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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

诉 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

诉 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 诉
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 诉
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Meaning of

complain / sue / tell
诉 sù [Verb] 【Original Meaning】: To accuse; to file a complaint. 1. To express or narrate; to tell (e.g., to complain, to relate experiences). - e.g., 告~ (file a complaint). - e.g., ~苦 (to express grievances). - e.g., ~愿 (to express wishes). - e.g., ~衷情 (to express heartfelt feelings). - e.g., 倾~ (to confide). 2. To file a charge; to accuse: - e.g., ~讼 (to litigate). - e.g., 控~ (to accuse). - e.g., 上~ (to appeal). - e.g., 申~ (to make a complaint). - e.g., 败~ (to lose a lawsuit). - e.g., 撤~ (to withdraw a complaint). Synonyms: 1. 同本义 ([En.] accuse; charge; complain) 2. 告诉,说给人听 ([En.] tell; relate; inform) 3. 求,求助 ([En.] resort to) 4. 有事实根据地说人坏话 (通“愬” [En.] slander) Examples: - 起诉 (initiate a lawsuit). - 上诉 (file an appeal). - 公诉 (public prosecution). - 诉呈 (litigation). - 诉权 (the right to sue). - 诉辩 (to appeal and defend). - 诉牒 (complaint document). - 诉告 (to file a complaint; to accuse). 1. 告诉,说给人听 ([En.] tell; relate; inform) - e.g., 正遇延平二人,诉说前事 (met Yanping and shared past events). - e.g., 弦弦掩抑声声思,似诉平生不得志 (the music played reflected life's frustrations). - e.g., 吾与并肩携长,低低切切,何事不语?何情不诉? (What is there we cannot discuss?). Examples: - 诉怨 (to voice grievances). - 诉长道短 (to recount in detail). - 诉事 (to state a matter). - 诉屈 (to appeal for justice). - 诉言 (to narrate). 3. 求,求助 ([En.] resort to). - e.g., 诉诸武力 (to resort to force). 4. 有事实根据地说人坏话 (通“愬” [En.] slander) - e.g., 取货于宣伯而诉公于 晋侯 (to accuse the Duke of Jin).
gào sù
to press charges / to file a complaint
kū sù
to lament / to complain tearfully / to wail accusingly
xíng shì sù sòng fǎ
criminal procedure
tóu sù
complaint / to complain / to register a complaint (esp. as a customer)
kòng sù
to accuse / to denounce / to make a complaint against / denunciation
chè sù
to drop a lawsuit
qīng sù
to say everything (that is on one's mind)
rú qì rú sù
lit. as if weeping and complaining (idiom) / fig. mournful (music or singing)
qì sù
shēn sù
to file a complaint / to appeal (to an authority, a higher court of justice etc) / complaint / appeal
sù sòng
xíng zhèng sù sòng
administrative proceeding / administrative litigation / administrative procedure
sù sòng fǎ
procedural law
xíng zhèng sù sòng fǎ
administrative procedure law / administrative litigation act
sù sòng fèi
legal fare / brief fee / legal cost
fēi sù sòng
non-lawsuit / non-litigation
sù sòng àn
sù shuō
to recount / to tell of / to relate / (fig.) (of a thing) to stand as testament to (some past history)
qǐ sù
to sue / to bring a lawsuit against / to prosecute
sù kǔ
to grumble / to complain / grievance
shàng sù
to appeal (a judicial case) / appeal
sù zhū
to appeal (to reason, sentiment, charity etc) / to resort to (a course of action)
gōng sù
public charges (law)
sù zhuàng
indictment / plea / complaint
sù qiú
to appeal / to demand (an answer) / requirement / demand / claim / appeal / (marketing) message
bài sù
lose a lawsuit
zhuī sù
to prosecute / given leave to sue
zì sù
private prosecution (law) / (of a patient) to describe (one's symptoms)
sù zhū wǔ lì
resort to force / appeal to arms / go to arms / fly to arms

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Pinyin su4
Four Corner
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