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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

议 stroke order animation

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议 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 议
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 议
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Meaning of

criticize / discuss
议 yì 1. 意见,言论。 [Opinion, remark.] 例如:~论。提~。建~。 (E.g. discussion; give an opinion; suggest a proposal.) 2. 讨论,商量。 [Discuss, negotiate.] 例如:商~。会~。协~。~案。~决。~价。 (E.g. discuss business; hold a meeting to discuss; negotiate; draft a proposal; make a resolution; negotiate a price.) 3. 评论是非,多指责备。 [Comment on right and wrong, often implying criticism.] 例如:非~。恐招物~。 (E.g. comment on faults; may provoke criticism.) 4. 旧时文体的一种,用以论事说理或陈述意见。 [An old literary style used for discussing events, reasoning, or stating opinions.] 例如:奏~。驳~。 (E.g. present an argument; rebuttal.) 动 (Verb) 本义: 商议,讨论 [Original meaning: discuss; deliberate.] 造字法: 形声。从言,义声 [Character composition: phonetic compound; composed of the element for "speech" and "meaning."] 使役 (Usage and examples): 1. 同本义 ([En.] discuss; exchange views on; talk over) 引用:1 《说文》:议,语也。 (From "Shuowen": "议" means speech.) 例: 例如: 议计(商议合计); 议妥(商量妥当); 议婚(商谈联姻之事) (E.g. consult on plans; negotiate to settle details; discuss marriage alliances.) 2. 评议是非 ([En.] comment on) 引用:1 韩愈《柳子厚墓志铭》:议论证据古今。 (Han Yu in "Memorial to Liu Zihou": discussing evidence from past to present.) 例: 例如: 议勋(评议功勋); 议语(谈论) (E.g. comment on merits; discuss words.) 3. 选择 ([En.] select; choose) 引用:1 《仪礼·有司彻》:乃议侑于宾。 注:“犹择也。” (From "Yili": Thus select offerings for guests.) 例: 例如: 议才(选拔人才) (E.g. select talented individuals.) 4. 议处; 议罪 ([En.] consider and punish; discuss a crime) 引用:1 司马迁《报任安书》:因为诬上,卒从吏议。 (Sima Qian, in "Letter to Ren An": because of a false accusation, followed the officials' discussion.) 例: 例如: 议状(论罪定刑的文书); 议处(清制对有过失的官吏,交吏部拟定处罚办法) (E.g. document for sentencing; discuss punishment for officials with faults.) 5. 议论,特指议论政事 ([En.] comment; talk over political matters) 引用:1 《韩非子·五蠹》:故圣人议多少论厚薄为之政。 (Han Feizi: thus wise men discuss the quantity and quality to shape governance.) 6. 通“仪”( yí)。忖度 ([En.] conjecture) 引用:1 《易·系辞上》:议之而后动。 (From "I Ching": consider before taking action.) 名 (Noun) 1. 意见、看法、判断或评价 ([En.] opinion; view) 引用:1 《资治通鉴》:不复料其虚实,便开此议。 (From "Zizhitongjian": no longer consider the truth or falsehood, then opened up to this opinion.) 例: 例如: 议计(意见和计策); 议论风生(比喻能言善道,语辞生动有味) (E.g. opinions and strategies; eloquent discussion, lively and engaging speech.)
yì yuán
member (of a legislative body) / representative
yì hé
to negotiate peace
zī yì
cān yì yuàn
senate / upper chamber (of legislative assembly)
jiā xù jiā yì
narration interspersed with comments
lìng yì
be discussed separately
shāng yì
to negotiate / discussion / proposal
shěn yì
deliberation / pondering / due consideration
xié yì shū
contract / protocol
huì yì shì
meeting room / conference room
lián xí huì yì
joint conference
yì xí
seat in a parliament or legislative assembly
jiàn yì
to propose / to suggest / to recommend / proposal / suggestion / recommendation / CL:個|个[ge4],點|点[dian3]
yì yì
objection / dissent
chú yì
lit. grass-cutter's comment (humble); fig. my observation as a humble layman / my humble opinion
bù kě sī yì
inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable / unfathomable
nǐ yì
proposal / recommendation / to draft
tí yì
proposal / suggestion / to propose / to suggest
jué yì
a resolution / to pass a resolution
xié yì
agreement / pact / protocol / CL:項|项[xiang4]
yì àn
proposal / motion
jué yì àn
resolution (of a meeting)
chàng yì
to suggest / to initiate / proposal / initiative
chàng yì shū
written proposal / document outlining an initiative
Zhòng yì yuàn
lower house of bicameral assembly / House of Representatives (USA) / Chamber of Deputies
huì yì
meeting / conference / CL:場|场[chang3],屆|届[jie4]
yì huì
parliament / legislative assembly
zhēng yì
controversy / dispute / to dispute
yì shì
to discuss official business
yì chéng
agenda / agenda item
qiè qiè sī yì
mutter to each other / discuss sth. in secret / exchange whispered comments / talk in low voices
yì lùn fēn fēn
to discuss spiritedly (idiom) / tongues are wagging
yì tí
topic of discussion / topic / subject / issue (under discussion) / CL:項|项[xiang4]
yì lùn
to comment / to talk about / to discuss / discussion / CL:個|个[ge4]
píng yì
to appraise through discussion
shì pín huì yì
videoconferencing / videoconference

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Pinyin yi4
Four Corner
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