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胁 stroke order animation

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胁 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 胁
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 胁
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Meaning of

Pinyin xié
side of body / threaten
胁 (xié) 1. 从腋下到肋骨尽处的部分。 [En.] The upper part of the side of the human body. 2. 逼迫恐吓。 [En.] Coerce or intimidate. 3. 收敛。 [En.] Contract or shrink. 【本义】: 腋下肋骨所在的部分 [En.] The original meaning: the area under the armpit where the rib is located. 【造字法】: 形声。从肉(月),劦(xié)声。 [En.] Phonetic composition: A picture of flesh (月) combined with the sound (劦). 1. 同本义 ([En.] same as the original meaning) 2. 肋骨 ([En.] rib) 3. 旁边,边侧 ([En.] side) - 引: 1. 《说文》:胁,两膀也。 按,腋下之名也。其骨谓之肋,牲体则谓之拍。 [En.] "Xié refers to both sides. It denotes the area under the armpit. The bones are called ribs, and in animals, they are referred to as flanks." 2. 《素问·至真要大论》:两胁里急。 [En.] "The sides are urgent." 3. 《管子·版法》:兵尚胁盾。注:“盾或著之于胁,固曰胁盾。” [En.] "The troops are still next to the shield." 4. 《仪礼》:脊胁肺肩在上。 [En.] "The spine and sides are at the top." 5. 明· 魏禧《大铁椎传》:右胁夹大铁椎。 [En.] "The right side is pressed against a large iron club." 6. 《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》:越天都之胁。 [En.] "Crossing over to the side of Tiandu." 例: - 胁胑(由腋下到腰以上的部位) [En.] The area from the armpit to above the waist. - 胁窝里(比喻两侧) [En.] In the "pit," metaphorically referring to both sides. - 胁不沾席(形容佛教徒勤苦修行) [En.] Not touching the mat, used to describe the diligent practice of a Buddhist. - 胁骨(肋骨) [En.] Rib. - 胁衣(女人的内衣。或称“袜”) [En.] Women's undergarments, also referred to as "socks." - 胁肢(胁和臂之间的部位) [En.] The area between the side and the arm. - 胁盾(盾的或称) [En.] A reference to shields. 4. 挟持 ([En.] coerce) - 引: 1. 《礼记·礼运》:是谓胁君。 [En.] "This is called coercing the ruler." 2. 《国语·晋语》:乃胁栾中行。 [En.] "So they coerced Luan Zhongxing." 例: - 裹胁(用胁迫手段使人跟从) [En.] To force someone to follow using coercive methods. - 胁君(胁持国君;被胁持的国君) [En.] Coercing the ruler; the ruler who is being coerced. - 胁权(挟权。假用君上权名胁迫别人) [En.] Coercing under the pretense of using the ruler's authority to intimidate others. 5. 威逼,用威力促使 ([En.] force) - 引: 1. 《左传·庄公八年》:公欲从之。众从者胁公,不得归。 [En.] "The duke wished to follow, but those following forced him and he could not return." 2. 《汉书·常惠传》:使使胁求君主。 [En.] "To pressurize the monarch." 例: - 胁污(被胁迫而致玷污) [En.] Being coerced and thus becoming sullied. - 胁劫(威胁而劫持之) [En.] Coerce and abduct. - 胁和(迫使讲和) [En.] To force a peaceful resolution. - 胁服(迫使服从) [En.] To compel obedience. - 胁降(迫使降服;被迫投降) [En.] To force surrender; compelled to yield. 6. 通“翕”(xī)。收缩。 [En.] To alternate with "xī". Contract or shrink. 例: - 胁肩(耸起肩膀,故示敬畏) [En.] To shrug the shoulders as a sign of respect. - 胁肩低眉(胁肩低首。缩肩低头。形容故作恭敬畏惧的样子) [En.] To shrug and lower one's head, adopting an appearance of feigned humility and fear. - 胁肩累足(缩紧肩膀,不敢立正,形容极为恐惧) [En.] To tighten the shoulders and not stand upright, depicting extreme fear.
wēi xié
to threaten / to menace
wēi xié lùn
threat theory
xié pò
to coerce / to compel / to force
xiōng xié
chest and hypochondrium / upper part of the body
hé wēi xié
nuclear threat
guǒ xié
to compel / to coerce
wēi xié xìng
xié cóng fàn
induced accomplice / coerced accomplice / accomplice under duress
xié cóng
be an accomplice under duress
wēi xié lì yòu
intimidation and bribery

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Input Method for
Pinyin xie2
Four Corner
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