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Stroke by Stroke: 语 Writing Order
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語 yǔ
1. 话。
[En.] Speech; words.
2. 指“谚语”或“古语”。
[En.] Refers to "proverbs" or "classical sayings."
3. 代替语言的动作。
[En.] Actions that replace language.
4. 说。
[En.] To speak.
1. 话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。
[En.] Speech: dialect; Chinese language; English language; discourse; collection of sayings; profound words.
2. 指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。
[En.] Referring to "proverbs" or "classical sayings": saying, "If the skin is gone, where will the hair attach?"
3. 代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。
[En.] Actions replacing language: sign language; flag language.
4. 说:细~。低~。
[En.] Speak: softly speaking; quietly speaking.
本义: 谈论; 议论; 辩论。
[En.] Main meaning: to discuss; to comment; to debate.
造字法: 形声。从言,吾声。
[En.] Method of character formation: phono-semantic compound, composed of "speech" (言) and "I" (吾).
1. 同本义 ([En.] Discuss; talk about; comment; argue; debate)
- 《说文》: 语,论也。
[En.] "Shuo Wen": language means to discuss.
- 《诗·大雅·公刘》:于时语语。 传: "论难曰语。"
[En.] "Shi Jing": at that time they discussed. Commentary: "issues are called language."
- 《史记》:旦日,卒中往往语。
[En.] "Records of the Grand Historian": the next day, the soldiers often discussed.
- 《论语·述而》:子不语: 怪、力、乱、神。
[En.] "Analects": The Master spoke not of strange happenings, force, disorder, or spirits.
- 《庄子·秋水》:夏虫不可以语于冰者,笃于时也。
[En.] "Zhuangzi": Summer insects cannot discuss with ice, as their experience is limited to their season.
又如: 语怪(谈论怪物); 语冰(谈论冰); 语议(言谈议论)
[En.] For example: talk of strange creatures; discuss ice; discourse.
2. 交谈,说话 ([En.] Speak; say; talk)
- 《广雅》:语,言也。
[En.] "Guang Ya": language means speech.
- 《礼记·文王世子》:语使能也。 注: "语,言也。"
[En.] "Book of Rites": speech enables one. Note: "language means speech."
- 既歌而语。
[En.] Now singing and speaking.
- 《诗·陈风·东门之池》:可与晤语。
[En.] "Shi": can converse.
- 《诗·小雅·楚茨》:笑语卒获。
[En.] "Shi": laughing talk eventually led to success.
- 《庄子·秋水》:尔将可与语大理矣。
[En.] "Zhuangzi": you can discuss the great truth.
- 《史记·陈涉世家》:旦日,卒中往往语,皆指目陈胜。
[En.] "Records of the Grand Historian": the next day there was often discourse, all pointing to Chen Sheng.
- 《论语·乡党》:食不语,寝不言。
[En.] "Analects": do not speak while eating, nor while sleeping.
- 《北史》:乃向西北奋头,喃喃细语。
[En.] "History of the Northern Dynasties": turning toward the northwest, murmuring softly.
又如: 语涩(说话艰难,不流利); 语薄言轻(语言轻薄); 语吐珠玑(说话像珠玑般优美); 语不间歇; 语冰(比喻人的识量受到时、地所拘束,见识不广); 语语(语其所当语)
[En.] For example: speaking with difficulty; light talk; speaking beautifully; speaking without interruption; limited understanding; to speak appropriately.
3. 鸟兽虫类鸣叫 ([En.] Cry; chirp; roar)
- 前蜀· 牛峤《菩萨蛮》:君裙香暖金泥凤,画梁语燕惊残梦。
[En.] "Poems": The fragrant warm skirts bewilder the dreams of painted beams and swallows.
又如: 语风(在风中鸣叫); 语燕(会说话的燕子); 语鸟(会说话的鸟); 语关关(形容鸟儿鸣叫之声)
[En.] For example: birds singing in the wind; swallows that can speak; birds that can articulate; the sound of birds chirping.
語 yǔ
1. 说的话 ([En.] Spoken language; word)
- 《汉书·李广苏建传》:张胜闻之,恐前语发。
[En.] "Han Shu": Zhang Sheng worried that previous words would be revealed.
- 《谷梁传·僖公二年》:语曰:“唇亡则齿寒。”
[En.] "Gu Liang Zhuan": it is said, "Without lips, the teeth feel cold."
- 《左传·文公十七年》:齐君之语偷。
[En.] "Zuo Zhuan": the words of the Qi ruler were stealthy.
又如: 语体诗(用口语写的诗); 语话(话语;言语); 土语(土话); 评语(评论的话)
[En.] For example: spoken poetry; discourse; dialect; comments.
2. 特指谚语、古语或成语 ([En.] Idiom; set phrase; proverb; saying)
如: 语例(用语的惯例); 口头语; 熟语; 韵语; 妙语; 俚语; 豪语
[En.] For example: conventions of expression; oral language; idioms; rhymes; clever saying; slang; bold remarks.
3. 词语 ([En.] Word)
- 唐· 杜甫《江上值水如海势聊短述》:为人性僻躭佳句,语不惊人死不休。
[En.] "Du Fu": to express niche thoughts, speech must amaze or it will never cease.
又如: 语惊四座; 语泄(密语外泄); 语义(也称词义,指词语的意义); 语妙天下
[En.] For example: speech astonished all; secret words revealed; semantics; language that is unparalleled.
4. 语言 ([En.] Language)
- 《孟子·滕文公下》:有楚大夫于此,欲其子之齐语也。
[En.] "Mengzi": there was a Chu nobleman here, wanting his son to learn the Qi language.
又如: 语支(语言学;依谱系分类法分出的比语族小的语言系统); 语言文字(语言学与文字学的合称); 语简意赅
[En.] For example: language branch; linguistics; concise and comprehensive expression.
5. 用以示意的动作或信号 ([En.] Signal)
如: 目语; 手语; 灯语
[En.] For example: gestures; sign language; semaphore.
6. 语法学科所用的句子术语 ([En.] Term used in analysis of sentences)
如: 主语; 谓语; 宾语、表语、状语
[En.] For example: subject; predicate; object; complement; adverbial.
7. 另见 yù
[En.] See also yù.
語 yù
1. 告诉,使知道 ([En.] Inform; tell)
2. 另见 yǔ
[En.] See also yǔ.
- 《左传·隐公元年》:公语之故,且告之悔。
[En.] "Zuo Zhuan": the lord spoke for this reason and informed him of regret.
- 《论语·阳货》:吾语女。
[En.] "Analects": I inform you.
- 《三国志·方使传》:若引其许,若至,语人。
[En.] "Records of the Three Kingdoms": if he arrived, inform people.
- 晋· 干宝《搜神记》:夫语妻曰:“为王作剑,三年乃成…往必杀我。”
[En.] "Search for the Gods": he told his wife, "For the king, it will take three years to finish the sword… it will surely kill me."
- 清· 彭端淑《为学一首示子侄》:贫者语于富者曰…
[En.] "To Educate": the poor man tells the rich man...
又如: 语言(告诉); 语其友; 不(可)以语人
[En.] For example: to inform; speak to his friend; cannot inform others.
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