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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

做 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

做 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 做
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 做
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin zuò
to do / to make / to produce
做 [zuò] 动 1. 进行工作或活动: - 进行工作或活动: do things, do work (e.g., 做活, 做事, 做工). 2. 写文: - 写文章: write poetry, write articles (e.g., 做诗, 做文章). 3. 制造: - 制造: make (e.g., 做衣服 - make clothes). 4. 当,为: - 充当: act as (e.g., 做人 - act as a person, 做媒 - act as a matchmaker). 5. 装,扮: - 假装: pretend (e.g., 做作, 做功, 做派). 6. 举行,举办: - 举行: hold or host (e.g., 做寿 - celebrate a birthday, 做礼拜). 7. 用为: - 用作: use as (e.g., 芦苇可以用来做纸原料 - reeds can be used as paper materials). 8. 结成(关系): - 结成关系: become a relationship (e.g., 做亲, 做朋友). 9. 充当某种角色: - 例如: 做大头 (act as a fool); 做中 (act as an intermediary in transactions). 10. 摆架子: - 装腔作势: put on airs (e.g., 做张做势 - putting on a show). 11. 举行某种仪式: - 例如: 做孝 (gather for mourning ceremonies); 做庆贺 (hold celebrations). 12. 准备食物: - 为吃而烧制食物: prepare food (e.g., 宁愿饿死 - rather die of hunger). 13. 写作: - 进行创作: write (e.g., 做一首诗 - write a poem). 14. 打,揍: - 例如: 做他一顿 (beat him up). 15. 斗,争斗: - 争斗: struggle (e.g., 你使这等见识,我拼的和你做一场 - let's have a fight). 16. 杀害,谋害: - 例如: 来做我们的 (conspire to murder us). 17. 用作: - 例如: 这部分可以做教材 (this part can be used as teaching material). 18. 代,替: - 例如: 见公公时,做我传语他 (deliver a message on my behalf). 19. 定价;算作: - 例如: 打破头屑,做张做智 (calculate a fair price).
zuò méi
to act as go-between (between prospective marriage partners etc)
hào chī lǎn zuò
happy to partake but not prepared to do any work (idiom) / all take and no give
zuò fǎ
way of handling sth / method for making / work method / recipe / practice / CL:個|个[ge4]
zuò dào
to accomplish / to achieve
zuò chū
to put out / to issue
zuò fàn
to prepare a meal / to cook
zuò hǎo
complete / do well
dàng zuò
to treat as / to regard as / to look upon as
zuò shì
to work / to handle matters / to have a job
zuò chéng
put across / make it / strike out
zuò rén
to conduct oneself / to behave with integrity
zuò qǐ
zuò mèng
to dream / to have a dream / fig. illusion / fantasy / pipe dream
zuò shēng yì
to do business
zuò kè
to be a guest or visitor
zuò guān
to take an official post / to become a government employee
zuò gōng
to work with one's hands / manual work / workmanship
zuò wéi
to act as / used erroneously for 作為|作为
bù zuò shēng
keep silent / not say a word
chēng zuò
to be called / to be known as
zuò zhǔ
see 作主[zuo4 zhu3]
zuò bàn
to keep sb company / to accompany
jiào zuò
to be called / to be known as

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Input Method for
Pinyin zuo4
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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