Learn to write the Chinese character "俗" by watching the stroke order animation of "俗".
Stroke by Stroke: 俗 Writing Order
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俗 [sú]
1. 社会上长期形成的风尚、礼节、习惯等。
[En.] Custom; long-established social customs, etiquette, and habits.
2. 大众化的,最通行的,习见的。
[En.] Popular; widely used and commonly seen.
3. 趣味不高的,令人讨厌的。
[En.] Mediocre; distasteful.
4. 凡世间,相对于仙佛僧道。
[En.] This mortal world, in contrast to the sacred and the ascetic.
1. 同本义 (长期形成的礼节、习惯)
[En.] Custom.
2. 佛教称尘世间为俗,与出家相对。
[En.] In Buddhism, the mortal world (relative to monastic life).
3. 一般人;百姓。
[En.] Layman; common people.
1. 平凡;普通;一般。
[En.] Mediocre; plain; ordinary.
2. 庸俗,不雅,缺乏修养的。
[En.] Vulgar; unimpressive; lacking refinement.
3. 世俗。
[En.] Mundane.
4. 通俗,流行。
[En.] Popular; widely accepted.
1. 从其习俗。
[En.] Follow custom.
2. 厌烦,腻味。
[En.] Detest; to be tired of.
1. 【本义】: 风俗
[En.] Original meaning: customs.
2. 【造字法】: 形声。从人,谷声。
[En.] Character formation: phonetic and semantic components; follows the behavior of people, thus is related to '人' (human).
3. 引文及例:
- 《说文》: 俗,习也。
[En.] "Custom" refers to practices.
- 《周礼·大司徒》: 六曰以俗教安。
[En.] Teach stability through customs.
- 《礼记·曲礼》: 入国而问俗。
[En.] Inquire about customs upon entering a state.
1. 俗手 (技艺、本领平庸的人)
[En.] Common hand; someone with mediocre skills.
2. 俗物 (对世俗庸人的鄙称)
[En.] Common objects; a derogatory term for the mundane.
3. 俗气,无聊。
[En.] Tacky; uninteresting.
1. 《荀子》: 上不循于乱世之君,下不俗于乱世之民。
[En.] "Higher ranks do not follow the confused rulers of a chaotic era, nor do the lower ranks follow the commoners."
2. 《红楼梦》: 若就是这句话呢,我们姑娘在时,我也跟着听俗了。
[En.] "If it’s just that phrase, I listened along too."
(Note: Definitions and examples have been paraphrased for clarity.)
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