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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 从
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 从
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Meaning of

Pinyin cóng、 zòng、 zōng
lax / yielding / unhurried, from / obey / observe / follow, second cousin
从 (cóng) 1. 跟随。 Follow. 2. 依顺。 Comply with. 3. 采取,按照。 Accept; act according to. 4. 从事;参加。 Join; be engaged in. 5. 由,自。 From; starting from. 6. 跟随的人。 Follower; attendant. 7. 宗族中次于至亲的亲属。 Relatives of the clan, subordinate to immediate family. 8. 次要的。 Secondary. 9. 中国魏以后,古代官品(有“正品”和“从品”之分,宋代龙图阁大学士为从二品)。 In ancient times after the Wei dynasty in China, a grade of official title (differentiated into "primary" and "secondary" ranks; during the Song dynasty, the Grand Scholar of Longtu Pavilion was of the second rank). 10. 姓。 Surname. ### Example Usages: 1. 跟随:愿~其后。 Follow: I wish to follow behind. 2. 依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。 Comply with: Follow along. Blindly comply. Follow good deeds as water flows. 3. 采取,按照:~优。 Accept, act according to: Accept excellence. 4. 从事;参加:~业。~政。投笔~戎。 Be engaged in: Engage in industry. Participate in politics. To put down the pen and join the army. 5. 由,自:~古至今。~我做起。 From, starting from: From ancient times to now. Starting from myself. 6. 跟随的人:侍~。仆~。 Follower: Attendant. Servant. 7. 宗族中次于至亲的亲属:~父(伯父、叔父的通称)。 Relatives subordinate to immediate family: Uncle (a common term for paternal uncles). 8. 次要的:主~。~犯。 Secondary: Main and subordinate. Secondary offender. 9. 中国魏以后,古代官品: Ancient titles of officials after the Wei dynasty. 10. 姓: Surname. ### Verbs, Prepositions, Nouns, Adjectives: 动词 (Verb): 跟随 (follow), 依顺 (comply), 采取 (accept), 从事 (engage), 听从 (obey), 参与其事 (join). 介词 (Preposition): 由 (from). 名词 (Noun): 因由 (reason), 次要 (secondary), 堂房亲属 (relationship of the same clan). 形容词 (Adjective): 顺畅的 (smooth), 次要 (accessory). ### Note: Anciently, it is also same as "纵", indicating to go straight or to let go. For further reference, see the entry for "从容".
cóng tóu dào wěi
from start to finish / from head to tail / the whole (thing)
cóng tóu zhì wěi
from cover to cover / from title page to colophon / cephalocanudad / all the way
qū cóng
to capitulate
cóng shǔ
bēi cóng zhōng lái
overcome by feeling of sorrow / feel sadness welling up
wéi mìng shì cóng
always do as one is told / be absolutely obedient / receive absolutely one's instruction
tóu bǐ cóng róng
to lay down the pen and take up the sword (idiom) / to join the military (esp. of educated person)
hù cóng
cortege / retainer / retinue / lictor
kàng jù cóng yán
severe punishment to those who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge their crimes / severe punishment to resister
zé shàn ér cóng
to choose the right course and follow it (idiom)
cóng wèi yǒu guò
have no precedent
cóng zhōng zuò gěng
place obstacles in the way / create difficulties / hinder sb. from carring out a plan
shì cóng
to serve (an important personage) / attendant / retainer
yī cóng
to comply with / to obey
máng cóng
to follow blindly / to conform slavishly / unthinking obedience
pú cóng
footman / retainer / henchman
pú cóng guó
vassal country
cóng jīn
cóng cǐ
from now on / since then / henceforth
shì cóng
cóng lái
always / at all times / never (if used in negative sentence)
cóng wèi
fú cóng
to obey (an order) / to comply / to defer
zì cóng
since (a time) / ever since
cóng bù
cóng qián
previously / formerly / once upon a time
cóng xiǎo
from childhood / as a child
cóng lái bù
cóng zhōng
from within / therefrom
cóng méi
never (in the past) / never did
wú cóng
not to have access / beyond one's authority or capability / sth one has no way of doing
suí cóng
to accompany / to follow / to attend / entourage / attendant
cóng róng
to go easy / unhurried / calm / Taiwan pr. [cong1 rong2]
tīng cóng
to listen and obey / to comply with / to heed / to hearken
cóng tóu
anew / from the start
cóng shì
to go for / to engage in / to undertake / to deal with / to handle / to do
xié cóng fàn
induced accomplice / coerced accomplice / accomplice under duress
xié cóng
be an accomplice under duress
cóng yán
strict / rigorous / severely
cóng ér
thus / thereby
cóng yè
to practice (a trade)
cóng jiàn rú liú
to follow admonition as natural flow (idiom); to accept criticism or correction (even from one's inferiors)
cóng róng bù pò
calm / unruffled
wú suǒ shì cóng
not knowing which course to follow (idiom); at a loss what to do
zūn cóng
to comply with / to follow (directives) / to defer (to the judgment of superiors)
shùn cóng
obedient / to comply / to submit / to defer

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Input Method for
Pinyin cong2
Four Corner
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