòng jù
guān jiàn cí
sòng cí
commendation speech / eulogy / ode

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Input Method for
Pinyin ci2
Four Corner
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