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充 stroke order animation

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充 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 充
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 充
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Meaning of

Pinyin chōng
fill / satisfy / fulfill / to act in place of / substitute / sufficient / full
充 [chōng] 1. 满、足: full, sufficient. - 充足: adequate. - 充实: substantial. - 充分: fully. - 充沛: abundant. - 充裕: ample. 2. 填满,装满: fill, pack. - 填充: to fill. - 充满: (1) fill up; (2) plentiful. - 充耳不闻: deliberately ignore. - 充电: recharge. - 汗牛充栋: extremely large quantities. 3. 当,担任: serve as, hold a position. - 充当: to serve as. 4. 假装: pretend, fake. - 冒充: to impersonate. - 充数: to pad or fill a number. 5. 姓: a surname. 充 [chōng] 形 [adjective] - 本义: long; high. - 同本义 ([En.] tall). 引 [reference] 1. 《说文》: 充,长也,高也. 2. 《仪礼·特牲礼》: 宗人视牲告充. - 满 ([En.] full). 引 [reference] 1. 《小尔雅》: 充,塞也. 2. 《广雅》: 充,满也. 3. 《左传·襄公三十一年》: 冠盗充斥. 4. 《谷梁传·庄公二十五年》: 言充其阳也. 5. 《荀子·子道》: 颜色充盈. 例 [example] - 充多: numerous. - 充车: a full cart. - 充房: a full house. - 充堂: a full hall. - 足;实;富厚 ([En.] sufficient). 例 [example] - 充壮: robust; vigorous. - 充强: strong and substantial. - 肥胖 ([En.] fat). 例 [example] - 充肥: corpulent; stout. - 充腴: plump. - 充泽: lush. 充 [chōng] 动 [verb] 1. 装满;塞满 ([En.] fill). 引 [reference] 1. 《周礼·大府》: 以充府库. 2. 《淮南子·说山》: 近之则钟音充. 3. 司马光《训俭示康》: 平生衣取蔽寒,食取充腹. 4. 《战国策·齐策》: 狗马实外厩,美人充下陈. 例 [example] - 充虚: fill the stomach. - 充肠: fill the belly. - 充庭: an ancient court ceremony. 2. 假冒 ([En.] pretend to be). 例 [example] - 充行家: pretend to be an expert. - 打肿脸充胖子: to inflate one's importance. - 滥竽充数: to fill a gap with substandard quality. - 充好汉: to act like a hero. 3. 扩充,扩大;尽量展开 ([En.] enlarge). 例 [example] - 充广: expand. - 充扩: expand and develop. 4. 凑数;补充 ([En.] serve as a stopgap). 例 [example] - 充赋: make up a number. - 充事: make do. 5. 备;供应 ([En.] supply). 例 [example] - 充庖: provide meals. - 充寒: prepare for cold weather. - 充给: supply. 6. 任职,充任;充当 ([En.] serve as). 引 [reference] 1. 《聊斋志异·促织》: 遂为猾胥报充里正役. 2. 白居易《卖炭翁》: 半匹红绡一丈绫,系向牛头充炭直. 例 [example] - 充吏: serve in office. - 充任: assume a position. - 充位: merely occupy a position without achievement.
tián chōng wù
chōng fèn fā huī
give full play to / allow full play to
hàn niú chōng dòng
lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters (idiom); fig. many books
bǔ chōng
to replenish / to supplement / to complement / additional / supplementary / CL:個|个[ge4]
chōng mǎn
full of / brimming with / very full / permeated
chōng dāng
to serve as / to act as / to play the role of
chōng zú
adequate / sufficient / abundant
kuò chōng
to expand
chōng shí
rich / full / substantial / to enrich / to augment / to substantiate (an argument)
chōng pèi
abundant / plentiful / vigorous
chōng diàn
to recharge batteries / fig. to rest and recuperate
mào chōng
to feign / to pretend to be / to pass oneself off as
chōng jūn
to banish (to an army post, as a punishment)
chōng chì
to be full of / to flood / to congest
tián chōng
pad / padding
chōng rèn
to fill a post / to act as
chōng yù
abundant / ample / plenty / abundance
chōng jī
to allay one's hunger
chōng xuè
hyperemia (increase in blood flow) / blood congestion
chōng qí liàng
at most / at best
chōng tián
to fill (gap, hole, area, blank) / to pad out / to complement / (dental) filling / filled
chōng qì
to inflate
jīng lì chōng pèi
vigorous / energetic
chōng yì
to overflow (with riches) / replete
làn yú chōng shù
lit. to play the yu 竽 mouth organ to make up numbers (idiom); fig. to make up the numbers with inferior products / to masquerade as having an ability / token member of a group
chōng fèn
ample / sufficient / adequate / full / fully / to the full
chōng yíng
abundant / plentiful
dǎ zhǒng liǎn chōng pàng zi
lit. to swell one's face up by slapping it to look imposing (idiom); to seek to impress by feigning more than one's abilities
chōng fèn kǎo lǜ
to give sufficient consideration to
huà bǐng chōng jī
lit. to allay one's hunger using a picture of a cake / to feed on illusions (idiom)

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