Learn to write the Chinese character "谈" by watching the stroke order animation of "谈".
Stroke by Stroke: 谈 Writing Order
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to speak / to talk / to converse / to chat / to discuss / (surname)
谈 (tán)
1. 说,对话。
(To speak, to converse.)
例: ~天。~心。~论。~话。~判。~吐。恳~。洽~。漫~。~笑风生。
(Examples: Talking about the day, Talking about feelings, Discussion, Talk, Judgment, Expounding, Sincere discussion, Friendly negotiation, Casual chatting, Conversing joyfully.)
2. 言论,听说的话。
(Discussion, what is heard or spoken.)
例: 笑~。无稽之~。传为美~。
(Examples: Laughter topic, Absurd talking, Misunderstood as flattering remarks.)
3. 姓。
(A surname.)
谈 (tán)
(动: verb)
【本义】: 说,谈论
(Main meaning: To talk, to discuss)
【造字法】: 形声。从言,炎声。
(Structure: Phono-semantic compound, with "speech" and "flame" as components.)
1. 同本义 ([En.] talk)
1. 《说文》:谈,语也。字亦作谭。
(In Xu Shen's Shuowen Jiezi: "谈 means speech. It can also be written as 谭.")
2. 《诗·小雅·节南山》:不敢戏谈。
(In the Book of Songs: "I do not dare to engage in casual talk.")
3. 《庄子·天运》:三日不谈。
(In Zhuangzi: "Not talking for three days.")
4. 《汉书·公孙宏传》:宏为人谈笑多闻。
(In the Book of Han: "Hong is known for his talking and laughter, and is well-informed.")
5. 《战国策·齐策》:坐谈问之。
(In Records of the Warring States: "Sit down and discuss it.")
6. 南朝梁·丘迟《与陈伯之书》:不假仆一二谈也。
(In a letter by Qiu Chi from Liang Dynasty: "No need for my servant to discuss it.")
7. 明·张溥《五人墓碑记》:谈笑而死。
(In the Ming Dynasty: "Died while talking and laughing.")
8. 清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》:女子毋多谈。
(In Qing Dynasty literature: "Women should not talk too much.")
又如: 谈笑自若; 谈聚 (相聚在一起尽情交谈); 谈会 (聚在一起谈论); 洽谈 (接洽商谈); 座谈 (不拘形式地讨论); 谈天 (谈论天文)。
(Examples: Talking and laughing naturally; Gather for conversation; Come together to discuss; Friendly negotiation; Informal discussion; Talking about astronomy.)
2. 相处融洽 ([En.] get along)
例: 如: 他俩谈得来。
(Examples: They get along well.)
3. 称赞 ([En.] praise)
1. 元·佚名《飞刀对箭》:那个将军不喝采,那个把我不谈羡?
(In the Yuan Dynasty: "That general did not praise, why not envy what I say?")
例: 又如: 谈荐 (称赞和推荐)。
(Examples: Talk of praise and recommendation.)
谈 (tán)
(名: noun)
所说的话,言论 ([En.: what is said or talked about])
如: 奇谈 (令人奇怪的言论); 言谈 (谈话的内容和态度); 谈交 (言谈之交); 谈功 (言谈的功夫)。
(Examples: Strange remarks; Talk content; Friendship through conversation; Conversational skills.)
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