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仙 stroke order animation

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仙 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 仙
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 仙
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Meaning of

Pinyin xiān
仙 xiān 名 1. 神话中称有特殊能力、可以长生不死的人。 (In mythology, refers to a person with special abilities who can achieve immortality.) 2. 具有高超才能的人。 (A person with outstanding talent.) 3. 婉称死。 (A euphemism for death.) 4. 仙人 (Celestial being; immortal.) 5. 神仙,古代神话和宗教中指修炼得道长生不死的人,或指能达到至高神界的人物。 (In ancient mythology and religion, refers to a person who has mastered the way to achieve immortality, or one who can reach the highest divine realm.) 6. 超越凡品的人或事。 (Refers to something or someone transcending the ordinary.) 7. 用于称道教的人和事物。 (Used to refer to Taoist people and matters.) 8. 如: 仙箓、仙翁、仙长、仙师、仙女。 (Examples include: celestial register, venerable old Taoist, respected Taoist, revered master, fairy.) 9. 民间传说故事中住在仙境(有时下凡)但又常善意地干预人间事务的年轻貌美的仙女。 (In folklore, refers to a beautiful young fairy who lives in the fairy realm (sometimes descends to the earthly realm) and often benevolently intervenes in human affairs.) 10. 中国古代用为艳妇、美女、妓女、女道士等的代称。 (In ancient China, used as a term for courtesans, beauties, female Taoists, etc.) 11. 旧时对美分(百分之一美元)音译名生脱的简称,现在香港、台湾仍用;香港货币的分亦称“仙”。 (An old transliteration that referred to cents (one-hundredth of a dollar), still used in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The monetary unit of Hong Kong dollars is also called "xiān".) 12. 用于死或死者的婉词。 (A euphemism for death or deceased individuals.) 成仙 (Immortalize) 轻松,自在 (Light; relaxed; at ease) 【引】 引文 1. 《说文》:僊,长生迁去也。 2. 《汉书·郊祀志》:求僊人羡门之属。 3. 《列子·黄帝》:仙圣为之臣。 如: 仙机玄奥(深奥不可知晓),仙人劝驾(指有威望的人从中调解),仙醪(仙酒),仙闼(神仙的住处),仙机(奥秘),仙车(驾临),仙缘(可成仙的缘分)。 (Examples: celestial secrets, revered figures advise, immortal wine, residence of the immortals, enigmatic secrets, divine arrival, predestined connection to immortality.) 如: 自称臣是酒中仙; 诗仙; 歌仙; 仙郎; 仙卫; 仙手。 (Examples: self-styled as an immortal in wine; poetry immortal; music immortal; immortal boy; guardian immortal; immortal hand.) 如: 仙去(去世); 仙輀(灵车); 仙久(去世已久); 仙游(游于仙界,成仙); 仙逝; 仙几(死者灵前之几)。 (Examples: passing away; spirit vehicle; have long been deceased; wandering in the celestial realm, achieving immortality; passing; the table before the deceased, which elders lean against.) 行迟更觉仙。 (Du Fu, reflecting on being light and unconcerned as he walks slowly.)
xiān gū
female immortal / sorceress
xiān dōu
xiān qì
magic breath
xiān hè
red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)
xiān shān
mountain of Immortals
Xiān táo shì
Xiantao sub-prefecture level city in Hubei
xiān nǚ
xiān rén
Daoist immortal / celestial being
shén xiān
Daoist immortal / supernatural entity / (in modern fiction) fairy, elf, leprechaun etc / fig. lighthearted person
xiān qì
tiān xiān
immortal (esp. female) / deity / fairy / Goddess / fig. beautiful woman
xiān cǎo
medicinal herb (genus Mesona) / grass jelly
xiān zǐ
shuǐ xiān
narcissus / daffodil / legendary aquatic immortal / refers to those buried at sea / person who wanders abroad and does not return
xiān jìng
fairyland / wonderland / paradise
Bā xiān
the Eight Immortals (Daoist mythology)
bā xiān zhuō
old-fashioned square table to seat eight people
xiān rén zhǎng
xiān dān
elixir / magic potion
xiān táo
the peaches of immortality of Goddess Xi Wangmu 西王母
绿 lǜ yě xiān zōng
The Wizard of Oz
xiān shì
to die / to depart this mortal coil
xiān hè cǎo
hairyvein agrimony / Agrimonia pilosa

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Pinyin xian1
Four Corner
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